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StephanOepen edited this page Jan 14, 2016 · 5 revisions

This guide assumes a checkout of to somewhere sensible. If your setup is different, some things will necessarily have to change.

Bash setup

Add the following to your .bashrc and re-source it (or start a fresh shell):

export LAPTREE=/path/to/lap/tree
export LAPLIBRARY=/path/to/lap/library
. $LAPTREE/etc/dot.bashrc


Some notes on how MongoDB is configured on the LAP servers is available on the LapDevelopment/MongoDB.

  • Install MongoDB via your package manager (or from source, whatever floats your boat); on Ubuntu, the package is simply called mongodb.

  • Create a directory for MongoDB's files. I use ~/mongodb

  • Start the server: mongodb --dbpath ~/mongodb. If disk space is at a premium (by default, MongoDB wants to create 3GB of stuff initially) the --smallfiles option is your friend.

ToDo Once LAPSTORE is unset, how will LAP know how to talk to the annotation database (oe; 14-jan-15)?


We also need a clean Galaxy, as the production instance has some changes to make things work nice with Abel and such.

This assumes you install galaxy side-by-side with the production instance (that is, in the root of the SVN checkout). If you want something else, the file manipulation commands will necessarily have to be different.

  • Check out the appropriate revision of Galaxy: hg clone -r 5c789ab4144a

  • Copy the tool config from the production instance to your checkout: cp galaxy/tool_conf.xml* galaxy-dist/

  • Remove the default tools: rm -r galaxy-dist/tools

  • Symlink in the LAP tools: ln -s $PWD/tools galaxy-dist/tools

  • In the galaxy-dist directory, run the file

On Ubuntu 14.04, the first run of fails when downloading eggs. This seems to be a version conflict between the system Python's version of some library and what Galaxy wants. It can be fixed by doing the first invocation in a virtualenv:

  • Make sure virtualenv is installed: sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv

  • Set up a virtualenv: virtualenv --no-site-packages galaxy_env

  • Activate it: . galaxy_env/bin/activate

  • Run again

The server should now start, and subsequent runs should not require the virtualenv.

ToDo And what about our custom data types (oe; 14-jan-16)?

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