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2023‐10‐16 Weekly Meeting 1

Deniz Baran Aslan edited this page Oct 22, 2023 · 1 revision
  • Time: 2023-10-16 Monday 19:00

  • Modality: Face-to-Face, BM A2

  • Participants: Sadık, Deniz, Mert, Aykut, Ayhan, Oğuz, Caner

  • Agenda: Weekly meeting, determine first milestone and start building application

  • Note Taker: Oğuz, Deniz

  • Discussion & Progress:

    1. Milestone coverages are discussed and determined.
    2. UX/UI decisions are discussed.
    3. Functionality(Editing, Deleting, Searching, Displaying) decisions are pre-determined.
  • Action Items:

    1. Mock-up desings of mobile app will be started.
    2. UX logic will be determined for Milestone 1.
    3. VM deployment will take place.
    4. SWE573 Repo will be deployed and tested on Web.
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