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StephanOepen edited this page Feb 19, 2009 · 5 revisions


= PCFG Parsing =

the two-stage parser starts with conventional HPSG parsing, until a fixed point where no more edges are created (ie. empty task agenda).

the PCFG parsing stage then starts. first it sets the score of all full edges to 1. since all log probabilities should be <= 0, this marks the edges to be rescored later with PCFG model. then an iteration is done on all passive inflrs_complete_p() non-input full items, trying to initialize new parsing tasks on the agenda. the parsing tasks are sorted in the agenda according to the PCFG score for the constructed local tree. this guarantees that best subtrees for a given span is always constructed first (also thanks to the fact that, unlike the MEM scores, generative PCFG model score monotonically decrees when ascending in the constructed tree).

now let's consider the packing of PCFG edges. since for the given span and category, the highest score passive edge is always created first, i simply packed the latter ones into the existing one (that is to say, always pack proactively). also, packing never happens between PCFG and HPSG edges. because only the representative edges (with maximal local score) remain in the chart, they will guarantee that the higher edge built with the representative daughter edges will also receive the maximal score, among all of its possible decompositions. this is a nice trick which makes Viterbi decoding (1-best unpacking) trivial: no need to call hypothesize_edge at all, just take the representative edge on the top (or the best representative if there are more than one). ah, writing this down just reminds me that i do need to call hypothesize_edge(E,0) on each full edge taken from the HPSG stage (if packing is enabled there too). this is to assign the max local PCFG score to each of the HPSG full edges. i forgot to do this, and might be receiving sub-optimal hypothesis under packed full HPSG edges.

when PCFG rules tries to build new edges, different checking options are available for the routine passive_item_exists():

  • -robust=1: does not care whether a HPSG full edge already
    • exists. this basically assumes that PCFG rules and HPSG rules, although share same names, are not interfering with each other. this mode guarantees that the optimal PCFG tree will be found. the drawback is that edges built in the first stage might be duplicated in the PCFG universe.
  • -robust=2: if an HPSG full edge exists for a span with a specific
    • rule, the same edge will not be rebuilt in the PCFG parsing stage (as long as the triggering rule's LHS matches that HPSG rule name). this mode does not guarantee to find the tree with maximal PCFG score. it is basically assuming there is no need to find alternative PCFG analyses for phrases analysed by the HPSG. i was also worried about whether this will affect the 1-best unpacking (e.g. whether this will distorted the order of edges to be created in

the forest),

  • but it seems that i was overcautious.
  • -robust=3: elaborated duplication checking. if the PCFG edge to be
    • built has the same category of an existing HPSG edge, and all its daughters matches the HPSG edge's daughters' rules (i assume packed nodes does not need to be checked, and they should be built with the same rule, or am i wrong here?). this mode will not duplicate edges, and still find all necessary alternative PCFG analyses.

the three settings put increasing extra burden on the checking routine. optimization needed at certain stage. for instance, i need to to keep an immutable copy of the first stage chart, so that iteration only on non-PCFG edges can be achieved. indexing and caching will also help.

one might argue that one don't even need to do the stage one HPSG parsing to construct the passive edges. if the PCFG large enough, it be able to build these passive edges by itself. But keeping the HPSG passive edges help to improve robustness of the PCFG, in case a HPSG rule triggers a valid but rare branching that has not been observed in the treebank. Also, when using -robust=2,3, one might save some memory and processing, if passive_item_exists() is done efficiently.


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