Releases: 7Cav/cScripts
Releases · 7Cav/cScripts
What's Changed
- remove arsenal box globaly from player by @AndreasBrostrom in #846
- Added ability to disable stageing zone via module by @AndreasBrostrom in #845
- Update Strykers with M32 MGL by @Robot-Panda15 in #843
- USP Overhaul. by @Robot-Panda15 in #847
- Change default grenade to mirror changes to gear by @AndreasBrostrom in #848
Full Changelog: 4.4.6...4.4.7
What's Changed
- added missing insignias by @AndreasBrostrom in #840
- Update Bravo Medic Kits (Hotfix) by @Robot-Panda15 in #838
- Fixed faction system not implemented in cosmetics by @AndreasBrostrom in #839
Full Changelog: 4.4.5...4.4.6
What's Changed
- ADDED: Debugging personal #831
- ADDED: Ability to ignore NVG drop when jumping #833
- CHANGED: HALO jump now keep your nods #833
- CHANGED: A3TI CBA settings arefully client adjustable #835
- CHANGED: GetPylon now don't need vehicle object cause it made no sense #830
- ADDED: Better Pylon selection #829
- ADDED: Loadouts being automaticly applied #829
- ADDED: Loadouts are now save in the vehicle variable. #825
- CHANGED: adding loadouts are now handled by
function. #825
Loadouts and Inventory
- FIXED: Headers of compositions #824
Full Changelog: 4.4.4...4.4.5
What's Changed
- ADDED: Target script that allow you to see where you hit a object (#821)
- FIXED: Issue with loadout interaction menu (#822)
Loadouts and Inventory
- No Changes
Full Changelog: 4.4.3...4.4.4
What's Changed
- ADDED: #attendance chat command (#819)
- Command will place all player names in your clipboard.
Command will also place all players in a neet list in your rpt log
- Command will place all player names in your clipboard.
- ADDED: Global variable to check for One Life Ops (#814)
- CHANGED: Heal actions are now hidden when one life ops are enabled (#814)
- CHANGED: Regear no loger heal players (#814)
- CHANGED: Regear parameter no does not contain heal boolean (#814)
- CHANGED: Updated CBA Settings (#815)
- CHANGED: get attendance is now a local event (#819)
- FIXED: Errors on the server caused by no client existing (#817)
- FIXED: Spelling for endex hold fire messages (#818)
- FIXED: Stageing Starter Crate parameter not working (#816)
Loadouts and Inventory
- ADDED: Loadout system for M1A1 Abrams (#813)
- Loadouts are accessable via the vehicle interaction menu when inside of the staging zone.
- ADDED: Mixed loadout
- ADDED: Default loadout (Default loadout)
- ADDED: Light loadout for soft target engagements
- ADDED: Heavy loadout for hard target engagements
- No Changes
Full Changelog: 4.4.2...4.4.3
What's Changed
- CHANGED: CBA Settings ACE View Distance Limiter is now enabled
Loadouts and Inventory
- No Changes
- No Changes
Full Changelog: 4.4.1...4.4.2
- ADDED: Additional acre funcion checks #809
- FIXED: Missing launchers to weapons team and viking units #808
- FIXED: Missing roles to viking units #808
- FIXED: New medical equipment to Atlas #808
- FIXED: 40mm grenades are now avalible for all loadouts and not just weapon system #808
- FIXED: Arsenal medic gear is not added via ablility and not role #808
- FIXED: Inhetitence for viking classes #808
- MAJOR: All functions have been moved inside of the script package. #732
- MAJOR: Reworked vehicle cargo, inventory, cosmetics radio and functions application system. #732
- ADDED: Vehicle Staging System #732
TankTheAbrams setVariable ["cScripts_Vehicle_Callsign", 0];
to allow M1A1 label plus 1to4 to show barrelart minus to skip art. #799 - ADDED:
TankTheAbrams setVariable ["cScripts_Vehicle_Name", ""];
to allow M1A1 naming. #799 - ADDED: Ability to select barrel art and number on abrams via staging #801
- ADDED: Ability to turned out crew to add flag to M1A1 #800
- ADDED: Feedback when you rearm your loadout. #743
- ADDED: Improved inheritence for Alpha Co. Loadouts #743
- ADDED: M1A1 Barrel Text is now hardcoded and set by us. #799
- ADDED: Role config property to filter specific loadout items. #743
- ADDED: Stangeing Arsenal #743
- ADDED: Setting to allow or disallow radio assignations #732
- ADDED: You can now define stadging zone via global variable #793
to indentify player untis (GVAR(isPlayer)
) #772 - ADDED:
marker types to allow creation of stageing zones. #772 - ADDED: addAction hint button to show that your inside of a staging zone. #772
- ADDED: Better checks for CfgPatches for specific functions #772
- ADDED: Event applyLoadout to handle targeted loadout applications #772
now support VectorDirAndUp when the direction parm is set tofalse
. #732 - CHANGED:
now only accept markers or objects as arguments #772 - CHANGED:
to now handle all vehicles #732 - CHANGED:
now return true when successfull #772 - CHANGED: Abilities are now always applies even when you have a saved loadout. #743
- CHANGED: Atlas radio is now set for vehilces using medical type #805
- CHANGED: Formating in postInit file #772
- CHANGED: Formating in preInit file #772
- CHANGED: Improved ACRE loadout filtering if acre is used in loadouts #743
- CHANGED: Improved and updated staging system #772
- CHANGED: Radio channels for saber vehicles to mirror section #799
- CHANGED: Radio functions dont run when acre is not enabled or pressent #806
- CHANGED: Regear now utalize utalize localEvents #772
- CHANGED: Renamed
#732 - CHANGED: Renamed init functions to better describe what they handle and do #772
- CHANGED: Renamed initACELoadouts to init_aceArsenalDefault #743
- CHANGED: Renamed initStaging to init_staging #743
- CHANGED: Renamed moduels and added prefix to easier distinguish them
- CHANGED: setVehicleLable now aply texture to a whider range of vehicle using inherit base classes #732
- CHANGED: Vehicle inventory, cosmetics and radio is only added to vehicles defined in the CBA Settings vehicle faction array #732
- CHANGED: Warning logging in selectLoadout to be better formated #772
- FIXED: BIS rank not being aplied to players with clan and rank prefix #772
- FIXED: C-130 Cargo size #803
- FIXED: External and internal spelling #772
- FIXED: gear_removeLoadout function never removing anything #743
- FIXED: MILS and IFF pannels not being hidden on the abrams in some cases. #799
- FIXED: Possibly google overlay not being applied propperly when altering loadouts on init. #743
- FIXED: Regear not giving you a loadout in certain situations. #743
- FIXED: Size taken for MRAP vehicles #803
- FIXED: Size taken for Stryker vehicles #803
- FIXED: Spelling and terminology in script headers and variable names #743
- FIXED: Stageing system not being able to create zones on markers. #772
- FIXED: Wrong type of logging in para equipment simulation #772
function #772 - REMOVED: Achillies support for moduels #785
- REMOVED: Some debug messages from functions #772
- REMOVED: Starter Crate Arsenal system #743
- REMOVED: TAWVD script from cScripts #789
- MISC: Varrius quality of life and bugfixes #798 #797 #795
- Ability to override company check
- Added ability to have empty inventory
- Added setting and fixed numbering
- Broader usage of helicopter for inventory appications
- Disable default for non valid loadout
- Disabled arenal if you dont have any valid loadout
- Fixed function returning empty
- Improved check
- Whitelist return empty
- ADDED: Missing launchers to weapons team and viking units #794
- ADDED: Missing roles to viking units #794
- ADDED: New medical equipment to Atlas #794
- CHANGED: 40mm grenades are now avalible for all loadouts and not just weapon system #794
- CHANGED: Arsenal medic gear is not added via ablility and not role #794
- CHANGED: Inhetitence for viking classes #794
- FIXED: Bug were company variable always returned
causing arenal filter to return default company #794