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UAT Cases

aykutkantas edited this page Dec 9, 2023 · 4 revisions

UAT Cases For Login Page:

Test Case 1: Successful Login

Description: Verify that a user can successfully log in with valid credentials. Steps: Enter a valid username and password. Click the "Login" button. Expected Result: The user should be redirected to the homepage, and a success message should be displayed.

Test Case 2: Invalid Credentials

Description: Verify that the user receives an error message when attempting to log in with invalid credentials. Steps: Enter an invalid username or password. Click the "Login" button. Expected Result: An error message should be displayed, indicating that the credentials are invalid.

Test Case 3: Server Error Handling

Description: Verify that appropriate error messages are displayed when the server returns unexpected responses. Steps: Simulate a server error by modifying the backend response. Attempt to log in. Expected Result: An error message should be displayed, indicating an unexpected response from the server.

Test Case 4: Empty Username or Password

Description: Verify that the user cannot log in with empty username or password fields. Steps: Leave either the username or password field empty. Click the "Login" button. Expected Result: An error message should be displayed, prompting the user to enter both a username and password.

Test Case 5: Forgot Password Link

Description: Verify that the "Forgot Password?" link redirects the user to the correct page. Steps: Click on the "Forgot Password?" link. Expected Result: The user should be redirected to the "Forgot Password" page.

Test Case 6: Registration Link

Description: Verify that the "Register Now!" link redirects the user to the registration page. Steps: Click on the "Register Now!" link. Expected Result: The user should be redirected to the registration page.

Test Case 7: UI Elements Visibility

Description: Verify that all UI elements (text fields, buttons, images) are visible and properly aligned. Expected Result: All UI elements should be displayed without overlapping or cutoff.

Test Case 8: Security - Password Encryption

Description: Verify that the password is sent securely by checking if it is encrypted during transmission. Expected Result: The password should be encrypted when sent to the server for authentication.

UAT Cases For Register Page:

Test Case 1: Successful Registration

Description: Verify that a user can successfully register with valid information. Steps: Enter a unique username. Enter a valid email address. Enter a password. Re-enter the password in the "Password Again" field. Click the "Create Account" button. Expected Result: The user should be redirected to the login page, and a success message should be displayed.

Test Case 2: Passwords Mismatch

Description: Verify that the user receives an error message if the entered passwords do not match. Steps: Enter a valid username. Enter a valid email address. Enter a password. Enter a different password in the "Password Again" field. Click the "Create Account" button. Expected Result: An error message should be displayed, indicating that the passwords do not match.

Test Case 3: Existing Username

Description: Verify that the user cannot register with an existing username. Steps: Enter a username that already exists in the system. Enter a valid email address. Enter a password. Re-enter the password in the "Password Again" field. Click the "Create Account" button. Expected Result: An error message should be displayed, indicating that the username is already taken.

Test Case 4: Email Validation

Description: Verify that the system validates the entered email address. Steps: Enter an invalid email address (e.g., without '@' or '.'). Enter a valid username. Enter a password. Re-enter the password in the "Password Again" field. Click the "Create Account" button. Expected Result: An error message should be displayed, indicating that the email address is not valid.

Test Case 5: Empty Fields

Description: Verify that the user cannot register with empty fields. Steps: Leave one or more fields (username, email, password, password again) empty. Click the "Create Account" button. Expected Result: An error message should be displayed for each empty field, prompting the user to fill in all required information.

Test Case 6: UI Elements Visibility

Description: Verify that all UI elements (text fields, buttons, images) are visible and properly aligned. Expected Result: All UI elements should be displayed without overlapping or cutoff.

Test Case 7: Login Link

Description: Verify that the "Login" link redirects the user to the login page. Steps: Click on the "Login" link. Expected Result: The user should be redirected to the login page.

Test Case 8: Security - Password Encryption

Description: Verify that the password is sent securely by checking if it is encrypted during transmission. Expected Result: The password should be encrypted when sent to the server for registration.

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