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Francis Bond edited this page Dec 28, 2023 · 48 revisions

Since 2005, DELPH-IN has held an annual Summit. This is a loosely structured unconference where people update each other about the work they are doing, seek feedback on current work, and occasionally hammer out agreement on standards and best practice.

Table of Contents

Previous and Future Meetings

We occasionally also have smaller more focused meetings between these larger meetings.

Planning Guidelines

Physical Requirements

  • One room that seats everyone, preferably set up for talks and discussion;
  • One or more other rooms for smaller meetings and breakout sessions;
  • Good internet connectivity (there is a lot of live wikiing);
  • Good microphone (Meeting Owl or similar) to pick up audio from in-person session for remote participants;
  • In hot or sticky environments, air conditioning preferred;
  • Access to nice coffee preferred.


DELPH-IN Summits are normally held in summer, and are often co-located with another conference (in the past, typically HPSG).


In most years, there has been a participants fee, to cover local infrastructure expenses, coffee breaks, and the like. We try to keep the meetings cheap, to encourage student participation.

Participation Policy

DELPH-IN Summit attendees can be:

  • members of the 'participants' mailing list
  • plus up to five nominated by local organizer
  • ideally we should be able to have group discussions, hence about 30 people is a practical upper bound

Program format

At the Kyoto meeting, we reflected on the format of the Summit, and generally agreed on the following suggestions for future years:

  • Three day core with a few days on either side (preferably afterwards) for less formal time (with format varying depending on whether the Summit is co-located with a conference)
  • Split program chair and local host roles
  • Local host can either manage virtual hosting or appoint a virtual host for online participants
  • Program chair solicit proposals for three categories: presentations/updates, discussion, requests for tutorials, allowing time for those agreeing to give tutorials to prepare ahead of the Summit
  • No parallel grammarian/developers sessions
  • Internet access in the meeting room(s)

Successful SIG scheduling

Some observations on making the scheduling of the SIGs go more smoothly:

  • No individual should be responsible for more than N/2 SIGs, where N is the number of SIG sessions they will be attending.
  • If multiple SIGs are to be grouped into a single (serial) session, this needs to be done before people indicate interest.
  • SIG scheduler should lock the schedule page before beginning the scheduling process.
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