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System Manual

ckertam edited this page Jan 3, 2024 · 8 revisions

This software is dockerized and deployed.

The project is ready and deployed on a GCP Virtual Machine. Also, one can clone the main branch of the repository. By the help of dockerization one can run the whole project locally. When deploying the project with docker the project creates 3 different containers for backend, frontend and database.

Project dockerization is orchestrated by docker-compose 3.7 version. After dockerization there are 3 containers we have.

  • Backend Container:
    • Based on python:3.11-slim-buster image
    • Installs required packages via requirements.txt
    • Copies necessary folders/files
    • Runs migrate and runserver commands
  • Frontend Container:
    • Based on node:18-buster-slim image
    • Copies necessary folders
    • Installs necessary packages via npm install command
    • Runs npm start command
  • Database Container:
    • Based on postgis/postgis:15-3.4 image

Instructions for local development


Run script

git clone
cd SWE574-Fall2023-G1
make up



System Design


UML Diagram

The following UML diagram illustrates the system's current architecture. Further diagrams will be made available as changes are made to the system.

SWE574 Group1 UML drawio (1)

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