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Lua Script API: Custom Sprite

Meme1079 edited this page Dec 25, 2024 · 1 revision

Sprite Functions

makeLuaSprite(tag:String, ?image:String = null, ?x:Float = 0, ?y:Float = 0):Void

Initializes the creation of a sprite object. This will not add the sprite object immediately into the game yet.

  • tag - The unique tag name for the sprite object to inherit for later use.
  • image - An optional parameter, the given image graphic for the sprite to render; starts within the images folder directory.
  • x - An optional parameter, the specified x-position value of the sprite object to be set at; Default value: 0.
  • y - An optional parameter, the specified y-position value of the sprite object to be set at; Default value: 0.

makeAnimatedLuaSprite(tag:String, ?image:String = null, ?x:Float = 0, ?y:Float = 0, ?spriteType:String = "auto"):Void

Initializes the creation of a sprite object that supports animation. This will not add the sprite object immediately into the game yet.

  • tag - The unique tag name for the sprite object to inherit for later use.
  • image - An optional parameter, the given image graphic for the sprite to render; starts within the images folder directory.
  • x - An optional parameter, the specified x-position value of the sprite object to be set at; Default value: 0.
  • y - An optional parameter, the specified y-position value of the sprite object to be set at; Default value: 0.
  • spriteType - An optional parameter, An optional parameter, the sprite's atlas format to use when playing animations. Atlas formats are a bunch of data for each of the sprites corresponding animation to play. The most common one is sparrow for xml files; Default value: auto.
    • sparrow - A group of animation images into one large sprite-sheet, with a provided XML file for each animation frames; Alternative values: sparrowatlas, or sparrowv2.
    • packer - A single animation images into a single sheet, with a provided TXT file for each animation frames;
      Alternative values: packeratlas, or pac.
    • aseprite - A group of pixel-art images into one large sprite-sheet, with a provided JSON file for each animation frames; Alternative values: ase, json, or jsoni8.

addLuaSprite(tag:String, ?front:Bool = false):Void

Adds the given sprite object into the game. Once a sprite object has been added it will overlap the previous added object. Causing the recently added object to be placed in front of every object in the game.

  • tag - The given sprite object name tag to add within the game.
  • front - An optional parameter, whether the given sprite object will be in-front of every object, regardless of any overlaps; Default value: false.

removeLuaSprite(tag:String, ?destroy:Bool = true, ?group:String = null):Void

Removes the given sprite object from the game.

  • tag - The given sprite object name tag to remove from the game.
  • destroy - An optional parameter, whether the given sprite object will be permanently removed or not; Default value: true.
  • group - An optional parameter, the specified group to remove sprite object within it.

Sprite Graphic Functions

makeGraphic(tag:String, width:Int = 256, height:Int = 256, color:String = 'FFFFFF'):Void

Makes a flat colored square graphic, an alternative to images.

  • tag - The given sprite object name tag to make a colored square graphic.
  • width - An optional parameter, the specified width value in pixels to inherit; Default value: 256.
  • height - An optional parameter, the specified height value in pixels to inherit; Default value: 256.
  • color - An optional parameter, the specified color value to render; Default value: FFFFFF.

loadGraphic(tag:String, image:String, ?gridX:Int = 0, ?gridY:Int = 0):Void

Loads a new embedded image for the sprite object to render from.

  • tag - The given sprite object name tag to load a new image.
  • image - The given image graphic for the sprite to load and render.
  • gridX - An optional parameter, the specified width grid for the animated sprite object to render; Default value: 0.
  • gridY - An optional parameter, the specified height grid for the animated sprite object to render; Default value: 0.

Sprite Animation Functions

addAnimation(tag:String, name:String, frames:Array<Int>, framerate:Int = 24, loop:Bool = true):Void

Adds an animation to the given sprite object.

  • tag - The given sprite object name tag to add an animation.
  • name - The given animation name to inherit for later use.
  • frames - The indices indicating what animation frames to play in what order.
  • framerate - An optional parameter, the given FPS for the animation to play; Default value: 24.
  • loop - An optional parameter, whether the animation will loop after finishing; Default value: false.

addAnimationByPrefix(tag:String, name:String, prefix:String, framerate:Int = 24, loop:Bool = true):Bool

Adds an animation by the prefix within its animation XML file to the given given sprite object. Returns true, if the addition works properly.

  • tag - The given sprite object name tag to add an animation by its prefix.
  • name - The given animation name to inherit for later use.
  • prefix - The given prefix name within the animation XML file to play with.
  • framerate - An optional parameter, the given FPS for the animation to play; Default value: 24.
  • loop - An optional parameter, whether the animation will loop after finishing; Default value: true.

addAnimationByIndices(tag:String, name:String, prefix:String, indices:String, framerate:Int = 24, loop:Bool = false):Void

Adds an animation by indicating what frames to play an animation to the given given sprite object.

  • tag - The given sprite object name tag to add an animation by each of its indices.
  • name - The given animation name to inherit for later use.
  • prefix - The given prefix name within the animation XML file to play with.
  • indices - The indices indicating what animation frames to play in what order.
  • framerate - An optional parameter, the given FPS for the animation to play; Default value: 24.
  • loop - An optional parameter, whether the animation will loop after finishing; Default value: false.

playAnim(tag:String, name:String, forced:Bool = false, ?reverse:Bool = false, ?startFrame:Int = 0):Bool

Plays an animation to the given sprite object. Returns true, if the playing works properly.

  • tag - The given sprite object name tag to play an animation.
  • name - The given animation name to play an animation.
  • forced - An optional parameter, whether the animation will restart while animation is currently playing; Default value: false.
  • reverse - An optional parameter, whether it will play it in reverse or not; Default value: false.
  • startFrame - An optional parameter, the specified starting frame for the animation to play at; Default value: 0.

addOffset(tag:String, name:String, offsetX:Float, offsetY:Float):Bool

Adds the given offset of the animation. Returns true, if the offseting works properly

  • tag - The given sprite object name tag to add offset to an animation.
  • name - The given animation name to add offset to.
  • offsetX - The specified offset by x-position to add.
  • offsetY - The specified offset by y-position to add.

loadFrames(tag:String, image:String, spriteType:String = "sparrow"):Void

Loads an animation to the given sprite object, if said object doesn't have animation supported.

  • tag - The given sprite object name tag to load an animation.
  • image - The given image graphic for the sprite to render; starts within the images folder directory.
  • spriteType - An optional parameter, An optional parameter, the sprite's atlas format to use when playing animations. Atlas formats are a bunch of data for each of the sprites corresponding animation to play. The most common one is sparrow for xml files; Default value: auto.
    • sparrow - A group of animation images into one large sprite-sheet, with a provided XML file for each animation frames; Alternative values: sparrowatlas, or sparrowv2.
    • packer - A single animation images into a single sheet, with a provided TXT file for each animation frames;
      Alternative values: packeratlas, or pac.
    • aseprite - A group of pixel-art images into one large sprite-sheet, with a provided JSON file for each animation frames; Alternative values: ase, json, or jsoni8.

See Also

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