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Legacy Api

Marius David Wieschollek edited this page Jul 7, 2021 · 8 revisions

This api will be removed permanently in version 2022.1.

This is the legacy api of the original passwords app by Fallon Turner. The rewritten passwords app provides an implementation of this api, but does not recommend using it. Due to its limitations, this api returns incomplete data and does not support client side encryption. If you are planning to use the passwords api in your own application, please use the new api instead.

Method Scope Semantics
GET collection Retrieve all resources in a collection
GET resource Retrieve a single resource
HEAD collection Retrieve all resources in a collection (header only)
HEAD resource Retrieve a single resource (header only)
POST collection Create a new resource in a collection
PUT resource Update a resource
DELETE resource Delete a resource
OPTIONS any Return available HTTP methods and other options


The api can only be accessed with CORS compatible clients and requires basic auth.


The Version Object

This api endpoint always returns the number 21

Api Url



The Category Object

Property Type Writable Description
id int no Numeric id of the category
user_id string no Nextcloud user name of the current user
name string no Label of the password. Added in 2019.5.0, otherwise not present
loginname string yes Username for the password
pass string yes The password
website string no The domain of the password. It will always be the domain of the address
address string yes The url of the website
notes string yes Notes taken by the user. May containe markdown
deleted bool yes True if the password is in the trash
creation_date string no Date when the password was created. Format YYYY-MM-DD
properties string no JSON encoded string with properties
properties.loginname string yes See loginname
properties.address string yes See address
properties.strength int no Security status of the password. (0 = broken, 10 = Weak, 20 = Good)
properties.length int no Length of the password
properties.lower bool no True if the password contains lowercase letters
properties.upper bool no True if the password contains uppercase letters
properties.number bool no True if the password contains numbers
properties.special bool no True if the password contains special characters
properties.category int yes Id of the fiest associated tag
properties.datechanged string yes Date when the password was last edited. Format YYYY-MM-DD
properties.notes string yes See notes

Api Url


Rest Methods

Method Fields Description
POST pass, loginname, address, notes, category Creates a new password with the given attributes. Reurns the password
PUT id, pass, loginname, address, notes, category, deleted, datechanged Updates the password with the given id. Note that the id is a get parameter, the rest are JSON post parameters
GET Lists all passwords
GET id Returns the passwords with the given id
DELETE id Moves the passwords with the given id to the trash and deletes it when the deleted attribute is set to true


The Category Object

Property Type Writable Description
id int no Numeric id of the category
user_id string no Nextcloud user name of the current user
category_name string yes The label of the tag
category_colour string yes The color of the tag as hexadecimal number without the leading '#'

Api Url


Rest Methods

Method Fields Description
POST category_name, category_colour Creates a new tag with the given attributes. Returns the created tag.
GET Lists all tags
GET id Returns the tag with the given id
DELETE id Moves the tag with the given id to the trash

Incompatibilities / Notes

  • Some passwords will not have addresses or websites as this is not a required field in the new app
  • The delete command will move passwords into the trash if they do not have the deleted attribute
  • The attribute strength has only three values: 0 - 10 - 20
  • The sharing api is not supported.
  • Categories are mapped to tags. There is only the first category shown.
  • Tags will only be moved in the trash when deleted
  • Client side encryption or SSEv2 encryption are not supported
  • The new app will fill all fields with values, the legacy app only the properties
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