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Kismet SequenceAction Documentation

FromDarkHell edited this page Aug 22, 2018 · 1 revision

Kismet Sequence Action Documentation

Sequence Actions

SequenceActions (or SeqAct) are the actions in a kismet sequence that actually have significant weight. Most of the time you will be editing a Sequence Action of some form or another.


A RemoteEvent such as, Ash_Dynamic.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Main_Sequence.A_Real_Boy.SeqAct_ActivateRemoteEvent_0, will search every level until it finds a remote event that matches the EventName property on the SeqAct_ActivateRemoteEvent.


A SeqAct_ApplyBehavior such as, Ash_Combat.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Main_Sequence.SeqAct_ApplyBehavior_1, will run every Behavior in the Behaviors array, in chronological order of appearance in the array.


A SeqAct_AttachToEvent such as, Hunger_Mission_3.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Main_Sequence.DefendTheCook.SeqAct_AttachToEvent_0, will attach a Kismet Sequence Event(s), noted in the EventLinks array to variable(s) which are noted in the VariableLinks array.


A SeqAct_CameraFade will fade the camera at a set Opacity, Color, Alpha for a set time (FadeOpacity,FadeColor,Alpha,FadeTime).


A SeqAct_ChangeCollision will change the collision of objects, (in the VariableLinks array and in the Targets array) to the collision type specified in the CollisionType property.


A SeqAct_CommitMapChange will commit a map change.


A SeqAct_ConsoleCommand will run command(s) as specified in the Commands array. It might also apply the command(s) ran to a Variable in the VariableLinks array.


A SeqAct_FinishSequence will finish the currently running / parent Sequence.


A SeqAct_GetDistance will get the distance between two variables as noted in the VariableLinks property and return a float using the distance between the two variables.


A SeqAct_GetLocationAndRotation will get the location and rotation of a variable as noted in the VariableLinks property and return a Vector.


A SeqAct_GetVelocity will get the velocity of a variable as specified in the VariableLinks array and return a float.


A SeqAct_IsInObjectList will run two different SequenceActions depending on if a Variable (once again noted in VariableLinks) is in an ObjectList.


A SeqAct_Delay will delay for the amount of time specified in Duration.


These are the back-bone of many things in Borderlands, such as in-game rendered cutscenes! They can run certain and do certain things based on the values in the InterpData specified in the VariableLinks property.


A SeqAct_PrepareMapChange will prepare a map change based on a definition specified in the DefaultMap property. It will generally then run a SeqAct_CommitMapChange to commit the map change. These two SequenceActions are the backbone of Borderlands' multi-level abilities.


A GearboxSeqAct_TriggerDialog and subclasses will trigger a dialog based on the, EventTag, and NameTag.


A SeqAct_PlayBinkMovie will play a bink movie as specified in Borderlands' WillowGame\Movies directory.


A SeqAct_Log is used to log things to the Borderlands' log file.


A SeqAct_SetSequenceVariable and subclasses are able to: Add, Divide, Multiply, Subtract, (Cast)[]


A SeqAct_Switch will run its OutputLinks after the time it's been ran is equal to the LinkCount property. The number the total amount the SeqAct_Switch is ran is also affected by the IncrementAmount although the number is generally 1.


A SeqAct_Toggle will toggle off the objects in its VariableLinks.


A SeqAct_Teleport will teleport all objects in its VariableLinks to the Destination object in the VariableLinks.

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