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Reuben L. Lillie edited this page Jul 11, 2019 · 2 revisions

C. A. Imhoff

The Rev. C. A. Imhoff served as the second district superintendent for the Pittsburgh District Church of the Nazarene from 1909 to 1912.

This theme is for use with the static site generator Eleventy.

The repository is specifically designed to be loaded as a Git submodule inside a site’s includes directory (e.g., /src/includes/ in pghnaz projects).

Template Language

This theme is written entirely in semantic HTML, native CSS, and vanilla JavaScript.

All template files are written either as Eleventy JavaScript templates or JavaScript functions. (See the coding standards in the wiki). This repository does not utilize any of Eleventy’s other supported template languages.

Included in this repository

This repository contains the following items that are common to the root site and subdomains for the Pittsburgh District Church of the Nazarene.

Filters, shortcodes, and other JavaScript functions defined in this repository must be imported into the Eleventy configuration file (.eleventy.js) for a given site. These functions must also pass the Eleventy config argument as a parameter. For example:

// .eleventy.js
var socialMeta = require('./src/includes/shortcodes/social-meta')

 * Eleventy’s configuration module.
 * @module .eleventy
 * @param {Object} eleventyConfig 11ty’s config argument.
 * @returns {Object} 11ty’s optional Config object.
 * @see {@link 11ty docs}
module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {

     * Function calls to included shortcodes


NOT included in this repository

Any layouts, filters, shortcodes, or other template functions that reference site-specific Eleventy collections or data sets should be defined in the Eleventy configuration file for that site.

  1. Welcome
  2. Setup
  3. Coding Standards
    • HTML (in /
    • CSS (in /
    • JavaScript (in /
  4. Color Scheme
  5. Style Guide
  6. Layouts
    • 404.11ty.js
    • base.11ty.js
    • calendar.11ty.js
    • contact.11ty.js
    • content.11ty.js
    • collection.11ty.js
    • eventList.11ty.js
    • map.11ty.js
    • search.11ty.js
  7. Filters
  8. Shortcodes
  9. Client-Side JavaScript
    • search.js
  10. Other static assets
    • Badges
    • Branding
    • Fonts
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