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Reuben L. Lillie edited this page Jul 17, 2019 · 1 revision

In order to use the C. A. Imhoff theme, you’ll need to have completed the following steps:

  1. Install Git
  2. Install Node.js
  3. Install Eleventy
  4. Install C. A. Imhoff as a Git submodule
  5. Configure site files

Accessing the command line and using Git

If you are a total beginner or could stand to brush up your skills, then watch this four-video tutorial series by Brad Schiff explaining the basics of command line, Git, and GitHub.

You can read more in Git’s official documentation.

Install Node.js

The static site generator Eleventy runs inside a program called Node.js. If you do not already have Node installed on your computer, then download and follow Node’s instructions for your operating system for the latest long-term support (LTS) version.

Install Eleventy

If you do not already have Eleventy installed, then follow Eleventy’s “Getting Started” instructions.

Add C. A. Imhoff theme as a submodule

You can load the C. A. Imhoff theme inside any 11ty installation as a Git submodule with the following command.

~$ git submodule add ELEVENTY_INPUT_DIRECTORY

NB, ELEVENTY_INPUT_DIRECTORY will be whatever your input is set to in .eleventy.js (by default, 11ty sets this as _includes/, but with C. A. Imhoff it should be src/includes/)

Configure site files

Create a file named src/data/site.json. You can see an example of what this file should contain at pghnaz/

  1. Welcome
  2. Setup
  3. Coding Standards
    • HTML (in /
    • CSS (in /
    • JavaScript (in /
  4. Color Scheme
  5. Style Guide
  6. Layouts
    • 404.11ty.js
    • base.11ty.js
    • calendar.11ty.js
    • contact.11ty.js
    • content.11ty.js
    • collection.11ty.js
    • eventList.11ty.js
    • map.11ty.js
    • search.11ty.js
  7. Filters
  8. Shortcodes
  9. Client-Side JavaScript
    • search.js
  10. Other static assets
    • Badges
    • Branding
    • Fonts
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