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Lua Script API: Event Callbacks ‐ Toggleability

Meme1079 edited this page Dec 25, 2024 · 1 revision


Event callbacks have a special ability to completely disable their functionality together. This special functionality can be used for creating custom functionality for that callback or just completely disabling it. To disable the callback's functionality completely, just return the Function_Stop variable within the said callback to disable.

Other variables similar to Function_Stop variable like Function_StopLua, Function_StopHScript, and Function_StopAll can be used here also. They will disable the callback in different scripting languages such as Lua or HScript. For a basic example—returning the Function_StopLua variable will disable the said callback in Lua, but not in HScript.


This will disable the ability for the game-over screen to appear, if theres no health left.

function onGameOver()
     return Function_Stop

Toggleable Callbacks


The table section Affected Callbacks, reffer to any affected event callbacks when that callback is disable.

Event Callbacks Description Affected Callbacks Availability
onEndSong() Disables the song to end None Lua, HScript
onRecalculateRating() Disables the rating calculations of the score. None Lua, HScript
onGameOver() Disables the ability of the game-over screen
appearing in game.
None Lua, HScript
onPause() Disables the ability of pausing the game. None Lua, HScript
preUpdateScore() Disables the score text updating. onUpdateScore() Lua, HScript
onStartCountdown() Disables the starting of the countdown. onCountdownStarted() Lua, HScript
goodNoteHit() Disables the HScript version
of the callback from getting triggered.
goodNoteHit() Lua
opponentNoteHit() Disables the HScript version
of the callback from getting triggered.
opponentNoteHit() Lua
goodNoteHitPre() Disables the HScript version
of the callback from getting triggered.
goodNoteHitPre() Lua
opponentNoteHitPre() Disables the HScript version
of the callback from getting triggered.
opponentNoteHitPre() Lua
onKeyPressPre() Disables the input system to work. onKeyPress(), onGhostTap() Lua, HScript
onKeyReleasePre() Disables the strum note animations playing. onKeyRelease() Lua, HScript


Plays a video cutscene before the countdown begins immediately. It checks to see whether both the variables seenCutscene and allowCountdown, a local variable, are either false to each-other. If both are false, it plays a video followed by setting the local variable allowCountdown to true, thus re-enabling the callback to start the countdown.

local allowCountdown = false
function onStartCountdown()
     if allowCountdown == false and seenCutscene == false then
          startVideo('your_cutscene') -- Plays a video cutscene; insert your video file from "videos/name.mp4"
          allowCountdown = true       -- Sets the 'allowCountdown' to true to re-enable the callback
          return Function_Stop        -- Disables the callbacks' functionality
     return Function_Continue         -- Re-enables the callbacks' functionality, after playing the video

The callback onRecalculateRating(), has been disabled; disabling the rating calculations. Thus making a custom rating calculations for the score, in the code below it uses a reverse accuracy, inaccuracy. This done by modulating the current totalPlayed and totalNotesHit variables then dividing by the totalPlayed variable.

local function round(num, decimals) -- rounding function
     local mult = 10^(decimals or 0)
     return math.floor(num * mult) / mult

function onUpdateScore(miss)
     local totalPlayed   = getProperty('totalPlayed')   -- Gets the total note hits and misses
     local totalNotesHit = getProperty('totalNotesHit') -- Gets the total note hits

     local ratingReverseFormula = totalPlayed % totalNotesHit / totalPlayed         -- reverse accuracy
     local ratingReverse        = math.max(round(ratingReverseFormula * 100, 2), 0) -- rounding and filtering shit
     local newScoreTxt = 'Score: '..score..' | Misses: '..misses..' | '..'Inaccuracy: '..ratingReverse ..'%'
     setProperty('scoreTxt.text', newScoreTxt)

function onRecalculateRating()
     return Function_Stop
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