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StephanOepen edited this page Aug 23, 2005 · 87 revisions

DELPH-IN First Working Meeting (Lisbon, 2005)

Following is the schedule for the DELPH-IN working meeting held from August 18 to 21 in Lisbon, Portugal. Slide copies and discussion notes are available in many cases, linked from the title cell in each slot.

Thursday, August 18

9:00 [ Introduction: What is DELPH-IN, What are we Doing Here?] HansUszkoreit
9:30 Recent and upcoming extensions to the LKB and [incr tsdb()] StephanOepen
10:00 [ HPSG Processing at DFKI and Saarland University: Summary of Results and Plans] HansUszkoreit
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-11:45 [wiki:LisbonRepositoryDiscussion Discussion I: Designing and creating a DELPH-IN repository (systems, tools, data, lingware)] Moderator: StephanOepen, Scribe: UlrichSchaefer
11:45-12:30 Discussion II: Strategies for documentation of grammars and tools Moderator: FrancisBond, Scribe: ChikaraHashimoto
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:30 Robust unification in PET/Viewing unfilled feature structures in the LKB FrederikFouvry
14:30-15:15 Discussion III: What do we want to get out of DELPH-IN? Given that, how should we decide who else to approach, and how should we approach them? Moderator: ValiaKordoni, Scribe: AlexandrousPoulis
15:15-16:00 Discussion IV: What can we do to promote the visibility of DELPH-IN and its agenda within the field of computational linguistics? (Subtopic: What material should we add to the website, and how can this be done in a distributed fashion?) Moderator: FrederikFouvry, Scribe: JesseTseng
16:00-16:30 Coffee break
16:30 Statistical Approach towards Deep Lexical Acquisition YiZhang
17:00 A methodoogy for the development of wide-coverage HPSG grammars YusukeMiyao
17:30 Matrix Modules: Development and User Interface EmilyBender and DanFlickinger

Friday, August 19

9:00 TIGER 700 RMRS Bank: RMRS Construction from TIGER Dependencies AnetteFrank and KathrinSpreyer
9:30 A "text interface" for deep linguistic processing: General input text BenWaldron
10:00 Multi-verb constructions in a West African Language LarsHellan and DorotheeBeermann
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00 French JesseTseng
11:30 Spanish and Catalan Grammars: Lexical Clustering MontserratMarimon and NuriaBel
12:00 Ontology Extraction from Machine-Readable Dictionaries with RMRS FrancisBond
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:30 SEM-I AnnCopestake and DanFlickinger
14:30-15:00 [ Heart of Gold Overview] UlrichSchaefer
15:00-15:45 Discussion V: Developing a distributed means of testing LKB updates Moderator: FrancisBond, Scribe: ChikaraHashimoto
15:45-16:00 Discussion VI: Developing a standard DELPH-IN open source license Moderator: WoodleyPackard, Scribe: JeffGood
16:00-16:30 Coffee break
16:30 GramaXing Project and new Portuguese Grammar AntonioBranco
17:00 Montage: HPSG Grammar Engineering for Language Documentation EmilyBender and JeffGood
17:30 Business meeting

Saturday, August 20

9:00 JACY development MelanieSiegel
9:30 Status Quo of Korean Resource Grammar and A Korean-Japanese Joint Project JongBokKim and JaehyungYang
10:00 Modern Greek Resource Grammar: Present and Future AlexandrosPoulis, ValiaKordoni, and FrederikFouvry
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00 [ Challenges and Opportunities for Hybrid Deep and Shallow Processing Approaches: Applications and Chances for Cooperation] HansUszkoreit
11:30-12:30 Discussion VII: Research avenues: Future applications, resources, tools, additional features for existing tools. What's ripe to work on now? What other appropriate avenues are waiting on what prerequisite developments? What strategies seem promising for moving grammars to new domains, and what technology would help? Moderator: AnetteFrank, Scribe: PetterHaugereid
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00 German Grammar: Morphological Component, MRS Output, First Results in Generation BertholdCrysmann
14:30 NorSource - current developments (preposition semantics) LarsHellan and DorotheeBeermann
15:00 Scandinavian Matrix Swedish Grammars LarsAhrenberg and SaraStyme
15:30-16:00 Discussion VIII: Comparative evaluation Moderator: YusukeMiyao, Scribe: YiZhang
16:00-16:30 Coffee break
16:30-17:30 Discussion IX: Matrix updates: What would the community like to see? What makes it feasible to integrate new Matrix versions? What kinds of community input to Matrix developers would be most effective? Moderator: DanFlickinger Scribe: ScottDrellishak
17:30 Concluding Remarks DanFlickinger
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