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Wonderlands Spare Pool Registry

CJ Kucera edited this page Oct 9, 2022 · 3 revisions

Modders often wish they had spare ItemPoolData objects around for use with gear drops and the like, and they're often at a premium. The Wonderlands data, however, seems to have quite a few totally-unused ItemPools. Note that their unused-ness hasn't been fully verified -- the data just came out of Apocalyptech's Wonderlands Reference DB, but it's probably reasonably accurate.

Since multiple mods might want to make use of these spare pools, it makes sense to have a registry page where mods can "claim" one or more of these pools. So, if you're a mod author looking to make use of one of these, please edit this page to lay claim to the one(s) you want!

Pool Name Used In
/Game/Automation/Maps/DPS/ItemPools/ItemPool_TESTONLY_CircleOfProtection_Base Apocalyptech's "Starting Gear" mods
/Game/Automation/Maps/DPS/ItemPools/ItemPool_TESTONLY_CircleOfProtection_Mod1 Apocalyptech's "Expanded Legendary Pools" mod
/Game/Automation/Maps/DPS/ItemPools/ItemPool_TESTONLY_CircleOfProtection_Mod2 Apocalyptech's "Expanded Legendary Pools" mod
/Game/Automation/Maps/DPS/ItemPools/ItemPool_TESTONLY_CircleOfProtection_Mod3 Apocalyptech's "Testing Loot Drops" mod
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