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TT AvData Teleconference 17 March 2021

BL Choy edited this page Mar 30, 2021 · 15 revisions


2020-March-17, 13:30-15:00 UTC, Microsoft Teams


  1. Review previous actions
  2. Outcomes of ICAO WG-MIE/7 meeting worth mentioning (Choy)
    • Versioning of IWXXM
    • IWXXM Extensions
    • Metadata for meteorological information
    • MET over SWIM
      • WIS 2.0 and MET-SWIM
      • MET-SWIM architecture and service requirements
    • Relaxation of TAC Constraints in IWXXM
    • Map projection
    • New design incorporating existing information requirements contained in METAR/SPECI, Local Routine/Special Reports and any new requirements from stakeholders
    • New MET information requirements (VONA and QVA) for Amendment 81
  3. IWXXM code list repository on GitHub (Choy, Anna and Jan)
  4. IWXXM 3.1-dev
    • Applicable date (Enrico)
    • Granularity of the validation page on wiki (All)
    • Weather Objects and WAFS SIGWX Forecast (All)
  5. Schedule next meeting
  6. CoB


Review previous actions

(Previous Minutes)

  1. Ask Enrico: Could we release/make applicable/operational on 4 November (same as the second applicable date mentioned in Annex 3) instead: While it was not critical, it would be nice to have the FT process ends sooner than Nov 16. This should be kept in mind when submitting the proposal for FT.
  2. All to review the content of the wiki page and provide comments on the team's discussion board: No comments on the discussion board so far. Mark would like more information about the kind of tests the process is looking for. Choy indicated that the page documented the changes made to the IWXXM schemas and the test instances used to confirm proper implementation. Team members involved in the validation process were expected to make sure that the implementation conformed to the requirements and the tests made were adequate. So the amount and depth of information provided on the wiki page could affect the effectiveness of team members' work. This discussion would be kept open and members were encouraged to feedback.
  3. All to take a look at the weather objects and comment as necessary: No feedback so far. This would be discussed in the meeting.

Outcomes of ICAO WG-MIE/7 meeting worth mentioning (Choy)

  1. Versioning of IWXXM:
    • During the ICAO meeting there was no objection to using the new way (see /wmo-im/iwxxm/wiki/New-proposal-on-IWXXM-versioning).
    • There was a discussion about also versioning the code table, how this versioning relates to the IWXXM versioning, and how it should be presented in the Code URL (see Issue /wmo-im/IWXXMCodeLists/issues/11). DECISIONS: Codelists will be a column in the version table. The IWXXM version changes when a code table changes, even when none of the schemas change.
    • Can we implement this new versioning method now? Enrico: yes, but we need to consider what goes in the Manual on Code (MoC) and how to include it in the schemas. ACTION: Enrico and Anna research options for representing the version table in the MoC and consider how we can simplify what is in the MoCs. e.g. the WaterML just has a link to the schemas.
  2. IWXXM Extensions: There was an agreement to request a portal to hold state extensions, but no one knows who was going to be responsible for this. WMO could host, be WMO could not be responsible for the content. MIE was thinking of this but it would probably not affect this team.
  3. Metadata for meteorological information: Enrico: What is the purpose of this metadata? Discovery? Choy: Metadata would be required for both discovery and description (what it is, how they are measured) of the MET information provided in a SWIM service. Enrico: A framework would be required. Choy: That would be a MIE activity which he would be leading.
  4. MET over SWIM: Still unclear how existing message exchange framework and procedures would be changed with the introduction of the SWIM environment and services through identified technologies/protocols like AMQP, Web/RESTful services, etc. A MIE activity would explore on this topic.
    • WIS 2.0 and MET-SWIM: Enrico: WIS 2.0 and SWIM would not communicate because they use different messaging protocols. SWIM would not be a part of WIS, but they would interact somehow.
    • MET-SWIM architecture and service requirements: Not much change so far, but one should anticipate a possible significant change once the study on MET over SWIM had completed.
  5. Relaxation of TAC Constraints in IWXXM: While members of MIE were in general consensus that IWXXM should become more feature and content rich that TAC with time, the meeting only supported a couple of proposed relaxations (number of RVRs reported and temperature precision). The leap-frog could be achieved by the introduction of new IWXXM containers with high fidelity data.
  6. Map projection: MIE agreed that TAC and IWXXM could deviate in describing the shape of weather phenomenon, but a higher number of points in conjunction with smaller distances between then could reduce possible errors resulting from re-projecting and displaying on different kind of map projections.
  7. New design incorporating existing information requirements contained in METAR/SPECI, Local Routine/Special Reports, and any new requirements from stakeholders: A MIE activity would explore new IWXXM containers that could support all these requirements in a coordinated way.
  8. New MET information requirements (VONA and QVA) for Amendment 81: For team members' early information.

IWXXM code list repository on GitHub (Choy, Anna, and Jan)

Jan is working on adding CSVs, Mark Hedley will create scripts to create TTL and upload them to Codes Registry. These would go through an FT process. The cloned BUFR tables will stay as-is for now. Jan should have the CSVs ready within this week. Once finalized the team would be working on changes on top of it.

IWXXM 3.1-dev: Postponed to the next meeting.

  1. Schedule next meeting: 31 March, same time
  2. Choy offered to conduct an overview of the Schema generation with Enterprise Architect. Details to be confirmed offline.
  3. CoB


  • Codelists will be a column in the version table. The IWXXM version changes when a code table changes, even when none of the schemas change. The team still needs to consider other use cases (e.g. user wants to use an older version of a code with a newer version of the schema)



  • BL Choy
  • Dirk Zinkhan
  • Mark Oberfield
  • Yann Génin
  • Ján Korösi
  • Anna Milan
  • Xiaoxia Chen
  • Enrico Fucile
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