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StephanOepen edited this page Jun 5, 2009 · 53 revisions


This page discusses some of the available input formats to the PET parser cheap, viz. 'pure' textual input and the so-called YY mode for lattice-based input. These two modes of giving input to the parser are the most traditional ones, but in more recent developments, additional XML-based input formats have been developed. Please see the PetInputChart and SmafTop pages for alternative, lattice-based XML input modes.

This page was predominantly authored by StephanOepen, who is its current maintainer. Please do not make substantial changes unless you (a) are quite certain of the technical correctness of your revisions and (b) believe strongly that your changes are compatible with the general design and recommended use patterns for PET input processing, and of course with the goals of this page.

Textual, Line-Oriented Input

By default, cheap expects plain text input, one sentence (or, more generally, utterance) per line. The parser applies a very simple-minded tokenizer, breaking the input string into tokens at all occurences of whitespace. There are a few quirks and configuration options for this input mode, e.g. the ability to convert LaTeX-style accented characters into UniCode characters, or the historic, so-called LinGO tokenizer, trying to handle contracted auxiliaries in (what in the 1990s seemed like) the proper manner.

Punctuation characters, as specified in the settings file are ignored by PET (removed from the input chart) for pure, textual input. Here is an example of the punctuation characters found in the JaCY file pet/japanese.set:

  punctuation-characters := "\"!&'()*+,-−./;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~。?…., ○●◎*".

Note that punctuation-characters are defined separately for the LKB (typically in lkb/globals.lsp) and that, in recent years, grammars are moving towards inclusion of punctuation marks in the syntactic analysis.

Punctuation characters are not removed from the other input modes (YY mode, PET Input Chart, or MAF). Rather, in these modes they should be removed (or treated otherwise, as appropriate) by the preprocessor that created the token lattice (in whatever syntax) provided to PET.

YY Input Mode

YY (activated by the -yy option) input mode facilities parsing from a partial (lexical) chart, i.e. it assumes that tokenization (and other text-level pre-processing) have been performed outside of cheap. YY input mode facilitates token-level ambiguity, multi-word tokens, some control over what PET should do for morphological analysis, the use of POS tags on input tokens to enable (better) unknown word handling, and generally feeding a word graph (as, for example, obtained from a speech recognizer) into the parser.

Following is a discussion of the YY [ input example] provided with the ERG (as of early 2009). In this example, the words are shown on separate lines for clarity. In the actual input given to PET, all YY tokens must appear as a single line (terminated by newline), as each line of input is processed as a separate utterance.

  (42, 0, 1, <0:11>, 1, "Tokenization", 0, "null", "NNP" 0.7677 "NN" 0.2323)
  (43, 1, 2, <12:12>, 1, ",", 0, "null", "," 1.0000)
  (44, 2, 3, <14:14>, 1, "a", 0, "null", "DT" 1.0000)
  (45, 3, 4, <16:26>, 1, "non-trivial", 0, "null", "JJ" 1.0000)
  (46, 4, 5, <28:35>, 1, "exercise", 0, "null", "NN" 0.9887 "VB" 0.0113)
  (47, 5, 6, <36:36>, 1, ",", 0, "null", "," 1.0000)
  (48, 6, 7, <38:43>, 1, "bazed", 0, "null", "VBD" 0.5975 "VBN" 0.4025)
  (49, 7, 8, <45:57>, 1, "", 0, "null", "NN" 0.7342 "JJ" 0.2096)
  (50, 8, 9, <58:58>, 1, ".", 0, "null", "." 1.0000)

An input in this form can be processed by PET as follows:

  cheap -yy -packing -verbose=4 -mrs \
    -chart-mapping -default-les=all english.grm < pet/

Here -yy (a shorthand for -tok=yy) turns on YY partial chart input mode, and we request ambiguity packing (which is always a good idea), some verbosity of tracing, and the output of MRSs. The additional options enable chart mapping (see [ Adolphs, et al. (2008)]) and turn the unknown word machinery into 2009 mode (see the section Unknown Word Handling below). Note that these options, as of early 2009, are only supported in the so-called chart mapping [ branch] of the PET code base (corresponding pre-compiled binaries are available in the LOGON tree; see the LogonTop page).

Each token in the above example has the following format:

  • (id, start, end, [link,] path+, form [surface], ipos, lrule+[, {pos p}+])

In other words, each token has a unique identifier and a start and end vertex. Optionally, tokens can be annotated with a surface link, an indication of underlying string positions in the original document; currently (as of January 2009), link information is only supported as character positions, in the format <from:to> (but in principle, link could have other forms, with from and to being arbitrary strings, e.g. stand-off pointers in whatever underlying markup). We will ignore the path component (membership in one or more paths through a word lattice) for our purposes.

The actual token string is provided by the form field, and this is what PET uses for morphological analysis and lexical look-up. In case the form does not correspond to the original string in the document, e.g. because there was some textual normalization prior to creation of YY tokens already, the optional surface field can be used to record the original string. Until early 2009, the ERG had inherited a mechanism called ersatzing where a set of regular expressions were applied prior to parsing, associating for example a form value of EmailErsatz with a surface value of In the newer, chart mapping universe, the ERG no longer makes use of this facility and instead makes it a policy to never 'mess' with the actual token string (but use other token properties instead).

YY mode can be used in two variants regarding morphological analysis. Our example above leaves morphological analysis to PET, i.e. using the lexical rules and orthographemic annotation provided by the grammar. This built-in morphology mode is activated by an lrules value of "null", and the ipos field is ignored (but still has to be given, conventionally as 0). Another option is to provide information about morphological segmentation as part of the input tokens, in which case ipos specifies the position to which orthographemic rules apply, and one or more lrule values (as strings) name lexical rules provided by the grammar.

Finally, each token can be annotated with an optional sequence of tag plus probability pairs. The ERG, for example, includes a set of underspecified generic lexical entries which can be activated on the basis of PoS information, obtained for example from running a PoS tagger prior to parsing. We used to include the probabilities in (heuristic) parse ranking, but since sometime in 2002 (when MaxEnt parse selection became available in PET) they are just ignored.

YY input mode supports a genuine token lattice, i.e. it is legitimate to have multiple tokens for an input position, or tokens spanning multiple positions.

Unknown Word Handling: Basics

As of early 2009, there are two modes of detecting and handling unknown words, i.e. input tokens for which no native lexical entry is available. Common to both modes is their use of underspecified, so-called generic lexical entries. In a nutshell, these entries are instantiated for gaps in the lexical chart, i.e. input positions for which no native entries were found. The variation in different modes of unknown word handling relates to (a) how lexical gaps are detected and (b) the selection of which generic entries to instantiate. For historic reasons, we document the older unknown word handling mode first, pointing out its limitations along the way. The newer, cleaner, and more flexible approach to unknown word handling is summarized in section Unknown Word Handling and Chart Mapping below.

Unknown word handling is activated by the command-line option -default-les. For this option to take effect, the grammar has to provide one or more lexical entries marked as generic, by means of their TDL status value. For example, the ERG includes the following declartions (in pet/common.set):

  generic-lexentry-status-values := generic-lex-entry.

Actual generic entries are defined in the ERG file [], which is loaded (in the top-level grammar file english.tdl) as follows:

  :begin :instance :status generic-lex-entry.
  :include "gle".
  :end :instance.

Turning on -default-les without additional settings, for each lexical gap all generic entries will be activated; in other words, there is no control over which entries are used at each gap position, and it is left to the larger syntactic context to determine the category of the unknown token(s). With inputs exhibiting a non-trivial proportion of unknown words, this approach can lead to massive lexical and syntactic ambiguity and, in the worst case, may be computationally intractable.

Since around 2002 the ERG has had the ability of using an external PoS tagger to selectively activate generic entries; this mode of operation assumes that input tokens are decorated with one or more PoS tags (as in our example above), and that the grammar provides a mapping from PoS tags to the identifiers of generic lexical entries. This mapping can be provided by the posmapping declaration in one of the settings files, for example (from older versions of the ERG):

  posmapping := 
    JJ $generic_adj
    JJR $generic_adj_compar
    JJS $generic_adj_superl
    CD $generic_number
    NN $generic_mass_count_noun
    NNS $generic_pl_noun
    NNPS $generic_pl_noun
    NNP $genericname
    FW $generic_mass_noun
    RB $generic_adverb
    VB $generic_trans_verb_bse
    VBD $generic_trans_verb_past
    VBG $generic_trans_verb_prp
    VBN $generic_trans_verb_psp
    VBP $generic_trans_verb_presn3sg
    VBZ $generic_trans_verb_pres3sg

To further constrain the postulation of generic lexical entries, cheap provides two optional filtering mechanisms (both somewhat ad-hoc). The first of these can be used to impose suffix constraints on the actual token string giving rise to a generic lexical entry. For example (again from older ERG revisions):

  generic-le-suffixes := 
    $generic_trans_verb_pres3sg "S" 
    $generic_trans_verb_past "ED" 
    $generic_trans_verb_psp "ED" 
    $generic_trans_verb_prp "ING" 
    $generic_pl_noun "S"

But this approach interoperates poorly with the ERG treatment of punctuation (as pseudo-affixes), which was introduced sometime around 2005.

Another configuration mechanism can be used to let PoS tags augment native lexical entries, i.e. attempting to address incomplete lexical coverage, say a use of the word bus as a verb, but assuming the native lexicon only provides a nominal reading. However, seeing that recent developments have made this configuration obsolete too (where it was never really used in production anyway), it shall suffice to 'document' it by means of the comments from the file pet/common.set in earlier ERG revisions:

  ;;; the setting `pos-completion' enables an additional mechanism to do with
  ;;; processing of generic lexical entrie: whenever we receive POS information
  ;;; as part of the input, we check to see whether the built-in lexical entries
  ;;; suffice to satisfy the POS annotations: each lexical entry retrieved for an
  ;;; input token 
  ;;;   <string, pos_1, pos_2, pos_3> 
  ;;; is mapped to an application-specific POS tag, using the `type-to-pos' map,
  ;;; and checking the type of each lexical entry for subsumption against the
  ;;; left-hand side of each `type-to-pos' rule.  some or all POS annotations
  ;;; from the input may be `satisfied' under this mapping by built-in lexical
  ;;; entries, e.g. for the example above, there may be lexical entries whose
  ;;; type maps to `pos_1' and `pos_3'; unless all POS annotations are satisfied
  ;;; after all built-in lexical entries have been processed, the remaining POS
  ;;; categories are processed by the regular `posmapping' look-up.  note that,
  ;;; as a side effect, an empty `type-to-pos' map will always result in having
  ;;; all generic lexical entries activated (modulo the filter described above),
  ;;; even for input tokens that were found in the native lexicon.
  type-to-pos :=
    basic_noun_word NN
    basic_noun_word NNS
    basic_noun_word NNP
    basic_pronoun_word NN
    basic_pronoun_word NNS
    basic_pronoun_word NNP

Unknown Word Handling and Chart Mapping

The approach to unknown word handling sketched above has several undesirable properties (that we discovered through the years).

First, the method of detecting lexical gaps right after lexical look-up and activating generic entries only in chart positions with apparent gaps is failure-prone under two conditions: first, lexical look-up is performed on the basis of stems that were hypothesized after the first phase of orthographemic processing (i.e. morphological analysis). In this phase, an input token UPS will be analyzed as the candidate stem up, combined with either the nominal plural, or the verbal present tense, third person singular inflectional rules. If we assumed that the grammar contained only the prepositional lexical entry for up, then both morphological analyses should actually be considered lexical gaps—in lexical parsing, the inflectional rules will ultimately fail to apply to the preposition. If we were to assume, on the other hand, that the grammar contained a verbal stem up, then there is no lexical gap in a technical sense. However, there may still be incomplete lexical coverage, where instead of the present tense verb form, we would rather require a (generic) proper name to parse successfully. The original approach to unknown words in PET has no satisfactory way of addressing either problem.

For these reasons, the order and nature of lexical processing have been re-worked in the so-called chart mapping parsing mode for cheap. [ Adolphs, et al. (2008)] discuss this approach more generally, but in a nutshell this mode defers gap detection and the decision on which generics to use until after lexical processing is complete, i.e. the application of lexical rules has reached a fix-point. This universe is activated by the command-line option -default-les=all and should typically be combined with -chart-mapping. In this mode, the processing of native lexical entries is unchanged, but generics are treated differently: for each input token, all generics are always activated. To activate a (generic) lexical entry, in this mode, means to unify the complete feature structure(s) of the underlying token(s) into a designated path (called the TOKENS path) of the lexical entry. This way, input tokens can be decorated with various properties, for example PoS information and a token class (ranging over, say, alphanumeric vs. numeric vs. various sub-types of named entities) property. The generic lexical entry designated for unknown singular nouns can thus be constrained to only be compatible with tokens that carry appropriate PoS tags, and an entry designated for email addresses can constrain its token class to the appropriate sub-type.

Besides its shortcomings in lexical gap detection discussed above, another unsatisfactory aspect of the older approach to unknown word handling lies in the ad hoc nature of filtering mechanisms like posmapping et al. There are many assumptions built into the software in these mechanisms, and their semi-procedural status is problematic in terms of the formalism definition (i.e. might be hard to re-produce in another processing engine). Furthermore, these mechanisms do not allow grammarians to flexibly (and on a case-by-case basis, if desirable) decide on which generics to activate under which conditions, and on how to combine native and generic entries. There are obvious coverage vs. efficiency trade-offs in this space, and the new, chart mapping universe aims to give the grammarian great power (and great responsibility) in creating and maintaining distinct configurations.

Finally, the old code has been augmented over time with additional procedural mechanisms, all aiming to 'transport' token-level surface properties into the grammar-internal feature structure universe. Examples of such mechanisms are so-called characterization (recording of string-level start and end positions for each token) and the determination of CARG and PRED values in the MRS component of grammar-internal feature structures, in both cases reflecting the token surface form of named entities or predicates introduced by other generic entries. All such procedural mechanisms—destructively manipulating feature structures 'behind the scenes'—become unnecessary in the new approach to unknown words. Because lexical entries (generics and natives) are given access to the full feature structure of their underlying input token(s), whatever information needs to be picked up from the tokens into the grammar-internal signs can be accessed by simple re-entrancies within the lexical entry. The ERG (as of early 2009), for example, percolates characterization information (from input tokens) on all lexical entries, making sure to pass up the left- and right-most start and end positions when building phrases, and further inserting this information into all semantic predicates, at the time these are first introduced, i.e. both in lexical entries and constructions. In a similar spirit, the generic entry activated for an unknown singular common noun picks up a PRED value from its input token, and the email NE generic entry determines its CARG from the surface form of the underlying token. This is all very clean and pretty.

As regards the interaction of native and generic entries in the new universe, the default-les=all mode will initially activate both kinds of entries. Once lexical parsing (the application of lexical rules) has completed, there is a phase of lexical filtering, operationalized as a set of chart mapping rules that can inspect pairs (or, in principle, sets) of edges in the chart and delete those that are deemed unwanted. A baseline lexical filtering strategy that approximates the older approach (modulo more accurate gap detection) could be to delete all generic entries from chart cells where there is at least one native entry (remaining after lexical parsing). More advanced strategies might aim to reduce native entries on the basis of incompatible PoS values (for potentially improved efficiency), or try to augment native entries with generics to complement what we called partial lexical coverage above (for improved coverage; essentially realizing the old pos-completion mode in the new universe).

Returning to the above input example, recall that the YY token description corresponds to the (moderately sensical) input

  Tokenization, a non-trivial exercise, bazed

Using the ERG revision of January 2009, combined with the new approach to unknown words, chart mapping, and MRS extraction (i.e. the calling example shown in section YY Input Mode above), one of the results will look like the following (the MRS has been simplified, omitting variable properties except for the top-level event)

  [ LTOP: h1
    RELS: < [ appos_rel<0:36> LBL: h3 ARG0: e4 ARG1: x6 ARG2: x5 ]
            [ udef_q_rel<0:12> LBL: h7 ARG0: x6 RSTR: h9 BODY: h8 ]
            [ "_tokenization/NN_u_unknown_rel"<0:12> LBL: h10 ARG0: x6 ]
            [ _a_q_rel<14:14> LBL: h11 ARG0: x5 RSTR: h12 BODY: h13 ]
            [ neg_rel<16:26> LBL: h14 ARG0: e16 ARG1: h15 ]
            [ "_trivial_a_1_rel"<16:26> LBL: h17 ARG0: ARG1: x5 ]
            [ "_exercise_n_1_rel"<28:36> LBL: h14 ARG0: x5 ]
            [ "_bazed/VBD_u_unknown_rel"<38:43> LBL: h3 ARG0: e2 ARG1: x6 ARG2: x19 ]
            [ proper_q_rel<45:58> LBL: h20 ARG0: x19 RSTR: h22 BODY: h21 ]
            [ named_unk_rel<45:58> LBL: h23 ARG0: x19 CARG: "" ] >
    HCONS: < h9 qeq h10 h12 qeq h14 h15 qeq h17 h22 qeq h23 > ]

This result exemplifies several of the mechanisms discussed earlier. The input token Tokenization is an unknown word to the grammar and was analyzed using a PoS-activated generic lexical entry. As the input tokens to the parser provide no lemmatization information (yet), the grammar, in this case, opts to compose the PRED value by concatenating the surface form and PoS tag (which preserves all the information available to the parser, and obviously some amount of semantic post-processing is called for). The same is true of the _bazed/VBD_u_unknown_rel predication, which was built using a PoS-activated generic lexical entry for simple transitives. Finally, the token is recognized as a named entity, where a set of token mapping rules prior to lexical instantiation looks for string-level indicators of various kinds of NEs, in this case the regular expression characteristic of an email address. In this case, the token feature structure is annotated with a specific token class value, which subsequently allow activation of the correct generic lexical entry (and blocks any other generics). This entry, in turn, makes its MRS CARG value parasitic on the input token feature structure (where token mapping has done The Right Thing™ about the interactions with sentence-final punctuation).

LKB and [incr tsdb()] Back-End Support

The LKB includes a simple, finite-state tool to prepare textual input for parsing with PET, the Regular Expression Pre-Processor (REPP); please see the ReppTop page for details. The ERG includes a set of string-level REPP rules to normalize inputs and determine (initial) tokenization; as one of its outputs formats, REPP supports the YY 2.0 conventions.

With PET and itsdb versions dated February 15, 2009, or newer, the new approach to unknown word handling (finally) has full support in itsdb, including the Redwoods treebanking tools. As all information about the flow of information between the token-level and grammar-internal sign universes is now encoded as part of the grammar proper (i.e. its feature structures for lexical entries and rules), complete information about the derivation is recorded in itsdb profiles (please see the ItsdbDerivation page for background). Specifically, the extended derivation format includes the feature structures of input tokens as the leafs of the derivation tree, such that re-building that derivation (deterministically re-applying all unifications) will yield the exact same result as was produced during parsing. Hence, characterization information, as well as dynamic PREDs and CARGs for unknown words, will be present on structures built during treebanking (or exported from itsdb) in just the same way they were present during parsing. This should be true independent of the input mode used with PET, though as of early 2009 most testing was done using the YY token format.

History and Alternate Lattice-Based Input Modes

YY input mode was first developed in 2000 and has undergone three revisions since. YY input mode revision 0.0 was a purely internal version that is no longer supported. Since 2001, YY 1.0 has been in active use and is still fully supported. The format described above, and the example given from the ERG, use YY 2.0, a conservative, backwards-compatible extension made in January 2009. Compared to YY 1.0, only the optional link field was added, i.e. the ability to provide information about external surface positions. It appears, however, that the PET-internal treatment of YY input tokens was changed in a (theoretically, at least) non-backwards-compatible manner sometime around the years 2003 or 2004, when the start and end fields (in YY 1.0) format were re-interpreted as external surface links, viz. character positions—much like the new from and to values in the YY 2.0 extension. No real damage was observed from this change (because interpreting chart vertices as character positions, and later re-computing chart vertices from the resulting lattice topology should usually arrive at an identical lattice), but as of early 2009, it is recommend to adapt external providers of YY input to PET to the richer YY 2.0 format.

Alternate, lattice-based input modes are available using XML markup to encode the parser input. See the PetInputChart and SmafTop pages for the so-called PIC and SMAF mode, respectively.

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