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New AvmFilelinkEntry

Gincules edited this page Apr 4, 2023 · 1 revision



Action: NewFilelinkEntry
Available on: ✅ FRITZ!Box / 🚫 FRITZ!Repeater
Status: ⚠️
Remote access: ✅
Required rights: 🔧 / 🖴


This function creates a new filelink entry.


Data type Variable Example or Description
String NewPath /Musik/FRITZ-Song (4).mp3
Ushort NewAccessCountLimit 14
Ushort NewExpire 99


Data type Variable Example
String u urn:dslforum-org:service:X_AVM-DE_Filelinks:1
String NewID 020223a3f8d13566


    [-Url <String>]
    [-Port <Ushort>]
    [-Credential <PSCredential>]
    [-NewPath <String>]
    [-NewAccessCountLimit <Ushort>]
    [-NewExpire <Ushort>]


Example 1

This example describes how to run the command using a valid certificate and remote access.

[PSCredential]$Credential = Import-Clixml -Path "${env:APPDATA}\PScred\avmtools-credential.xml"

$splatParameters = @{
    RemoteAccess = $true
    Url = ""
    Port = 443
    Credential = $Credential
    NewPath = "/Musik/FRITZ-Song (4).mp3"
    NewAccessCountLimit = 14
    NewExpire = 99

New-AvmFilelinkEntry @splatParameters

Example 2

This example describes how to run the command using local connection with a valid certificate.

[PSCredential]$Credential = Import-Clixml -Path "${env:APPDATA}\PScred\avmtools-credential.xml"

$splatParameters = @{
    Url = ""
    Port = 49443
    Credential = $Credential
    NewPath = "/Musik/FRITZ-Song (4).mp3"
    NewAccessCountLimit = 14
    NewExpire = 99

New-AvmFilelinkEntry @splatParameters

IP address can be used instead of DNS name.

[PSCredential]$Credential = Import-Clixml -Path "${env:APPDATA}\PScred\avmtools-credential.xml"

$splatParameters = @{
    Url = ""
    Port = 49443
    Credential = $Credential
    NewPath = "/Musik/FRITZ-Song (4).mp3"
    NewAccessCountLimit = 14
    NewExpire = 99

New-AvmFilelinkEntry @splatParameters

Example 3

This example describes how to run the command using local connection without a valid certificate.

[PSCredential]$Credential = Import-Clixml -Path "${env:APPDATA}\PScred\avmtools-credential.xml"

$splatParameters = @{
    Insecure = $true
    Url = ""
    Port = 49000
    Credential = $Credential
    NewPath = "/Musik/FRITZ-Song (4).mp3"
    NewAccessCountLimit = 14
    NewExpire = 99

New-AvmFilelinkEntry @splatParameters

IP address can be used instead of DNS name.

[PSCredential]$Credential = Import-Clixml -Path "${env:APPDATA}\PScred\avmtools-credential.xml"

$splatParameters = @{
    Insecure = $true
    Url = ""
    Port = 49000
    Credential = $Credential
    NewPath = "/Musik/FRITZ-Song (4).mp3"
    NewAccessCountLimit = 14
    NewExpire = 99

New-AvmFilelinkEntry @splatParameters
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