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I 43 free included passengers should be linked to a generic passenger constraint

Andreas Schlapbach edited this page Mar 16, 2022 · 1 revision

I-43: free included passengers should able to reference a passenger constraint


The fare data can include the definition of free passengers included to a ticket. The free passengers can have a traveler type.

It should also be possile to reference a passenger constraint for a more detailed definition.

The current structure allows to define free additional Childs, but in some cases the age restrictions for tjhe free included passengers differ from the usual age restrictions of the carrier.

E.g. Children are defined from 4 to 12 years, but free included children in an adult ticket are from 4 to 10 only.


  • Sören Mayer DB
  • Peter Malleux (SNCB)

Business Value

Some special cases for free included passengers can be described accurately in the offline data.

Business Outcomes

Leading Indicators

The early measures that will help predict the business outcome hypothesis. For more on this topic, see the Innovation Accounting advanced topic article.

The enhancement affects offline data only.

Nonfunctional Requirements


Specification Effort SMALL

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