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Mathew Thorpe edited this page Aug 30, 2021 · 1 revision
Variable / Field Name Section Header Field Type Field Label Choices or Calculations
wt_type radio Type of test 1, 6 Minute Walk Test ; 2, Incremental shuttle walk test (ISWT) Modified 15 level
wt_done yesno Completed 1, Yes ; 0, No
wt_visit radio Visit 1, 3 months ; 2, 12 months ; 3, Additional planned clinical visit
wt_date text Date completed
wt_aid yesno Walking aid 1, Yes ; 0, No
wt_aid_detail text Walking aid detail
wt_o2 yesno Supplemental oxygen during test 1, Yes ; 0, No
wt_o2_flow text Supplemental oxygen flow rate
wt_pre_hr text Pre-test heart rate
wt_pre_spo2 text Pre-test pulse oximetry (SpO2)
wt_pre_bp_sys text Pre-test blood pressure - systolic
wt_pre_bp_dia text Pre-test blood pressure - diastolic
wt_pre_bless text Pre-test BORG breathlessness (0 - 10)
wt_pre_legf text Pre-test BORG leg fatigue (0 - 10)
wt_post_hr text Post-test heart rate
wt_post_spo2 text Post-test pulse oximetry (SpO2)
wt_post_bp_sys text Post-test blood pressure - systolic
wt_post_bp_dia text Post-test blood pressure - diastolic
wt_post_bless text Post-test BORG breathlessness (0 - 10)
wt_post_legf text Post-test BORG leg fatigue (0 - 10)
wt_distance text Distance (m)
mt_level text Level achieved
mt_reason checkbox Reason for termination 1, Breathlessness ; 2, Leg fatigue ; 4, Breathlessness/Leg fatigue ; 3, Other
mt_reason_other notes Reason for termination - Other
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