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wthaem edited this page Dec 5, 2020 · 9 revisions

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Main menu overview

(Global QMT actions)

Menu location Menu entry Shortcut Checkable Exclusive Tooltip
Setup (Main menu) . . . . .
Ext. Tools - - - Setup paths to external tools, like gdalwarp etc.
Setup Units - - - Setup Units
Setup Coord. Format - - - Change the format coordinates are displayed
Show Tool Help - true - -
View (Main menu) . . . . .
Flip Mouse Wheel - true - Flip Mouse Wheel
Window (Main menu) . . . . .
Tools - true - -
Shell - true - -
? (Main menu) . . . . .
Help F1 - - -
About - - - -

(Overview derived from commit af90f636 - 2020-11-27 08:06:29 +0100)


  • True in the column Checkable marks a menu entry which has an on/off state (checked/selected or not checked/not selected).
  • The menu entry Window - Tools is not active.

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