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Car lights and their ID's

Szymon edited this page Sep 10, 2021 · 2 revisions


The function of car lights is separated into two pieces:

Polygon glow - polygons are glowing only when GPLC texture is assigned and the polygons have an ID specified

Axes Glow - glow based on the position of axes, change position/rotation of certain bone part axes to display glow in-game in rotation, direction, position of your choice

To enable destroy effect and axes glow you need to add a new LightInit. Attention! If your new light bone will NOT be added to LightInit then your light bone will be undestroyable and only polygon glow will work (of course only if polygons have a specific ID)!

Car lights and their ID’s/hashes

I have compiled the list based on the original game cars (by 2K Czech). If you edit someone else’s mod you can encounter different names that they’re not mentioned here.

Name Game name Hash of part Axes glow effect ID (UNK10)
Right reflector lightreflectorR 8329784027016139105 13941838070667142522
Left reflector lightreflectorL 8329784027016139135 13941838070667142522
Left reverse light lightbackL 11456915766982240442 763855648702659009
Right reverse light lightbackR 11456915766982240420 763855648702659009
Right brake light lightbrakeiR 114420813094769989 13551736975864865839
Left brake light lightbrakeiL 114420813094770011 13551736975864865839
Front left turn signal lightindicatorFL 6535553270981342632 8160700755149495459
Front right turn signal lightindicatorFR 6535553270981342646 8160700755149495459
Rear left turn signal lightindicatorBL 6535548872934829908 8160700755149495459
Rear right turn signal lightindicatorBR 6535548872934829898 8160700755149495459
Top light No. 1* ligh_top01 9114871797896124008 0
Top light No. 2* ligh_top02 9114871797896124011 0
Top light No. 3* ligh_top03 9114871797896124010 0
Top light No. 4* ligh_top04 9114871797896124013 0
Taxi sign front light* taxiceduleF 6214484669027898185 0
Taxi sign rear light* taxiceduleB 6214484669027898189 0

*game uses other UNK values to specify the effect

UNK11 value Meaning
760 front light
761 rear light

Additional original names

Mafia 2 was created over the many years, so the in-game car parts in each vehicle have different names, because many people were working on cars models. In the simplest terms, part names are just non-unified.

Another game names for Right reflector

Game name Hash of part
Dummy_Lreflector_P 11448978883453477387
reflectorR 12807717221404723379

Another game names for Left reflector

Game name Hash of part
Dummy_Lreflector_L 11448978883453477399
reflectorL 12807717221404723373

Another game names for Right brake light

Game name Hash of part
Dummy_Lbrake_P 12589690018697307950
Dummy2_Lbrake_P 17248059329600467078
lightbrakeR 2442142545416471862

Another game names for Left brake light

Game name Hash of part
Dummy_Lbrake_L 12589690018697307954
lightbrakeL 2442142545416471848

Another game names for Right reverse light

Game name Hash of part
Dummy_Lback_P 13938218024441926658

Another game names for Left reverse light

Game name Hash of part
Dummy_Lback_L 13938218024441926686

Another game names for Front right turn signal

Game name Hash of part
Dummy_Lindicator_PP 14667209307035620464

Another game names for Front left turn signal

Game name Hash of part
Dummy_Lindicator_LP 14667240093361210340

Another game names for Rear right turn signal

Game name Hash of part
Dummy2_Lindicator_PZ 16190697067060166402
lightindicatorR (walker_rocket.sds) 5946010964760696984

Another game names for Rear left turn signal

Game name Hash of part
Dummy_Lindicator_LZ 14667240093361210350
lightindicatorL (walker_rocket.sds) 5946010964760696966

Mafia: II

Mafia: Definitive Edition

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