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Enable AvmOnTelByIndex

Gincules edited this page Apr 4, 2023 · 1 revision



Action: SetEnableByIndex
Available on: ✅ FRITZ!Box / 🚫 FRITZ!Repeater
Status: ✅
Remote access: ✅
Required rights: ☎️


This function is used to trigger the telephone book synchronization manually. The synchronization starts if switching from false to true. After enabling, the synchronization is automatically started periodically once within 24 hours.
All accounts are triggered to check for updates on COMS by invoking this action. If the revision has not increased, no synchronization will be made.


Data type Variable Example or Description
Boolean NewEnable 0
Ushort NewIndex 0


Data type Variable Example
String u urn:dslforum-org:service:X_AVM-DE_OnTel:1


    [-Url <String>]
    [-Port <Ushort>]
    [-Credential <PSCredential>]
    [-NewEnable <Boolean>]
    [-NewIndex  <Ushort>]


Example 1

This example describes how to run the command using a valid certificate and remote access.

[PSCredential]$Credential = Import-Clixml -Path "${env:APPDATA}\PScred\avmtools-credential.xml"

$splatParameters = @{
    RemoteAccess = $true
    Url = ""
    Port = 443
    Credential = $Credential
    NewEnable = 0
    NewIndex = 0

Enable-AvmOnTelByIndex @splatParameters

Example 2

This example describes how to run the command using local connection with a valid certificate.

[PSCredential]$Credential = Import-Clixml -Path "${env:APPDATA}\PScred\avmtools-credential.xml"

$splatParameters = @{
    Url = ""
    Port = 49443
    Credential = $Credential
    NewEnable = 0
    NewIndex = 0

Enable-AvmOnTelByIndex @splatParameters

IP address can be used instead of DNS name.

[PSCredential]$Credential = Import-Clixml -Path "${env:APPDATA}\PScred\avmtools-credential.xml"

$splatParameters = @{
    Url = ""
    Port = 49443
    Credential = $Credential
    NewEnable = 0
    NewIndex = 0

Enable-AvmOnTelByIndex @splatParameters

Example 3

This example describes how to run the command using local connection without a valid certificate.

[PSCredential]$Credential = Import-Clixml -Path "${env:APPDATA}\PScred\avmtools-credential.xml"

$splatParameters = @{
    Insecure = $true
    Url = ""
    Port = 49000
    Credential = $Credential
    NewEnable = 0
    NewIndex = 0

Enable-AvmOnTelByIndex @splatParameters

IP address can be used instead of DNS name.

[PSCredential]$Credential = Import-Clixml -Path "${env:APPDATA}\PScred\avmtools-credential.xml"

$splatParameters = @{
    Insecure = $true
    Url = ""
    Port = 49000
    Credential = $Credential
    NewEnable = 0
    NewIndex = 0

Enable-AvmOnTelByIndex @splatParameters
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