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SanghounSong edited this page Jan 22, 2015 · 5 revisions

Stanford Tools

Zhong makes use of the Standford tools for segmenting raw sentences and POS-tagging the segmented sentences. These tools are not included in the Zhong repository, and users are responsible for downloading, installing, and setting up the tools.


The Stanford tools are all implemented in JAVA. So, if your machine does not have JAVA, you must install JAVA first (java1.7 or java1.8).

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

Please check out whether the java binary works on your machine.

$ which java

$ java -version
java version "1.7.0_72"

Stanford Word Segmenter

  1. If you are using java1.7, download versin 3.4.1 []. If you are using java1.8, download version 3.5.0 [] or later.

  2. Extract the zip file somewhere you want.

  3. Register the path in your ~/.bashrc or whatever. The name must be STANFORD_SEGMENTER_PATH. For example,

export STANFORD_SEGMENTER_PATH=/home/sanghoun/tools/stanford-segmenter

Stanford POS Tagger

  1. According to your java version, download the proper version (3.4.1 for java1.7 / 3.5.0 or later for java1.8). You have to download the FULL version.
  2. Extract the zip file somewhere you want.
  3. Register the path in your ~/.bashrc or whatever. The name must be STANFORD_SEGMENTER_PATH. For example,
export STANFORD_TAGGER_PATH=/home/sanghoun/tools/stanford-postagger


NLTK is required, because the script for running the Stanford POS tagger is build on NLTK.

  1. Install Setuptools:

  2. Install Pip & Install NLTK

$ sudo easy_install pip
$ sudo pip install -U nltk

You can test installation, using

$ python
>>> import nltk


After installing NLTK, you want to add Stanford libraries into your NLTK.

$ python
>>>  from nltk.tag.stanford import POSTagger

You can install nltk.tag.stanford answering the query. In addition, you may want to register JAVAHOME in your bashrc, too. For example,

export JAVAHOME=/usr/bin/java
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