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Mathew Thorpe edited this page Aug 30, 2021 · 1 revision
Variable / Field Name Section Header Field Type Field Label Choices or Calculations
moca_date text Date
moca_ve checkbox Visuospatial/Executive 1, Begin -> End ; 2, Copy cube ; 3, Draw clock - Contour ; 4, Draw clock - Numbers ; 5, Draw clock - Hands
moca_ve_points calc Visuospatial/Executive sum([moca_ve(1)], [moca_ve(2)],
[moca_ve(3)], [moca_ve(4)], [moca_ve(5)])
moca_naming checkbox Naming 1, Lion ; 2, Rhino ; 3, Camel
moca_naming_points calc Naming sum([moca_naming(1)], [moca_naming(2)],  [moca_naming(3)])
moca_mem_1 checkbox Memory 1st trial 1, FACE ; 2, VELVET ; 3, CHURCH ; 4, DAISY ; 5, RED
moca_mem_2 checkbox Memory 2nd trial 1, FACE ; 2, VELVET ; 3, CHURCH ; 4, DAISY ; 5, RED
moca_att checkbox Attention 1, Repeat digits in forward order ; 2, Repeat digits in backward order ; 3, Tap letter A ; 4, Subtraction - 93 ; 5, Subtraction - 86 ; 6, Subtraction - 79 ; 7, Subtraction - 72 ; 8, Subtraction - 65
moca_att_points calc Attention sum([moca_att(1)],[moca_att(2)],[moca_att(3)], if(sum([moca_att(4)],[moca_att(5)],[moca_att(6)],[moca_att(7)],[moca_att(8)])>=4, 3, if(sum([moca_att(4)],[moca_att(5)],[moca_att(6)],[moca_att(7)],[moca_att(8)])>=2,2, if(sum([moca_att(4)],[moca_att(5)],[moca_att(6)],[moca_att(7)],[moca_att(8)])=1, 1, 0))))
moca_lang_repeat checkbox Language Repeat sentence 1, Repeat 1 ; 2, Repeat 2
moca_lang_words text Language Words named within one minute
moca_lang_points calc Language sum([moca_lang_repeat(1)],[moca_lang_repeat(2)], if([moca_lang_words]>=11,1,0))
moca_abstract checkbox Abstraction Similarity between words 1, train - bicycle ; 2, watch - ruler
moca_abstract_points calc Abstraction sum([moca_abstract(1)],[moca_abstract(2)])
moca_recall checkbox Delayed recall Has to recall words WITH NO CUE 1, FACE ; 2, VELVET ; 3, CHURCH ; 4, DAISY ; 5, RED
moca_recall_opt_cat Delayed recall (Optional) checkbox With category cue 1, FACE ; 2, VELVET ; 3, CHURCH ; 4, DAISY ; 5, RED
moca_recall_opt_choice checkbox With multiple choice cue 1, FACE ; 2, VELVET ; 3, CHURCH ; 4, DAISY ; 5, RED
moca_recall_points calc Delayed recall sum([moca_recall(1)],[moca_recall(2)],[moca_recall(3)],[moca_recall(4)],[moca_recall(5)])
moca_orient checkbox Orientation 1, Date ; 2, Month ; 3, Year ; 4, Day ; 5, Place ; 6, City
moca_orient_points calc Orientation sum([moca_orient(1)],[moca_orient(2)],[moca_orient(3)],[moca_orient(4)],[moca_orient(5)], [moca_orient(6)])
mocal_total calc Total score sum([moca_ve_points], [moca_naming_points], [moca_att_points], [moca_lang_points], [moca_abstract_points], [moca_recall_points], [moca_orient_points])
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