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Settings Api

Marius David Wieschollek edited this page Nov 19, 2020 · 19 revisions

Available api actions

Action Url Method Session required Description
get /api/1.0/settings/get POST no Returns the value of one setting
set /api/1.0/settings/set POST yes Sets the value of a setting
list /api/1.0/settings/list GET no Lists all settings
list /api/1.0/settings/list POST no Lists all settings in a scope
reset /api/1.0/settings/reset POST yes Resets a setting

Scopes and Settings

Scope Writable Description
user yes User specific settings
client yes Client specific settings
server no Server specific settings
Setting Type Default Description
user.password.generator.strength int 1 The strength of generated passwords, a value between 0 (weak) and 4 (strong)
user.password.generator.numbers bool false Whether or not generated passwords contain numbers
user.password.generator.special bool false Whether or not generated passwords contain special characters bool true Whether or not the server should check passwords for duplicates int 0 Marks passwords a weak if they surpass the specified date mark. 0 is off. bool true Whether or not the user receives mails about security issues
user.mail.shares bool false Whether or not the user receives mails about new shared objects bool true Whether or not the user receives notifications about security issues
user.notification.shares bool true Whether or not the user receives notifications about new shared objects
user.notification.errors bool true Whether or not the user receives notifications about background errors
user.notification.admin bool true Whether or not the user receives notifications about configuration issues. Only for admins
user.encryption.sse int 1 The server side encryption type. 0 = None, 1 = SSEv1, 2 = SSEv1
user.encryption.cse int 0 The client side encryption type. 0 = None, 1 = CSEv1
user.sharing.editable bool true Whether or not the editable option should be set by default for a new share. Not writeable if sharing disabled.
user.sharing.resharing bool true Whether or not the resharing option should be set by default for a new share. Not writeable if sharing or resharing disabled.
user.session.lifetime int 600 The session lifetime in seconds
server.version string - The Nextcloud version of the server, e.g. "20" string - The app version of the server, e.g. "2020.9"
server.baseUrl string - The base url of the server
server.baseUrl.webdav string - The base url of the WebDav service used for file storage
server.sharing.enabled bool true Whether or not sharing is enabled globally
server.sharing.resharing bool true Whether or not resharing shared entities is enabled globally
server.sharing.autocomplete bool true Whether or not the auto-complete request works
server.sharing.types array ["user"] List of supported sharing types.
server.theme.color.primary string #745bca The color of the current Nextcloud theme
server.theme.color.text string #ffffff The text color of the current Nextcloud theme
server.theme.color.background string #ffffff The background color of the current Nextcloud theme
server.theme.background string - The url to the current Nextcloud background image
server.theme.logo string - The url to the logo of the current Nextcloud theme
server.theme.label string "Nextcloud" The name of the Nextcloud instance string - The url to the current svg app icon
server.theme.folder.icon string - The url to the current svg folder icon
server.handbook.url string - The base url of the in-app user handbook
server.performance int 2 An integer value indicating the server performance preference. 0 is a slow server where requests should be avoided (max 1 simultaneous request), 5 is a fast server which can handle many requests (x * 3 simultaneous requests), 6 is for unlimited requests.
client.* - null The client scope allows client defined keys


  • The server.theme.background image might have a transparent background. In this case the background color should be server.theme.color.
  • The client scope allows keys with up to 48 characters, excluding client.
  • The client scope allows values with a maximum length of 128 characters
  • The client scope is shared between all clients

The get action

Get the value of one or more settings. This action accepts an array of strings where each value is the name of one setting.


Arguments Type Default Required Description
first setting string - yes The name of the first setting
second setting string - no The name of the second setting

Return value

The success status code is 200 Ok. The return value is an object with the requested settings. Each key of the object is a setting and the value is the value of the setting.


  • The Enhanced API also offers the option to get a single setting
  • If the setting is not defined, it will default to null
  • Accessing an undefined setting in the client scope will not create it

The set action

Set the value of one or more settings. This action accepts an object where each key is the name of a setting and the value is the new value


Arguments Type Default Required Description
first setting mixed - yes The first setting to be set
second setting mixed - no The second setting to be set

Return value

The success status code is 200 Ok. The return value is an object with the updated settings and their new value.


  • The Enhanced API also offers the option to set a single setting
  • If the scope is not writable, the setting will not be saved and default to null in the return value
  • If the setting is not defined in the user scope, it will not be saved and default to null in the return value
  • If the size limitations of the client scope are exceeded, an error will be returned

The reset action

Reset the value of one or more settings. This action accepts an array of strings where each value is the name of one setting.


Arguments Type Default Required Description
first setting string - yes The name of the first setting
second setting string - no The name of the second setting

Return value

The success status code is 200 Ok. The return value is an object with the cleared settings. Each key of the object is a setting and the value is the value of the setting.


  • If you reset a setting in the client scope, it will be deleted and no longer appear in the list action
  • If the setting does not exist, the value will be null

The list action

Lists all settings within a scope.


Arguments Type Default Required Description
scopes array - no An array with the names of all requested scopes as value

Return value

The return value is a JSON formatted object with all settings from the requested scopes.


  • If a scope has been specified, only the values of this scope will be returned
  • If the specified scopes do not exist, te return value is an empty array
  • If no scope has been defined, all existing settings will be returned

Known client settings

Setting Type Default Allowed Values Description
client.ui.section.default string all all, favorites, folders, tags, recent Which section to show when the app ist loaded
client.ui.password.field.title string label label, website Which field to use as title of a password
client.ui.password.field.sorting string byTitle byTitle, label, website Sort passwords by this field instead of the label. byTitle means use the title setting string password password, username, url, details Copy the choosen attribute to clipboard when the user clicks on the password oropen the details view.
client.ui.password.dblClick.action string username password, username, url, details Copy the choosen attribute to clipboard when the user double clicks on the password oropen the details view. bool false - Show "copy to clipboard" options in the password menu bool false - Show the user name in the list view bool false - Show custom fields with the type data in the ui bool false - Show tags in the list view bool false - Show search section in navigation bool true - Start search when user types bool true - Start global search when user hits enter
client.settings.advanced bool false - Show advanced settings
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