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TT AvData Teleconference 2023 Jul 20

BL Choy edited this page Jul 20, 2023 · 6 revisions


2023-Jul-20, 12:00-13:00UTC, Microsoft Teams


  1. Welcome
  2. Outcome of MIE/10:
  3. Items for discussion:
    • This action extends Matt's paper on IWXXM change management process presented in MIE/6.
    • There are currently two possible needs to change IWXXM:
      1. In relation to changes in requirements in ICAO Annex 3 or PANS-MET
        • A revised workflow is adopted by the task team since the TT-AvData online meeting in 3 Nov 2021 to better align with the Annex 3/PANS-MET update cycle.
        • No matter how hard TT-AvData works, they can only make IWXXM published close to the applicable date of ICAO Annex 3 (normally Nov of the same year the document gets approved).
        • Activity 2.7 b) intends to tell those proposing changes to Annex 3/PANS-MET inducing changes to IWXXM that they may need to defer applicable date of the requirements involved to give time for implementation and deployment of changes in accordance to Annex 15.
        • Matt's study note suggested that for a minor change it may need a total (notification-release-developer-operational) of 2+6+4 AIRAC cycles and for a major change a total of 2+12+4 AIRAC cycles for deferment.
        • Those proposing changes to Annex 3/PANS-MET may also need to understand whether the change to IWXXM is minor or major.
      2. In relation to bugs discovered and urgent fixes are required
        • So far this only happened for just one time and that involves patches (i.e. non-schema changes like schematron and documentation) to IWXXM.
        • Further discussions are required to deal with the implementation and deployment of IWXXM in this case, in particular on who to determine the applicable date.
    • For WMO, whether a manual is published, it is effective and application at the same time. We may want to see if "applicable date" can be applied as this will affect the workflows of the situations above.

Discussions and actions

  • The four stages mentioned in Section 2.2 of Matt's SN involve changes to relevant hardware and software to produce, exchange and consume IWXXM reports.
  • These stages do not exist before the introduction of IWXXM, as the production and consumption of TAC messages are basically human related and there is no need to touch the content of the message during exchange.
  • The stages are focusing on the amount of effort (major/large or minor/light) to implement changes to IWXXM. It would be better to use terms other than "major" and "minor" to discriminate from the terms "major", "minor" and "patch" used in versioning of IWXXM sub-packages, as they do not necessarily link with one another.
  • In addition to the timeline of implementing changes to IWXXM mentioned in the SN, the two scenarios mentioned in the agenda (viz. changes to Annex 3/PANS-MET or bug fix) indicate the timelines before the implementation and can be included in the SN for completeness. Time period in AIRAC cycles may not be suitable for use with these scenarios as they make reference to calendar dates.
  • Attendees were of the view that the SN for MIE/11 should invite METP to consider the impact of their proposed changes to Annex 3/PANS-MET to IWXXM and determine the appropriate applicable date of the changed/new Annex 3/PANS-MET requirement(s) after the publication of revised IWXXM schemas to cater for the four stages.
    • Guidance may be required to help WG members to evaluate the impact to IWXXM and expected implementation time of the four stages.
  • For bug fixes, as a "planned applicable date" is not available, ICAO should be responsible to determine one during the announcing of the publication of a new version of IWXXM. WMO should remind ICAO in the discussion on how ICAO promulgate publication of new IWXXM version.
    • Since bug fixes are most likely to involve a minor or patch version change, a pragmatic approach is to invite ICAO to decide pre-determined periods (e.g. moderate or light effort required) so that TT-AvData can choose from.
  • As Matt's SN had been written for several years the time span may need to be revised. The most effective way to do so is to seek views from HMEI (Anna to get in touch with Jan of TT-AvData) and operators (via Matt) and put them into the draft SN to seek views from the broader community.


  • Anna ask IBL (Jan) how long it usually takes them to implement the timelines (from notification to operational release).
  • Matt to seek views from operators on the implementation timelines.
  • Anna to continue discussion with Jun on the promulgation of publication of new IWXXM versions, and also the need for applicable date for bug fix scenario.
  • Matt will prepare a new SN for MIE/11.


  • Matt Wagner
  • Anna Milan
  • BL Choy
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