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Alexander Dyachenko edited this page May 14, 2022 · 7 revisions

Dictionary structure

The dictionary consists of the clauses, translations and relations.


Clause it's a word definition.

Each clause contains (bold for mandatory properties):

  • The word itself (each word should be unique throughout the dictionary);
  • Group of the word - mark of how well user know this word;
  • Transcription;
  • Link to the sound file (pronunciation of the word);
  • Context/example/notes - an arbitrary piece of information related to the word;
  • Translations;
  • Relations;
  • Asterisk type.

Word groups

Each word belongs to one of five groups depending on how well it's known by user:

  • A group - for definitely known words;
  • B group - for well known words;
  • C group - for relatively known words;
  • D group - for unknown words that needed to be memorized;
  • E group - for totally unknown words.

User assign a group to the word by itself and reassign it with the time, depending on his/her progress.


Each word could contain zero or more translations.

Each translation includes the translation itself and optionally name of the part of the speech (e.g. "bark" - noun, "to bark" - verb).


Each word could contain zero or more relations. Relation it's a link between two words, with description that allows user to memorize these words better. For instance spanish words "abrigo" and "refugio" could have a relation "synonym" because they have quite similar meaning "shelter".

Which words should be linked by means of relations and what description should be, depends on user, it's not about certain rules. For example user can link confusing personally for him/her words, or homophones, or whatever relation is needed (maybe it's words which were taken by user from a certain book).

Program will show word's relations in many places thus help user to memorize words better by means of building connections between these words in his/her memory.

Word asterisks

Asterisk is a mark that allows user to specify words which user wants to focus on. These words will be selected for training at least once a day (if user go through enough amount of trainings that day). But only words within active filter could be selected, that is if a word is not shown on the main window it cannot be selected for training regardless of its asterisk type.

There are several types of asterisk:

  • A - word should be trained in all kinds of training;
  • M - word should be trained in any kind of meaning training;
  • S - word should be trained in any kind of spelling training;
  • L - word should be trained in the listening training.

Information about types of trainings

Once a word with asterisk passed through the related training it still could be selected again in the same day but not due to its asterisk.