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Mafia II: BoneIDs

Greavesy1899 edited this page Nov 13, 2019 · 1 revision
   A list of all bone names and IDs found in Mafia II.

    BaseRef = 1,
    Scale_Dummy = 1007,
    Trace = 1000,
    Opposite = 1004,
    CoatSim_Root = 1510,

    Blnd_Dummy = 1001,
    Aim_Dummy = 1002,
    Camera_Dummy = 1003,
    FootStep_L = 1005,
    FootStep_R = 1006,
    Hips = 101,
    Spine = 102,
    Spine1 = 103,
    Spine2 = 104,
    Spine3 = 105,
    Spine4 = 106,
    Neck = 107,
    Head = 108,
    LeftBreast = 109,
    RightBrest = 110,

    //LEFT LEG
    LeftUpLeg = 201,
    LeftUpLegRoll = 202,
    LeftLeg = 203,
    LeftFoot = 204,
    LeftToeBase = 205,
    L_LegSleeve = 206,
    LeftNates = 207,

    //Right Leg
    RightUpLeg = 301,
    RightUpLegRoll = 302,
    RightLeg = 303,
    RightFoot = 304,
    RightToeBase = 305,
    R_LegSleeve = 306,
    RightNates = 307,

    //Left Arm
    LeftShoulder = 401,
    LeftArm = 402,
    LeftArmRoll = 403,
    LeftForeArm = 404,
    LeftForeArmRoll = 405,

    //Left Hand
    LeftHand = 406,
    L_Sleeve = 407,
    LeftHandThumb1 = 410,
    LeftHandThumb2 = 411,
    LeftHandThumb3 = 412,
    LeftInHandIndex = 420,
    LeftHandIndex1 = 421,
    LeftHandIndex2 = 422,
    LeftHandIndex3 = 423,
    LeftHandMiddle1 = 431,
    LeftHandMiddle2 = 432,
    LeftHandMiddle3 = 433,
    LeftHandRing1 = 441,
    LeftHandRing2 = 442,
    LeftHandRing3 = 443,
    LeftInHandPinky = 450,
    LeftHandPinky1 = 451,
    LeftHandPinky2 = 452,
    LeftHandPinky3 = 453,

    //Left Arm
    RightShoulder = 501,
    RightArm = 502,
    RightArmRoll = 503,
    RightForeArm = 504,
    RightForeArmRoll = 505,

    //Left Hand
    RightHand = 506,
    R_Sleeve = 507,
    RightHandThumb1 = 510,
    RightHandThumb2 = 511,
    RightHandThumb3 = 512,
    RightInHandIndex = 520,
    RightHandIndex1 = 521,
    RightHandIndex2 = 522,
    RightHandIndex3 = 523,
    RightHandMiddle1 = 531,
    RightHandMiddle2 = 532,
    RightHandMiddle3 = 533,
    RightHandRing1 = 541,
    RightHandRing2 = 542,
    RightHandRing3 = 543,
    RightInHandPinky = 550,
    RightHandPinky1 = 551,
    RightHandPinky2 = 552,
    RightHandPinky3 = 553,

    Jaw = 601,
    HairScale = 602,
    Hat = 603,
    Lo_MLip = 604,
    Up_Mlip = 605,
    Nose = 606,
    Gathers = 607,
    Hat_mesh = 608,
    Tongue = 609,
    Cigareta = 842,
    Bryle = 843,
    Scruff = 844,
    Fmv_cigareta = 845,

    Brow2L = 726,
    Brow1L = 727,
    Lo_LidL = 728,
    NostrilL = 729,
    Up_CheekL = 730,
    CheekL = 731,
    Up_MLipL = 732,
    Lo_MLipL = 733,
    MCornerL = 734,
    Up_LidL = 735,
    EYE_L = 736,

    Brow2R = 826,
    Lo_LidR = 828,
    NostrilR = 829,
    Up_CheekR = 830,
    CheekR = 831,
    Up_MLipR = 832,
    Lo_MLipR = 833,
    MCornerR = 834,
    Up_LidR = 835,
    EYE_R = 836,

    GunHand_L = 2014,
    WeaponBodyLeft = 2001,
    ChangeMagazineLeft = 2002,
    TriggerLeft = 2003,
    FireLeft = 2004,
    CapLeft = 2005,
    UpshotLeft = 2006,
    CylinderFireLeft = 2007,
    CylinderOutLeft = 2008,
    ReloadLeft = 2009,
    UnloadLeft = 2010,
    OpenLeft = 2011,
    MuzzleLeft = 2012,
    ShellLeft = 2013,
    Handle_RLeft = 2014,
    Handle_LLeft = 2015,

    WeaponBody = 2101,
    ChangeMagazine = 2102,
    Trigger = 2103,
    Handle_L = 2104,
    Shell = 2105,
    Upshot = 2106,
    CylinderFire = 2107,
    CylinderOut = 2108,
    Cap = 2109,
    Unload = 2110,
    Open = 2111,
    Muzzle = 2112,
    GunHand_R = 2114,
    bipod = 2116,
    Tripod = 2117,
    TripodAxe = 2118,
    WeaponAxe = 2119,
    Handle_R = 2120,
    WeaponOffset = 2121,

    L_FrontCoat01 = 1600,
    L_FrontCoat02 = 1601,
    L_FrontCoat03 = 1602,
    L_FrontCoat04 = 1603,
    L_FrontCoat05 = 1604,
    L_FrontCoat06 = 1605,
    L_FrontCoat07 = 1606,
    L_sideCoat01 = 1610,
    L_sideCoat02 = 1611,
    L_sideCoat03 = 1612,
    L_sideCoat04 = 1613,
    L_sideCoat05 = 1614,
    L_BackCoat01 = 1620,
    L_BackCoat02 = 1621,
    L_BackCoat03 = 1622,
    L_BackCoat04 = 1623,
    L_BackCoat05 = 1624,
    L_BackCoat06 = 625,

    R_FrontCoat01 = 650,
    R_FrontCoat02 = 1651,
    R_FrontCoat03 = 1652,
    R_FrontCoat04 = 1653,
    R_FrontCoat05 = 1654,
    R_FrontCoat06 = 1655,
    R_FrontCoat07 = 1656,
    R_sideCoat01 = 1640,
    R_sideCoat02 = 1641,
    R_sideCoat03 = 1642,
    R_sideCoat04 = 1643,
    R_sideCoat05 = 1644,
    R_BackCoat01 = 1630,
    R_BackCoat02 = 1631,
    R_BackCoat03 = 1632,
    R_BackCoat04 = 1633,
    R_BackCoat05 = 1634,
    R_BackCoat06 = 1635,

    Bone01 = 3000,
    Bone02 = 3001,
    Bone03 = 3002,
    Bone04 = 3003,
    Bone05 = 3004,
    Bone06 = 3005,
    Bone07 = 3006,
    Bone08 = 3007,
    Bone09 = 3008,
    Bone10 = 3009,
    Bone11 = 3010,
    Bone12 = 3011,

Mafia: II

Mafia: Definitive Edition

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