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Future Additions

Ethan Marriott edited this page Oct 25, 2018 · 2 revisions

After using the responses we received from the showcase we thought of ways that could better the project.

Better Filtering

The biggest issue people were stating was the substantial lack of filtering options as they felt food type and country weren't enough, to combat this we thought of adding the options to filter by year, culture, and dietary preference.

Map Position

During development we thought of having the app display the recipes on a globe but decided that it would be too cluttered and not easily accessible thus we scrapped the idea, during the showcase people took notice of this and wanted to see perhaps a map of the recipes page that shows its location of origin.

Is Traditional the Original

In the showcase someone mentioned to us that a food traditional recipe for the culture isn't the original and how we would handle situations such as this. We decided that in circumstances such as these both recipes could be displayed as traditional.

Social Aspect

With an application such as this a tutor said that the social aspect needs to be harnessed more; when we thought upon this we decided user involvement in ratings and comments as well as what they share should be handled in a manner that allows them to really shared their own recipes and opinion therefore we decided on an idea of allowing users to write their own recipes that can be viewed on their own profile and allow for a following system.

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