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Set AvmStorageUserConfig

Gincules edited this page Apr 4, 2023 · 1 revision



Action: SetUserConfig
Available on: ✅ FRITZ!Box / 🚫 FRITZ!Repeater
Status: ✅
Remote access: ✅
Required rights: 🔧


This function sets devices storage user configuration.
If no user with the name “ftpuser” exists, internal error status code should be retrieved. Allowed characters for Password are all ASCII characters with decimal values from 32 to 126. The length of Password may be from 1 to 32 characters and the string “nil” is not allowed. If Enable is 0, X_AVM-DE_NetworkAccessReadOnly will always be set to 1.


Data type Variable Example or Description
Boolean NewEnable 0
String NewPassword <SecureString>
Boolean NewNetworkAccessReadOnly 1


Data type Variable Example
String u urn:dslforum-org:service:X_AVM-DE_Storage:1


    [-Url <String>]
    [-Port <Ushort>]
    [-Credential <PSCredential>]
    [-NewEnable <Boolean>
    [-NewPassword <SecureString>]
    [-NewNetworkAccessReadOnly <Boolean>]


Example 1

This example describes how to run the command using a valid certificate and remote access.

[PSCredential]$Credential = Import-Clixml -Path "${env:APPDATA}\PScred\avmtools-credential.xml"
[SecureString]$NewPassword = Get-Content -Path "${env:APPDATA}\PScred\function-password.txt" | ConvertTo-SecureString

$splatParameters = @{
    RemoteAccess = $true
    Url = ""
    Port = 443
    Credential = $Credential
    NewEnable = 0
    NewPassword = $NewPassword
    NewNetworkAccessReadOnly = 1

Set-AvmStorageUserConfig @splatParameters

Example 2

This example describes how to run the command using local connection with a valid certificate.

[PSCredential]$Credential = Import-Clixml -Path "${env:APPDATA}\PScred\avmtools-credential.xml"
[SecureString]$NewPassword = Get-Content -Path "${env:APPDATA}\PScred\function-password.txt" | ConvertTo-SecureString

$splatParameters = @{
    Url = ""
    Port = 49443
    Credential = $Credential
    NewEnable = 0
    NewPassword = $NewPassword
    NewNetworkAccessReadOnly = 1

Set-AvmStorageUserConfig @splatParameters

IP address can be used instead of DNS name.

[PSCredential]$Credential = Import-Clixml -Path "${env:APPDATA}\PScred\avmtools-credential.xml"
[SecureString]$NewPassword = Get-Content -Path "${env:APPDATA}\PScred\function-password.txt" | ConvertTo-SecureString

$splatParameters = @{
    Url = ""
    Port = 49443
    Credential = $Credential
    NewEnable = 0
    NewPassword = $NewPassword
    NewNetworkAccessReadOnly = 1

Set-AvmStorageUserConfig @splatParameters

Example 3

This example describes how to run the command using local connection without a valid certificate.

[PSCredential]$Credential = Import-Clixml -Path "${env:APPDATA}\PScred\avmtools-credential.xml"
[SecureString]$NewPassword = Get-Content -Path "${env:APPDATA}\PScred\function-password.txt" | ConvertTo-SecureString

$splatParameters = @{
    Insecure = $true
    Url = ""
    Port = 49000
    Credential = $Credential
    NewEnable = 0
    NewPassword = $NewPassword
    NewNetworkAccessReadOnly = 1

Set-AvmStorageUserConfig @splatParameters

IP address can be used instead of DNS name.

[PSCredential]$Credential = Import-Clixml -Path "${env:APPDATA}\PScred\avmtools-credential.xml"
[SecureString]$NewPassword = Get-Content -Path "${env:APPDATA}\PScred\function-password.txt" | ConvertTo-SecureString

$splatParameters = @{
    Insecure = $true
    Url = ""
    Port = 49000
    Credential = $Credential
    NewEnable = 0
    NewPassword = $NewPassword
    NewNetworkAccessReadOnly = 1

Set-AvmStorageUserConfig @splatParameters
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