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Mathew Thorpe edited this page Aug 30, 2021 · 1 revision
Variable / Field Name Section Header Field Type Field Label Choices or Calculations
crf1b_version radio CRF1B Version Completed 1, Unversioned / eConsent ; 2, 1.0 ; 3, 1.1 ; 4, 1.2 ; 5, 1.3 ; 6, 1.4 ; 7, 1.5 ; 8, 2.0
crf1b_date text Date of completion
crf1b_eth 1) Further demographics radio a) Ethnicity 1, (1) White - English / Welsh / Scottish / Northern Irish / British ; 2, (2) White - Irish ; 3, (3) White - Gypsy or Irish Traveller ; 4, (4) White - Any other White background ; 5, (5) Mixed/ Multiple Ethnic Backgrounds - White and Black Caribbean ; 6, (6) Mixed/ Multiple Ethnic Backgrounds - White and Black African ; 7, (7) Mixed/ Multiple Ethnic Backgrounds  - White and Asian ; 8, (8) Mixed/ Multiple Ethnic Backgrounds  - Any other Mixed/ Multiple ethnic background ; 9, (9) Asian/ Asian British -  Indian ; 10, (10) Asian/ Asian British - Pakistani ; 11, (11) Asian/ Asian British - Bangladeshi ; 12, (12) Asian/ Asian British - Chinese ; 13, (13) Asian/ Asian British - Any other Asian background ; 14, (14) Black/ African/ Caribbean/ Black British - African ; 15, (15) Black/ African/ Caribbean/ Black British - Caribbean ; 16, (16) Black/ African/ Caribbean/ Black British - Any other Black/ African/ Caribbean background ; 17, (17) Other ethnic group - Arab ; 18, (18) Other ethnic group - Any other ethnic group ; NK, Prefer not to say
crf1b_eth_other text Other Ethnicity
crf1b_edu radio b) Education (highest level completed) 0, None ; 1, Primary school ; 2, Secondary school (GCSE level, NVQ level 1/2 or equivalent, typically age 16) ; 3, Sixth form college (A-levels, NVQ level 3 or equivalent, typically age 18) ; 4, Vocational qualification (NVQ level 4 or equivalent) ; 5, Undergraduate university degree or NVQ level 5 or equivalent ; 6, Post-graduate qualification ; 7, Prefer not to say
crf1b_income radio c) Annual household income 1, < £19,000 ; 2, £19,001- £26,000 ; 3, £26,001 - £35,000 ; 4, £35,001 - £48,000 ; 5, > £48,001 ; 6, Prefer not to say
crf1b_disability_yn radio d) Do you have a disability? 1, Yes ; 0, No ; 2, Prefer not to say
crf1b_disability_desc notes If yes, how would you describe your disability?
crf1b_living_arrangements radio e) Are you currently? 1, Cohabiting ; 2, In a civil partnership ; 3, Married ; 4, Single (never married or never in a civil partnership) ; 5, Separated (but still legally married or in a civil partnership) ; 6, Divorced or civil partnership dissolved ; 7, Widowed or surviving partner from a civil partnership ; 8, Prefer not to say
crf1b_gender radio f) Gender 1, Male ; 2, Female ; 3, Intersex ; 4, Non Binary ; 5, If you prefer to use your own term, please describe below ; 6, Prefer not to say
crf1b_gender_desc notes Gender - Describe
crf1b_gender_identity radio g) Do you identify as the same identity you were assigned to at birth? 1, Yes ; 0, No ; 2, Prefer not to say
crf1b_english_lang1 radio h) Is English your first language? 1, Yes ; 0, No ; 2, Prefer not to say
crf1b_enrolled_in_study radio i) Are you enrolled in the "COVID Symptom Study" (King's College & ZOE team app) 1, Yes ; 2, No ; 3, Prefer not to say
crf1b_shielding 2) Exposure details: radio a) Shielding Status prior to COVID admission (select one) 1, Not ; 2, Voluntary shielding ; 3, Extremely vulnerable ; 4, Letter issued by HCP ; NK, Prefer not to say
crf1b_occupation_known radio b) Occupation 1, Enter below ; 0, Prefer not to say
crf1b_occupation text b) Occupation - Describe
crf1b_healthcare_worker radio c) Are you employed as Healthcare worker? 1, Yes ; 0, No ; NK, Prefer not to say
crf1b_household checkbox d) Who lives in the same household (select all that apply) 1, Spouse/partner ; 2, Children < 4 years ; 3, Children 4 - 16 years ; 4, Own/partner's children >16 years ; 5, Own/partner's parents < 75 years ; 6, Own/partner's parents >75 years ; 7, Other relatives who are adults ; 8, Other non-related adults ; NK, Prefer not to say
crf1b_caring radio e) Caring responsibilities 0, None ; 1, Primary carer of a child/children (under 18) ; 2, Primary carer of a disabled child/children ; 3, Primary carer or assistant of a disabled adult (over 18) ; 4, Primary carer or assistant for an older person/people (over 65) ; 5, Secondary carer (another person carries out main caring role) ; 6, Prefer not to say
crf1b_confirm_comorbids radio f) Co-morbidities - Please confirm list of comorbidities from CRF 1a section 9 with patient 1, Yes ; 0, No
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