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Haxe Script API: Pre‐Imported Libraries

Meme1079 edited this page Dec 25, 2024 · 1 revision


Libraries Packages Description
FlxG flixel Helper class for audio, input, camera system, debugging, and other properties.
FlxSprite flixel Sprite class for graphics, animations, movement, etc.
FlxCamera flixel Camera class for displaying within the game's visuals.
FlxMath flixel.math Mathematical class, list of common math-related functions and constants.
FlxTimer flixel.util Timer class, the amount of given time passed.
FlxTween flixel.tweens Tween class, create smooth interpolations and animations easily.
FlxEase flixel.tweens Static class for useful ease functions that can be utilize by tweens.
FlxRuntimeShader flixel.addons.display Shader wrapper class, for shaders which takes fragment and vertex sources.
ShaderFilter openfl.filters Shader class for filtering.
StringTools String class, list of common string-related functions.

Psych Engine

Libraries Packages Description
Playstate states Playstate class for gameplay properties and data.
Paths backend Paths class for getting paths certain files and/or folder.
Conductor backend Conductor class for charting properties and data.
ClientPrefs backend ClientPrefs class for getting stored option setting values.
Achievements backend Achievements class for easy soft-coded achievement implementation.
PsychCamera backend Extension class for FlxCamera class for lerping and stopping from snapping at higher framerates
BaseStage.Countdown backend Enumerated class within the BaseStage class, for each countdown ticks.
Character objects Character class for easy soft-coded character implementation.
Alphabet objects Alphabet class for custom graphic texts.
Note objects Note class for manipulating its properties.
HScript.CustomFlxColor psychlua Color class, replacement since the FlxColor class uses abstracts.
CustomSubstate psychlua Substate class for easy customization of substates.
FlxAnimate flxanimate Animate class for Adobe Animate's texture atlases player.
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