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Profile Builder

liamsimpson edited this page Oct 27, 2017 · 1 revision

Profile Builder with Testing Results

The profile builder is a dynamic form used to collect personalised data from users and enhance the users experience with CultureConnect. The feature takes inputted information and edits content displayed to the user based on the responses they provide. Majority of responses are in the form of buttons, each button triggers different functionality whilst text input fields allow for text injection using JQuery.

1 of 3 ideas brainstormed as potential enhancements to user interaction. Profile Builder was chosen as the idea to implement based on user testing results and analytical examination conducted by myself (Liam).

Idea 1: Profile Builder: Dynamic Content Form Idea 2: Location-based Events Idea 3: Mobile-first Development (not bootstrap or responsive development)

Profile Builder was selected as the most influential feature and most appropriate feature choice based on its simplicity and contribution to the overall scope of the showcase. (i.e. provides more value to the showcase)

Team analysis results, influenced by input by tutors suggested that location-based events would require unreasonable amounts of content to showcase effectively. Similarly to mobile first development it was decided that bootstrap responsive development was more appropriate in terms of the requirements of the project outlined by course staff.

User testing results indicated that the profile builder worked effectively, providing value and a higher sense of interaction between user and application. A few test users indicated that they enjoy being recommended features and seeing events related to categories they have proved they like was a nice touch.

Others did provide some constructive criticism, outlining that the profile builder was limited and could have included a wider range of features and/or questions and/or dynamic functionality. This is something I would definitely proceed with while taking those next steps in developing a final release of the project!

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