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Mathew Thorpe edited this page Aug 30, 2021 · 1 revision
Variable / Field Name Section Header Field Type Field Label Choices or Calculations
urine_date text Date
up_done checkbox Please tick all tests that have been DONE 1, Urine albumin: creatinine ratio ACR ; 2, Protein: creatinine ratio PCR
acr_less_greater dropdown Albumin: creatinine ratio (ACR) - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
acr_result text Albumin: creatinine ratio (ACR) Result (mg/mmol)
acr_other_unit text Albumin: creatinine ratio (ACR) - If using a different unit other than (mg/mmol)
pcr_less_greater dropdown Protein: creatinine ratio (PCR) - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
pcr_result text Protein: creatinine ratio (PCR) Result (mg/mmol)
pcr_other_unit text Protein: creatinine ratio (PCR) - If using a different unit other than (mg/mmol)
urina_done Urinalysis checkbox Please tick all tests that have been DONE 1, pH ; 2, Specific gravity ; 3, Protein ; 4, RBCs ; 5, Leukocytes ; 6, Nitrates ; 7, Glucose ; 8, Ketones ; 9, Bilirubin
urina_ph_less_greater dropdown Urinalysis - pH - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
urina_ph text Urinalysis - pH
urina_grav_less_greater dropdown Urinalysis - Specific gravity - Select if test result provided is not an exact value 1, < (Less than) ; 2, > (Greater than)
urina_grav text Urinalysis - Specific gravity
urina_pro radio Urinalysis - Protein 1, Positive ; 0, Negtive ; 2, Trace
urina_rbc radio Urinalysis - RBCs 1, Positive ; 0, Negtive ; 2, Trace
urina_leu radio Urinalysis - Leukocytes 1, Positive ; 0, Negtive ; 2, Trace
urina_nit radio Urinalysis - Nitrates 1, Positive ; 0, Negtive ; 2, Trace
urina_glu radio Urinalysis - Glucose 1, Positive ; 0, Negtive ; 2, Trace
urina_ket radio Urinalysis - Ketones 1, Positive ; 0, Negtive ; 2, Trace
urina_urina_bili radio Urinalysis - Bilirubin 1, Positive ; 0, Negtive ; 2, Trace
urina_pro_detail text Urinalysis - Protein: Number of crosses
urina_rbc_detail text Urinalysis - RBCs: Number of crosses
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