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Set AvmAppMessageFilter

Gincules edited this page Apr 4, 2023 · 1 revision



Action: SetAppMessageFilter
Available on: ✅ FRITZ!Box / 🚫 FRITZ!Repeater
Status: ⚠️
Remote access: ✅
Required rights: 🔧 / ⚙️ / ☎️ / 🖴 / 🏠


This function can add multiple message filters of different types to each app instance. If an app instance already contains a filter with the same type, it is overwritten. A filter consists of the type and a list of filter criteria. If an empty list of filter criteria is passed, the filter of this type is completely removed from the app configuration

The security context of this action must belong to an app instance. The app instance of the security context must the same as the one identified by the parameter NewAppId.


Data type Variable Example or Description
String NewAppId 1
String NewType aha_ident, tel_local_number
String NewEventId A stringlist of filter criteria


Data type Variable Example
String u urn:dslforum-org:service:X_AVM-DE_AppSetup:1


    [-Url <String>]
    [-Port <Ushort>]
    [-Credential <PSCredential>]
    [-NewAppId <String>]
    [-NewType <String>]
    [-NewFilter <String>]


Example 1

This example describes how to run the command using a valid certificate and remote access.

[PSCredential]$Credential = Import-Clixml -Path "${env:APPDATA}\PScred\avmtools-credential.xml"

$splatParameters = @{
    RemoteAccess = $true
    Url = ""
    Port = 443
    Credential = $Credential
    NewAppId = "1"
    NewType = "aha_ident"
    NewFilter = "08761 0000444,34:45:12:43:55"

Set-AvmAppMessageFilter @splatParameters

Example 2

This example describes how to run the command using local connection with a valid certificate.

[PSCredential]$Credential = Import-Clixml -Path "${env:APPDATA}\PScred\avmtools-credential.xml"

$splatParameters = @{
    Url = ""
    Port = 49443
    Credential = $Credential
    NewAppId = "1"
    NewType = "aha_ident"
    NewFilter = "08761 0000444,34:45:12:43:55"

Set-AvmAppMessageFilter @splatParameters

IP address can be used instead of DNS name.

[PSCredential]$Credential = Import-Clixml -Path "${env:APPDATA}\PScred\avmtools-credential.xml"

$splatParameters = @{
    Url = ""
    Port = 49443
    Credential = $Credential
    NewAppId = "1"
    NewType = "aha_ident"
    NewFilter = "08761 0000444,34:45:12:43:55"

Set-AvmAppMessageFilter @splatParameters

Example 3

This example describes how to run the command using local connection without a valid certificate.

[PSCredential]$Credential = Import-Clixml -Path "${env:APPDATA}\PScred\avmtools-credential.xml"

$splatParameters = @{
    Insecure = $true
    Url = ""
    Port = 49000
    Credential = $Credential
    NewAppId = "1"
    NewType = "aha_ident"
    NewFilter = "08761 0000444,34:45:12:43:55"

Set-AvmAppMessageFilter @splatParameters

IP address can be used instead of DNS name.

[PSCredential]$Credential = Import-Clixml -Path "${env:APPDATA}\PScred\avmtools-credential.xml"

$splatParameters = @{
    Insecure = $true
    Url = ""
    Port = 49000
    Credential = $Credential
    NewAppId = "1"
    NewType = "aha_ident"
    NewFilter = "08761 0000444,34:45:12:43:55"

Set-AvmAppMessageFilter @splatParameters
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