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VONA And QVACI Design Review Teleconference 2023 Nov 2

BL Choy edited this page Nov 2, 2023 · 22 revisions


2023-Nov-2, 02-03 UTC, Webex


  1. Welcome
  2. Review agenda
  3. Review of the designs of IWXXM VONA and QVACI
      • Representation of a volcano:
        <iwxxm:MeteorologicalFeature .../>
            <gml:identifier .../>
            <iwxxm:issueTime .../>
                <aixm:Unit .../>
            <iwxxm:phenomenonTime .../>
            <iwxxm:phenomenon xlink:href=""/>
                <gml:Point .../>
                    <iwxxm:name .../>
                    <iwxxm:IAVCEINumber .../>
                    <iwxxm:sourceElevation .../>
                    <iwxxm:activityStatus .../>
                    <iwxxm:lastVolcanicAshEmission .../>
                    <iwxxm:onsetTime .../>
      • Representation of re-suspended volcanic ash:
        <iwxxm:MeteorologicalFeature .../>
            <gml:identifier .../>
            <iwxxm:issueTime .../>
                <aixm:Unit .../>
            <iwxxm:phenomenonTime .../>
            <iwxxm:phenomenon xlink:href=""/>
                <gml:LinearRing .../>
                    <iwxxm:height .../>
      • Representation of a volcanic ash cloud:
        <iwxxm:MeteorologicalFeature .../>
            <gml:identifier .../>
            <iwxxm:issueTime .../>
                <aixm:Unit .../>
            <iwxxm:phenomenonTime .../>
            <iwxxm:phenomenon xlink:href=""/>
                <iwxxm:ElevatedLevel .../>
                    <iwxxm:heightSource .../>
                    <iwxxm:movement .../>
      • Representation of the VONA collection:
        <iwxxm:VolcanoObservatoryNoticeForAviation ...>
            <gml:identifier .../>
            <iwxxm:boundingPeriod .../>
            <iwxxm:boundingVolume .../>
            <iwxxm:phenomenaList xlink:href=""/>
            <iwxxm:phenomenaList xlink:href=""/>
            <iwxxm:issueTime .../>
                <aixm:Unit .../>
            <iwxxm:phenomenonTime .../>
                <!-- Representation of a volcano or re-suspended volcanic ash -->
                <!-- Representation of a volcanic ash cloud -->
            <iwxxm:starteOrRegion .../>
            <iwxxm:noticeNumber .../>
            <iwxxm:currentColourCode .../>
            <iwxxm:previousColourCode .../>
            <iwxxm:contacts .../>
            <iwxxm:remarks .../>
            <iwxxm:nextNotice .../>
      • Representation of a volcano (same as IWXXM VONA), with iwxxm:IAVCEINumber, iwxxm:sourceElevation, iwxxm:activityStatus, iwxxm:lastVolcanicAshEmission and iwxxm:onsetTime as optional items
      • Representation of a volcanic ash cloud:
        <iwxxm:MeteorologicalFeature .../>
            <gml:identifier .../>
            <iwxxm:issueTime .../>
                <aixm:Unit .../>
            <iwxxm:phenomenonTime .../>
            <iwxxm:phenomenon xlink:href=""/>
                <iwxxm:ElevatedVolume .../>
                    <iwxxm:ashDensityCategory .../>
                    <iwxxm:ashDensityEqualsOrExceeds .../>
      • Representation of the QVACI collection:
        <iwxxm:QuantitativeVolcanicAshConcentrationInformation ...>
            <gml:identifier .../>
            <iwxxm:boundingPeriod .../>
            <iwxxm:boundingVolume .../>
            <iwxxm:phenomenaList xlink:href=""/>
            <iwxxm:phenomenaList xlink:href=""/>
            <iwxxm:issueTime .../>
                <aixm:Unit .../>
            <iwxxm:phenomenonTime .../>
                <!-- Representation of a volcano (position, name, and may be IAVCEI Number too) -->
                <!-- Representation of a volcanic ash cloud -->
                <!-- More volcanic ash clouds -->
            <iwxxm:dispersionModelInitialisationTime .../>
            <iwxxm:dispersionModelSourceElevation .../>
            <iwxxm:dispersionModelAshCloudHeight .../>
  • Real life examples are available (vona-A7-1.xml and qvaci-Example.xml).
  • It is interesting to see the description of an area of re-suspended ash source only involves an average height of the ash field but not the lower and upper boundaries. It might be worth to have at least the upper boundary as an optional reporting item in case the vertical extend of this source is significant?
  • Note that the geometry of a volcanic ash cloud in VONA (which only contains vertical extent) is different from that in a QVA (which is a 2.5D volume). Ditto the associated properties (iwxxm:heightSource + iwxxm:movement Vs iwxxm:ashDensityCategory + iwxxm:ashDensityEqualsOrExceeds). It would be interesting to see if the two can be generalized into a single representation without violating the VONA TAC template.
  • Another point is that gml:identifier uniquely identifies a VONA message, QVACI message, as well as the volcano, re-suspended volcanic ash and volcanic ash cloud. Theoretically, online systems can be set up to provide messages or WxObjects using a URL with the gml:identifier as the filtering parameter. WG-MOG may want to determine how gml:identifier is created for the messages and WxObjects. Initial thoughts on definitions of codeSpace include:

Discussions and actions

  1. Paula asked:
    • Whether there are indications that an IWXXM VONA message is being translated from a TAC VONA message: (Choy) There are attributes describing translations being made on behalf of the TAC originating centre and they are avialble in all IWXXM messages by default.
    • How to handle the case where a centre is issuing an IWXXM VONA on behalf on another, for example in a fallback situation: (Choy) Normally iwxxm:originatingCentre only documents the actual centre that prepares the message. The IWXXM schemas will have to be revised if we want to document the "on behalf" arrangement. (Paula) It may suffix to include this information in iwxxm:remarks for the time being.
  2. Choy enquired if gml:Point is enough for the description of the geometry of a volcano. Paula mentioned that it is a general practice to use a point to describe the location of a volcano. There exist cases in which the potential region for eruption is so large so that the location of "the volcano" will have to be changed after an eruption has occurred. (Choy) In that case a constraint will be added to mandate the use of gml:Point until the community has changed their practice.
  3. Choy enquired if gml:LinearRing together with the average height of the ash field is sufficient for the description of an area of re-suspended volcanic ash. Paula indicated that cases involving re-suspended ash are rare and the boundary is probably the best endevour observatories can be made. (Choy) In that case a constraint will be added to mandate the use of gml:LinearRing until there are requests to relax the use.
  4. Choy enquired if a 2.5D representation similar to what is being used in QVACI to describe volcanic ash cloud instead of iwxxm:ElevatedLevel in VONA. Paula mentioned that the ash cloud an observatory is trying to describe during an eruption will look more like a straight line or a narrow cone pointing up. It is also difficult for observatories to provide lateral boundaries of the volcanic ash cloud. Therefore providing volcanic ash cloud height is probably the best they can do. (Choy) So a constraint will be added to mandate the use of iwxxm:ElevatedLevel for the geometry of volcanic ash cloud in VONA.
  5. Paula confirmed that the position will be a unique identifier of a volcano which can have no name and/or IAVCEI number at the time of report. She, however, also mentioned that the position of the volcano in the same series of VONA may change with time due to the volcanic activities involved. Choy indicated that the gml:identifier is used to identify an instance of the WxObject describing a volcano and its activity. It is possible to include additional attributes in the volcano WxObject to chain up the gml:identifier of all volcano WxObject instances to allow the user to see the variation of the volcano instance from one time to another. However, there is no use case of this capability right now, and we will wait until such needs arise.
  6. Choy mentioned that the codeSpace in gml:identifier can be used to describe the taxonomy of the WxObject or messages involved which can help the searching of information in information systems. He has provided some examples of codeSpace and Paula will discuss with members of the workstream to see if there is anything they want to do with it before TT-AvData submits the revised IWXXM schemas to WMO FT2024-2 by mid-2024.
  7. As Choy understands that UK may be the first of the VAAs to provide QVACI he will contact Karen to see if her team can take a look at the draft schema and may be developing some additional examples for illustration.


  • BL Choy
  • Paula Acethorp
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