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Pre Sequel Skinpool Usage

CJ Kucera edited this page Jul 7, 2018 · 6 revisions

This page documents the vanilla usage of all Pre-Sequel skin/head pools, primarily collated while investigating the Issues with Skinpools and Ingame Rewards page. This page can be used to discover what drops/rewards might be impacted when putting more than one item into one of the custom skinpools.

See TPS Custom Skin and Head Pool Registry for the freed skinpools available for use by modders, and Borderlands 2 Skinpool Usage for the BL2 version of this page.

Challenge Reward Pools

These are the pools used by challenge rewards. The game will attempt to only give you the skin of the char you're playing as.

Pool Name Level Description
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.BanditEpic Projectile Proliferation 5 Fire a lot of rounds.
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.BanditUncommon Boomstick Boogie 3 Kill enemies with shotguns.
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.BlueBold Shut Up and Drive 3 Drive for miles, and miles, and miles...
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.BlueNinja Battle Star 5 Kill flying enemies with laser weapons while airborne.
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.BluePattern Up Unt at Zem 5 Revive a co-op partner.
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.CyanNinja There Can Be Only... Me 5 Get Second Winds by killing badass enemies.
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.CyanPale Over the Moon 3 Purchase items with Moonstones.
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.CyanPattern Comet Crash 5 Shatter frozen enemies with falling damage.
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.DahlEpic Crouch Potato 5 Kill enemies with assault rifles while crouched.
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.GreenBold A Chunk of Purest Green 3 Loot or purchase green-rarity items.
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.GreenBoldAccent Barrel of Laughs 3 Kill enemies with stationary barrels.
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.GreenPale Nova Say Die 3 Kill enemies with a Nova shield burst.
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.Head005 Death from Above 5 Kill enemies while in the air.
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.HyperionEpic Penetrating Wound 5 Kill shielded enemies with one shot using sniper rifles.
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.HyperionUncommon Nice Spray Job 3 Kill enemies with SMGs.
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.JakobsEpic Gunslinger 5 Kill enemies shortly after aiming down the sights with a pistol.
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.JakobsUncommon Trigger Happy 3 Kill enemies with pistols.
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.MaliwanEpic Some Like It Hot 5 Deal damage with incendiary DoT (damage-over-time) effects.
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.MaliwanUncommon Pew Pew 3 Kill enemies with laser weapons.
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.OrangePale Slayer of Titans 3 Kill kraggon badasses.
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.OrangePattern Crash & Burn 3 Destroy Lost Legion jet fighters.
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.PinkBold Home Nade Cookin' 3 Kill enemies with grenades.
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.PinkPale More Where That Came From 3 Kill Eridian Guardian bosses.
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.PinkPandoracorn The Happiest Color 5 Loot or purchase legendary items.
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.PurpleBold Scrounging Around 3 Open lootable crates, lockers, and other objects.
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.PurplePale Big MIRV 3 Kill enemies with MIRV grenades.
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.RedPale Martial Marshal 3 Kill enemies with melee attacks.
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.RedPattern Space Dead 3 Kill scav outlaws.
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.TedioreEpic Throw Me the Money! 5 Kill enemies with Tediore reloads.
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.TedioreUncommon Get a Rocket up Ya 3 Kill enemies with rocket launchers.
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.TorgueEpic Missile Magnet 5 Kill enemies with direct hits from rocket launchers.
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.TorgueUncommon Assault With a Deadly Weapon 3 Kill enemies with assault rifles.
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.VladofEpic Ammo Eater 5 Absorb enemy ammo with an Absorption shield.
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.VladofUncommon Sharp Shooter 3 Kill enemies with sniper rifles.
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.YellowBoldAccent Master Chef 3 Discover Grinder recipes.
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.YellowPale Splat 'n' Slide 3 Kill enemies by power-sliding over them in a vehicle.
GD_CustomItemPools_Marigold.Rewards.MarigoldSkin04 Claptomaniac 3 Kill insecurity forces.
GD_CustomItemPools_Marigold.Rewards.MarigoldSkin05 99 Problems and a Glitch Aint One 5 Loot or purchase Glitched-rarity items.

Mission Reward Pools

These are the pools used by mission rewards. The game will attempt to only give you the skin of the char you're playing as.

Pool Mission
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.Black Trouble with Space Hurps
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.BlueBoldAccent DAHL Combat Training: Round 4
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.BluePale Fresh Air
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.GreenPattern Grinders
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.Head003 The Voyage of Captain Chef
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.Head004 Cleanliness Uprising
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.Head012 The Beginning of the End (may not actually match char?)
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.PurpleDark Last Requests
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.SnickitSkin The Don
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.YellowPattern Boomshakalaka
GD_CustomItemPools_Marigold.Rewards.MarigoldHead02 You Can Stop the Music
GD_CustomItemPools_Marigold.Rewards.MarigoldSkin08 Corrosion of Dignity
GD_CustomItemPools_petunia.Rewards.PetuniaHeads Digistructed Madness: Round 2
GD_CustomItemPools_petunia.Rewards.PetuniaSkins Digistructed Madness: Round 1


Pools in this category do not attempt to match the character you're playing as. They would still get affected by the issues linked to in the opening paragraph, though, since that ends up truncating the reward pools. (Doppelgangers in specific would very often miss out on skins/heads.)

Generic Enemy Drop Pools

Pool Drop
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.CyanBold giant shugguraths of ice
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.CyanBoldAccent badass torks
GD_CustomItemPools_Marigold.Rewards.MarigoldSkin09 LootBugs

Specific Enemy Drop Pools

Pool Drop
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.DahlUncommon Felicity Rampant
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.GreenNinja Tiny Destroyer
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.Head006 Belly
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.Head007 Bosun
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.Head008 Felicity Rampant
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.Head009 Colonel T. Zarpedon, The Sentinel
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.Head011 The Sentinel
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.OrangeBold Rooster Booster
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.OrangeBoldAccent Even-More-Disgusting Tork
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.OrangeNinja Iwajira
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.PinkNinja Tungsteena Zarpedon (Ascended), The Sentinel
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.PurpleNinja Deadlift
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.RedBold Lost Legion Powersuit Noob
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.RedBoldAccent Corporal Bob
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.RedNinja Red
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.White Bosun
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.YellowBold X-STLK-23
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.YellowNinja Boomer
GD_CustomItemPools_Marigold.Rewards.MarigoldHead01 5H4D0W-TP
GD_CustomItemPools_Marigold.Rewards.MarigoldSkin03 Teh Earworm

Weapon Vending Machines

Like drops, these do not match your character, but would be affected by pool truncation.

  • GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.BanditCommon
  • GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.DahlCommon
  • GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.HyperionCommon
  • GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.JakobsCommon
  • GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.MaliwanCommon
  • GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.TedioreCommon
  • GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.TorgueCommon
  • GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.VladofCommon

"Loyalty" Unlocks

These are used to reward players for instances like having a Borderlands 1 installation, etc. These only ever get unlocked when your main profile.bin file is first created, and are processed immediately upon opening the main menu. They're never actually used ingame to provide skins.

Pool Where Referenced
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.Borderlands1Skin GD_Globals.General.Globals
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.DigitalEdSkins GD_Globals.General.Globals
GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.Gearbox GD_Globals.General.DeveloperPerks

Not Referenced Anywhere

These pools aren't actually referenced anywhere in the TPS data, or at least nowhere which actually results in the player receiving the skins/heads. (At least that I've found.)

  • GD_CustomItemPools_crocus.Rewards.BloodyHarvest
  • GD_CustomItemPools_crocus.Rewards.ManufacturerUnity
  • GD_CustomItemPools_crocus.Rewards.MercenaryDay
  • GD_CustomItemPools_crocus.Rewards.Pandoracorn
  • GD_CustomItemPools_MainGame.Rewards.Gray
  • GD_CustomItemPools_Marigold.Rewards.CypressHead01
  • GD_CustomItemPools_Marigold.Rewards.CypressSkin01
  • GD_CustomItemPools_Marigold.Rewards.MarigoldHead07
  • GD_CustomItemPools_Marigold.Rewards.MarigoldHead08
  • GD_CustomItemPools_Marigold.Rewards.MarigoldHeadBoss
  • GD_CustomItemPools_Marigold.Rewards.MarigoldSkin06
  • GD_CustomItemPools_Marigold.Rewards.MarigoldSkin07
  • GD_CustomItemPools_Marigold.Rewards.MarigoldSkin11
  • GD_CustomItemPools_Marigold.Rewards.MarigoldSkin12
  • GD_CustomItemPools_Marigold.Rewards.MarigoldSkin13
  • GD_CustomItemPools_Marigold.Rewards.MarigoldSkin14
  • GD_CustomItemPools_Marigold.Rewards.MarigoldSkin15
  • GD_CustomItemPools_Marigold.Rewards.MarigoldSkin16
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