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This page contains a core dump of WoodleyPackard's brain after working on a DELPH-IN compatible generator.
Generation is the process of constructing a surface realization of the meaning contained in an input MRS structure.
The basic algorithm for generation is quite similar to chart parsing. A number of semantically contentful lexemes and rules are "activated" (inserted into the chart) by virtue of a match between the MRS predicate[s] supplied in that particular sign and one or more MRS predicates in the input semantics. Additionally, a number of semantically vacuous signs are inserted into the chart according to the trigger rules. After chart initialization, lexical and syntactic rules are allowed to run to exhaustion. Finally, all generated edges are checked for compatibility with the input semantics, and the compatible ones are output as the result.
Some notes for would-be generator developers. These notes are written from the viewpoint of generating with the ERG.
There is in effect only one cell in the chart. The adjacency criterion for combinability of two edges is that the sets of input EPs that they dominate are disjoint.
To rule out the construction of edges in which the "wrong" MRS variable combines with a predicate, we use a technique dubbed skolemization. This means setting the INSTLOC property of the TFS representation of each MRS variable to a unique string, such as the variable's name. The effect of this is to block many combinations of input edges that should not combine (e.g. paraphrasing The black cat ate a small mouse. to The black mouse ate a small cat.) These combinations would be rejected in the post generation MRS compatibility test anyway, but generating them takes up a lot of time.
Along the same line, applying a "cheap scope" to the input MRS also blocks many unwanted edges (e.g. paraphrasing I think the cat thinks the dog is asleep. to The cat thinks I think the dog is asleep.) An easy way to do this is to use the same skolem constant (INSTLOC property) on the handles on the high and low side of the QEQs.
Index accessibility filtering is a technique to block the generation of edges that seal off MRS variables that still need to be combined with more EPs. For example, we would like to avoid spending time generating I see a cat chasing a mouse. when the correct result is I see a cat chasing a frightened mouse., because there is no way to form an edge that spans all of the input EPs from I see a cat chasing a mouse. (in particular, the EP corresponding to frightened will be unrealized). We would like to avoid generating anything containing with "a mouse". In practice, we can avoid going beyond chasing a mouse with this technique, which is a large step in the right direction.
At least for the ERG, a significant portion of the lexicon and rule inventory are considered informal, i.e. suitable for parsing but not for generation. Unfortunately, this distinction is not made explicit in the grammar proper. The canonical list of signs unsuitable for generation resides in the file "lkb/globals.lsp", in the parameters *duplicate-lex-ids* and *gen-ignore-rules*
Generating from non-native predications (e.g. the year 1973, or my name) is a bit tricky. The ERG pulls this trick off with the parameter *generic-lexical-entries*, which is a list of generic lexemes to try when an EP in the input MRS does not match anything in the semantic index (i.e. regular lexemes and rules).
The LKB generator uses a head-driven rule instantiation ordering, which is different from the key-driven ordering used for parsing. This may make some difference in efficiency. Update I tried this out. According to my experiments, key-driven generation is nearly a factor of 2 faster than head-driven generation, so the LKB may stand to gain a considerable speed-up from this trivial change. (JohnCarroll adds: there were some misleading comments and variable names in the LKB source - now corrected; the LKB generator has always been key-driven, like the parser)
(Following notes added by GlennSlayden)
When generating from parser outputs, lookup of lexical entries by predicate name requires some care because, by design, VPM round-trips are lossy with regard to a grammar's type vs. string distinction. For predicate names, reverse VPM should prefer the string when both type and string are available (e.g. _week_n_1_rel in the ERG), whereas for substructure values, reverse VPM should prefer type values (e.g. 3 in the ERG). Of course, values for any features listed in the *value-feats* (LKB) configuration setting (e.g. CARG) must always be instantiated as strings. Note that there may be additional edge cases depending on how strings are added to the grammar. For example, if parsing the sentence "I have a pronoun_q_rel." causes pronoun_q_rel to be added to the grammar as a string, then following the heuristic above means that the string version will incorrectly be set as the PRED of the quantifier rel. Finally, this also points to a general problem with adding new strings to the grammar in the course of parsing or generating: if runtime strings are persisted in a global grammar singleton, then they may introduce side-effects to subsequent operations.
There is also an interaction between reverse VPM and the *sem-relation-suffix* configuration setting. Consider for example generating from the parse of "Cats eat dog food," where the input MRS contains compound_rel. Although "compound" will be found the lexicon as a word, interpreting this discovery as sanctioning "compound_rel" as a string PRED is not the correct result; in this case, (contrary to the above heuristic) the compound_rel type should have precedence.
With the ERG, PRED values can be further specialized by grammar rules. For example: In the city, I slept. Here, lexical entry "in" contributes _in_p_rel which is later specialized to _in_p_state_rel. This means that PRED lookup for generation must include supertypes, or equivalently, that LEs be indexed not just by their PREDs, but further by all of their subtypes.
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