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FFTB is a tool for treebanking with DELPH-IN grammars that allows the selection of an arbitrary tree from the "full forest" without enumerating/unpacking all analyses in the parsing stage. FFTB is partly integrated with [incr tsdb()] and the LOGON tree; for details on using FFTB through that toolchain, please see LogonAnswer. There is a wishlist.
The canonical citation is:
Woodley Packard (2015) Full Forest Treebanking, MA Thesis, University of Washington
The last binary versions of all ACE-dependent tools are here:
You should make sure you get the same version of ace:
http://sweaglesw.org/linguistics/ace/download (you want the binary: ace-0.9.30-x86-64.tar.gz)
You also need art:
On Ubuntu 18.04 0.9.30 works, but 0.9.31 does not.
the webdir (with the javascript and css) is only included with fftb 0.9.31, in the directory assets
To see rules that can be applied to a span, middle-click on the first word of the span and drag it to the last word of the span you want to inspect. The span will be marked in red. Only rules that can build that span will be shown below.
Make a fresh profile
mkprof -s src/profile new/profile
Fill it with a packed parse (this is done with the -f and -O)
$ art -f -a 'ace --disable-generalization -g grm.dat -O' new/profile
Suggested best practice is to also store the roots and lexical types:
$ art -f -a 'ace --rooted-derivations --udx --disable-generalization -g grm.dat -O' new/profile
Launch the fftb:
$ fftb -g grm.dat --browser --webdir ~/bin/acetools-x86-0.9.31/assets/ new/profile
A browser window should pop up with a list of sentences, now you can treebank!
Note the webdir is the one with the files control.js, index.html and render.js in it. We found it in ace-tools-x86.0.9.31/assets, it can also be found in logon/lingo/answer/fftb.
You can do it through the web interface:
fftb -g grm.dat --browser --webdir ~/bin/acetools-x86-0.9.31/assets/ new/profile --gold gold/profile
This will show you, for each parse:
- This profile has an active tree, not updating
- Unexpected error
- No parses now, no active gold exists
- No parses now, active gold exists
- Overconstrained now, active gold exists
- Fully disambiguated, identical to stored gold tree
- Fully disambiguated, different from stored gold tree
- Remaining ambiguity, was resolved in gold
- Remaining ambiguity, was unresolved in gold
It allows you to do the automatic update, but shows you more information about what has changed. I would recommend this (FCB).
You can also just do it automatically:
fftb -g grm.dat new/profile --gold gold/profile --auto
For beginners, here is a tutorial about manually updating items which are easy to update and yet were missed by the automatic tool.
ffmaster and ffworker are in acetools. The master can have multiple workers working on different profiles.
usage: ffmaster NUM_WORKERS model.mem [regularization]
usage: ffworker grammar.dat forest-profile gold-profile master-host [parallelism]
For example:
$ mkprof -s gold/profile new/profile
$ art -a "ace -g grm.dat -O" -f new/profile
$ FFGRANDPARENT=0 ffmaster 1 grm.mem &
> waiting for 1 workers to connect on port 2577...
$ FFGRANDPARENT=0 ffworker grm.dat new/profile gold/profile localhost
> ...
> Done
Try parsing a sentence:
ace -g ind.dat--maxent=grm.mem -l
It is possible to use FFTB independently of the LOGON tree, either on Linux or on Mac OS X. The instructions below explain how to install and launch FFTB on OSX. Note that although the treebanking user interface presented by FFTB will be identical regardless of whether the LOGON tree is used, some of the ancillary steps, such as preparing a full-forest profile to use with FFTB, may be quite different when the LOGON tree is not used. Such methods are experimental and not (yet) discussed here.
Download from http://sweaglesw.org/linguistics/osx-fftb.tar.gz
$ cd osx-fftb
$ export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=./dependencies/
$ ./fftb -g erg-1214.dat --browser path/to/profile
The adventurous can attempt to compile and run a standalone fftb on linux from the SVN repository: http://sweaglesw.org/svn/treebank/trunk
As of 1214, the ERG includes (disabled by default) so-called bridging rules which enable a parse to be found for any input string, with degraded semantic usefulness. There is currently no parse selection model trained to function properly with these rules enabled, so they should be disabled when the ERG is used in an online processing environment. However, in an offline treebanking environment, these rules enable annotators to capture some of the correct semantics for ungrammatical sentences even when a fully correct analysis is not available. In the future, it may be possible to use such annotations to train an automatic parse selection model to work with the bridging rules.
If a profile has been parsed to include an "edge" relation using the bridging rules, and erg-1214-bridge.dat is an ACE grammar image with the relevant rules enabled, it is possible to update the profile from a non-bridged one and continue annotating the rejected sentences with a command like this:
fftb --suppress-bridges --browser -g erg-1214-bridge.dat --gold path/to/previous-profile path/to/new-profile-with-bridging
The --suppress-bridges option causes FFTB to assume a discriminant has been selected for each sentence rejecting the bridging rule at the top level span. This should cause the update to behave exactly as if the bridging rules had not been enabled in parsing the new profile. After updating, you can rerun without that option (and also without the --gold ... option), or you can manually disable that discriminant each time you visit a rejected item that you want to reclaim.
You can wrap a proxy server round fftb and treebank remotely.
Here is the configuration for nginx, thanks to AlexandreRademaker. with minor tweaks to get it running on Ubuntu. This serves it at localhost:8080/private/. Call fftb without --browser.
### our changes
user www-data;
include /etc/nginx/modules-enabled/*.conf;
# daemon on
worker_processes 1;
error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;
pid /var/run/nginx.pid;
events {
worker_connections 1024;
http {
merge_slashes off;
default_type application/octet-stream;
charset utf-8;
keepalive_timeout 65;
server_tokens off;
tcp_nopush off;
tcp_nodelay on;
gzip on;
gzip_http_version 1.0;
gzip_proxied any;
gzip_min_length 500;
gzip_disable "MSIE [1-6]\.";
gzip_types text/plain text/xml text/css
include mime.types;
upstream fftb9080 {
server {
listen 8080;
server_name localhost;
charset utf-8;
location / {
proxy_pass http://fftb9080;
## for password protection
#auth_basic "Private Forest";
#auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/.htpasswd;
FFTB shows 404 no stored forest found for this item for multiple reasons:
- This message appears if the grammar is missing lexicon entries. This can happen when it lacks a lexicon entry or, in the case your language needs special tokenization, if the sentence is not adequately tokenized.
On the terminal-side, FFTB will say something like: found a stored forest, but couldn't use it.-> no usable stored forest
The most common reason for this is that the parameter --webdir is not passed correctly (or points to the wrong place).
The directory should be +wrx.
The tool offers you the chance to select select spans with "Is A Constituent" but this causes the system to crash (very often) when you try to save the tree (from at least 0.9.23). So don't do this.
At least when running inside a docker container, fftb crashes if it can't find the environment variable LOGNAME. To set it use
export LOGNAME=myuser
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