Releases: Team-RTG/Realistic-Terrain-Generation
Releases · Team-RTG/Realistic-Terrain-Generation
World gen
- Re-decorated many vanilla biomes.
- Re-terrained a few BOP biomes, including the Crag.
- Re-terrained EB biomes.
- Reduced the number of dead valleys and flooded sections in mountainous biomes.
- Improved rivers - 50% wider, weaker big curves, added smaller curves for a more natural appearance, lowered river banks in general and stopped river canyons in biomes that don't have rivers.
- Removed various water features from biomes where they didn't work aesthetically.
Under the hood
- Various bug fixes and enhancements.
Coming soon...
This version is NOT backwards-compatible with previous versions. Please create a new world after installing RTG 0.7.0.
World Gen
- Changed default desert shadow block to white stained clay.
Mod compatibility
- Fixed bug where Natura only spawns blueberries.
- Fix crash with Arcana RPG related to NULL biome names.
Biome support
- Added support for AbyssalCraft (v1.8.9.6+).
- Added support for GrowthCraft (v2.5.0+, not yet released).
- Added support for Ridiculous World (v0.1+).
- Added support for Vampirism (v0.7.8.5+).
- Added support for LotsOMobs (v3.2.0+).
- Added support for TofuCraft (v2.1.6+).
- Added support for Forgotten Nature (v1.6.11+).
All of the newly-supported mods have example tweaks for BiomeTweaker, which can be found here.
Config options
- Added villageCrashFix config option - This config option was added to prevent 'java.util.ConcurrentModificationException' crashes related to village generation, specifically when RTG is used in conjunction with EnviroMine and/or when village frequency is increased.
- Added config: allowShrubsToGenerateBelowSurface - Shrub trunks only generate below surface if enabled.
- Added config option: "Generate only this biome ID" - If you enter a biome ID here, the whole world will consist of only that biome (and rivers). Set to -1 to generate the world normally.
- Updated example configs.
- Added localization file for Danish.
Under the hood
- Desert villages now generate in HOT+SANDY+DRY biomes.
- canSpawnStructureAtCoords() uses more accurate world coords.
- Force RTG to load after EnviroMine, if installed.
- Added 1.7 sourceCompatibility - In order to build from source, you will need to run the following commands separately, in this order:
gradlew cleanCache
gradlew setupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies
gradlew eclipse
gradlew clean
gradlew build
- findBiomePosition() now uses vanilla logic - This was necessary to allow Vampire Castles from Vampirism to generate properly.
- Changed OpenSimplexNoise to a suite - moved the actual functions to SimplexOctave.
- Refactored noise code.
- New version of OpenSimplexNoise & changes to existing routine to forward calls.
- New logging functionality.
- Manually setting temperature & rainfall values when creating RTG biomes. Because voodoo.
- Fixed a bug with the biome patcher crashing with this message: "Realistic patch biome -1 not found. Please make sure this biome is enabled."
This version should be backwards-compatible with worlds created with RTG 0.6 - however, please backup your worlds before updating just to be safe.
World gen
- Re-surfaced the following BOP biomes to use BOP top & filler blocks: Canyon, Canyon Ravine, Coniferous Forest, Dead Swamp, Moor, Ominous Woods, Sludgepit, Snowy Coniferous Forest & Wetland
- Re-surfaced the following EBXL biomes: Extreme Jungle, Green Hills
- Desert villages now generate with correct materials.
Config options
- "Patch Biome ID" - If RTG tries to generate an unsupported biome or a biome that has an ID conflict, it will generate this biome instead, rather than crashing with the message "No realistic version of biome X" or other similar messages. If set to -1, RTG will crash instead of generating the patch biome. We recommend that mod pack developers disable this option to make sure all biomes are generating correctly. (Defaults to vanilla Plains)
- Ravine frequency - This setting controls the number of ravines that generate. (Lower values = more ravines & more lag.)
- Surface options
- "Enable RTG Biome Surfaces" - If TRUE, uses the individual biome settings in the biome config files. If FALSE, disables all RTG surfaces and uses vanilla(ish) surfaces instead.
- "Use RTG Surfaces" - Same as above, but biome-specific.
- "RTG Surface: Top Block", "RTG Surface: Top Block Meta", "RTG Surface: Filler Block", "RTG Surface: Filler Block Meta" - Allows you to customize the top & filler blocks on a per-biome basis. If left blank, the biome’s default surface blocks will be used.
- "RTG Surface: Mix Block" & "RTG Surface: Mix Block Meta" - Some biomes have ‘mix’ blocks that are ‘mixed in’ with the main surface block. The vanilla Forest biome, for example, uses Grass as the Top Block and Podzol and the Mix Block. This setting allows you to customize the mix block.
Under the hood
- Updated AIC API to support ability to disable biome ids limit extending.
- Lots of refactoring of realistic biomes & surfaces.
IMPORTANT: This version is NOT backwards-compatible with previous versions of RTG
REMEMBER: Delete your RTG config folder before installing this version.
World gen
- Added ravines.
- Beaches lowered and land raised to reduce biome repair artifacts.
- Some biomes added to the "swamp" list (no beach repair) as well.
- Adjusted the floors for a number of hilly biomes to reduce the chance of large beach-level flat areas.
- Adjusted the centering for the neighborhood biome matrix.
- Rewrote the EB archipelago biomes to actually be archipelagos.
- Coastal biome adjustments - 1-block increase in heights for two biomes producing some very wide beaches.
- Updated rivers to use Simplex-cell noise and a much better curve function (disc-output noise)
- Bumped up Plains height by 1
Mod compatibility
- Now compatible with AIC 2.0, currently in closed Alpha (Thanks @Elix-x!!)
- Now compatible with Battle Towers again after fixing crash related to missing biome names.
- Now compatible with RFTools again after fixing issue related to null variables.
Config options
- Added new options for caves & ravines (enableRavines, enableCaveModifications, enableRavineModifications)
- Added biome config option for Logs.
- Added config option: allowTreesToGenerateOnSand
Under the hood
- Added new 'Simplex-Cell' noise.
- Lookup-table OpenSimplex 2D noise, Multi-eval OpenSimplex 2D noise, OpenSimplex 2D derivatives and disc-output noise.
- Fixed realistic biome names not getting set.
- Refactored external uses of WorldChunkManagerRTG for biome info to an interface for external testing.
- Added onWorldLoad event to log world seed.
- Refactored biome configs.
- Removed climatizedBiome() & broken climate code.
- Corrected "Wetland" misspelled as "Wetlands"
- Refactored RTG trees and removed unused IF/ELSE logic in some biomes' tree gen.
- Fixed crash with Highlands biomes set to -1
- Beach improvements
IMPORTANT: Requires Climate Control 0.4.beta36 if used in conjunction with any of RTG's supported biome-adding mods (e.g. BOP, EB, EBXL, Highlands, etc.)
World Gen
- Removed 'RTG biome layouts' - there is now only one type of biome layout for RTG and that is the vanilla biome layout.
- Massive improvement to the biome repair system - Removed inappropriate rivers; underwater now converted to ocean; and search for replacement now circular rather than square spiral
- Greatly reduced the amount of biota that bleeds from one biome to another
- Set minimum ocean floor to Y=30 for all oceanic biomes.
- Lowered beach sand level - Lowered the beach sand level to the repair level so unprepared beaches will stand out less
Highlands biomes:
- Bald Hill higher and made of mixed stone and dirt
- Glacier ice surface and half mountain height
- Outback sand red
- Snowy Island higher (to get it out of the water)
- Windy Island with Extreme Hills-ish decorations
- Woodland Mountain with much more dirt on mountains for more trees there
- Estuary shifts from sand to reeds with height
- Cliffs cliffs more irregular
- Savanna and Shrubland lake code removed (problems more often than lakes)
- Steppe plains area smoother but with some hilly roll
EB biomes:
- Cold Pine Forest changed to normal mountainous forest terrain
- Oak Forest changed to normal mountainous forest terrain
- Xeric Savanna reduced the amount of lakes
- Fixed crashing EB river biomes.
Config options
- Added biome config system - config files in the 'biomes' folder now contain a section for each biome, with biome-specific config options. Some of these options are present in all biomes, whilst others apply only to the biome they're in. Here are the config options we have implemented so far:
- Allow Villages (all biomes) - enables/disables villages in the biome
- Use RTG Decorations (all biomes) - if true, RTG will decorate the biome as it sees fit; if false, the biome will decorate itself as it would if RTG wasn't installed (note: this does not affect the shape of the terrain, only surface decorations)
- RTG Decoration: Palm Trees (vanilla Beach) - controls Palm Tree generation
- RTG Decoration: Cactus (vanilla Jungle biomes) - controls Cactus generation
- RTG Decoration: Cobwebs (vanilla Roofed Forest) - controls Cobweb boulder generation
- (Note: There is a global config option in rtg.cfg that allows you to disable RTG decorations globally if set to false. If set to true, the biome-specific settings will be used.
- Removed unused config options & moved some biome-related options to the biome configs
- Increased default frequency of villages & scattered features.
IMPORTANT: Requires Climate Control 0.4.beta35 if used in conjunction with any of RTG's supported biome-adding mods (e.g. BOP, EB, EBXL, Highlands, etc.)
- Improved coasts and beaches (beaches were raised slightly)
- Added preliminary support for Anti ID Conflict and Not Enough IDs - Thanks @Elix-x!
- Added a workaround for Minecraft bug resulting in missing vanilla biome ID 161 crashes - Thanks @KeepOnDigging!
- Reduced non-river rivers slightly - still not fixed completely, but definitely an improvement
- Raised oceanic biome floors - this should resolve a number of ocean-related issues