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Media Quality Indicator

knamoach edited this page Apr 5, 2022 · 6 revisions

Media Quality Indicator

Media Quality Indicator can be received after registering callback on call/Meeting.

The API provides an indication of network status and other information related to the user device, for an ongoing call. Network status includes poor uplink, poor downlink, network lost and good network.

NOTE: This API is only available from sdk-version 3.4.0-SNAPSHOT onwards

Media Quality Indicator API Examples

  1. Registering a onMediaQualityInfoChanged listener
    call.setObserver(object : CallObserver {
            override fun onMediaQualityInfoChanged(mediaQualityInfo: Call.MediaQualityInfo) {
                when (mediaQualityInfo) {
                    Call.MediaQualityInfo.NetworkLost -> {
                        // network lost
                    Call.MediaQualityInfo.Good -> {
                        // network quality is good
                    Call.MediaQualityInfo.PoorUplink -> {
                        // poor uplink local network condition, e.g. packets lost or jitter between media server and device while sending media
                    Call.MediaQualityInfo.PoorDownlink -> {
                        // poor downlink local network condition, e.g. packets lost or jitter between media server and device while receiving media
                    Call.MediaQualityInfo.HighCpuUsage -> {
                        // The device has high cpu usage
                    Call.MediaQualityInfo.DeviceLimitation -> {
                        // The device has poor capability, e.g. CPU core count is not enough or memory size is small
  1. Unregistering a onMediaQualityInfoChanged listener
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