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Team Details

aishadalila edited this page Oct 5, 2017 · 1 revision

Team Members

Name Student ID Roles and Responsibilities Course Code
Nik Aisha Dalila Binti Shamsul Anuar 44257778 Team Leader and Manager, Front-end Development, UI/UX Design DECO3500
Velta Azizah Destiana 44484051 Front-end development, UI/UX Design, Content Creation DECO3500
Haoxuan Yang 43967566 Logistics (equipment, meetings, transport, etc), Front-end Development DECO3500
Chung Yu Pan 43210703 Back-end Development DECO3500
Liam Simpson 43939871 Back-end Development DECO3500

Team Principles and Processes
The team will be committed to principles that maximize potential to learn and grow, while also ensuring that a product will be delivered that will be of the highest quality that each member can output.

The team will foster an environment where feedback can be given and received by all members. This feedback will have to fall into the realms of:

  • Positive specific (i.e. A compliment about a specific paragraph)
  • Positive general (i.e. A remark about how a team member is very attentive and receptive to the group chat)
  • Negative specific (i.e. I think this sentence can be written better, and should flow like...).

All feedback should be a taken as an attempt to foster team spirit and to deliver on the highest quality of product possible. It is important to the team to specify these attributes and attitudes to feedback delivery, feedback enables us to grow and to deliver a great product, and is a powerful tool when defined with the above constraints.

The team will also be committed to an environment of innovation and developing the unique talents of each individual team member. This will be achieved by allowing team members to select the work that speaks most to them, and to allow themselves to take a genuine interest in the work they are participating in, and allow development based on the investment in their choice. In adopting this principle, we believe that this will create an environment where every member is invested in delivering the best contribution they can to the project.

Operational Processes
To achieve the principles we have outlined above, it is expected that all team members will follow basic courtesy and etiquette rules.

One of them will be to allow an attitude of open feedback, it will be the responsibility of the team members to make sure that feedback delivered fits into one of the categories of: positive specific, positive general or negative specific. The danger lies within the ‘negative general’ feedback category, this piece of feedback will likely not be specific enough to be helpful, and will likely work against fostering team spirit. If a team member is unsure of which category the feedback falls into, they should discuss it with an unrelated team member, who can assist them in confirming it falls into one of the three acceptable categories.

To foster an environment of innovation, work will be broken up into segments, dubbed as tasks. Tasks will be available for team members to choose from, with each team member required to select a specific number of tasks. If two team members wish to select the same task, it will be solved by a coin toss.

Task Division
Tasks will be allocated as fairly as possible, through discussion within the group. Work will be allocated first by volunteering then via group discussion. When allocating work, deadline and standard required will be clearly defined. All members will contribute equally to the project workload. Any group members who are unsatisfied with the allocation should raise it in a group meeting. Group members are expected to do their best to deliver tasks on time, and should contact the group in advance if they anticipate being unable to do so.

Decision Making
Decisions will be made collectively as a group ensuring every team member’s ideas are taken into account. In case of discrepancies, the decision will be based on a voting system; in the case of a any disputes in voting, we will consult with the tutors or the course coordinator to assist with any problematic decision.

Minor non-compliance will be defined where:

  • A team member does not abide to the document standards set out by the team. (style guide will be decided upon before tasks are designated).
  • A team member does not update team-coordinating software when an update on a task’s status has been changed (i.e. not moving a task on Trello).
  • A team member does not inform the team of their planned/unplanned absence in a team meeting at least 3 hours before the meeting. (via Facebook Messenger, Slack, email, etc.)

Major non-compliance will be defined where:

  • A team member does not respond to assessment specific communication in one day. (If a question is asked about progress, etc.)
  • A team member does not fulfil their contribution to assessment specific tasks at the due date, or a date agreed upon by all team members.
  • A team member does not prioritize attendance at team meetings, and is consistently absent from team meetings.

Dispute resolution
Any group member who takes issue with the actions of another group member should raise it either with the person in question, or at a group meeting, as appropriate. If these measures are unable to resolve it, only then it should be raised, by the group, with a tutor or lecturer. See also rules for peer assessment in the course profile (email co-ordinator, group notification/meeting, peer assessment).

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