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Releases: Xlinka/NeosPlus


13 Sep 17:52
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What's Changed

  • Physics Nodes Addition: CentripetalForceNode, DragNode, KineticFrictionNode, RefractionNode by @Xlinka in #163

    • Description:
      • CentripetalForceNode: Introduced this node for calculating the centripetal force required to keep an object in a circular path.
      • DragNode: Implemented this node to compute drag force on objects based on different drag types.
      • KineticFrictionNode: Developed this node to calculate the kinetic friction between two surfaces.
      • RefractionNode: Added this node to simulate the refraction of light as it passes through different mediums.
  • Cheese Node by @Nytra in #152

    • Description: @Nytra introduced the Cheese Node, which is a hidden node joke added for amusement. It's a LogiX node named "Cheese" that serves no practical purpose other than providing some humor to the project.
  • Added Quantity Injector by @art0007i in #154

    • Description: @art0007i contributed the Quantity Injector, which was later modified by @Xlinka to load the 'NEOSPlus.Quantity' namespace for dynamic additions.
    • Quantity Additions:
      • Capacitance (Farad) - Added by @Xlinka
      • Data (KB, GB, TB) - Added by @art0007i
      • Decibel (dB) - Added by @Xlinka
      • Frequency (Hz) - Added by @Xlinka
      • Joules (Joules, Kilajoules, and others) - Added by @Xlinka
      • Lumens (Luminous Flux) - Added by @Xlinka
      • Magnetic Field (Gauss and Tesla) - Added by @Xlinka
      • Pressure (Pascal and Bar) - Added by @Xlinka
  • Add MultiValueArithmeticDriver Component by @Nytra in #146

    • Description: @Nytra contributed the MultiValueArithmeticDriver Component, which serves as a versatile calculator for performing arithmetic operations on multiple values of type T. This component can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division based on the specified mode, making it a valuable addition to NeosPlus.


  • Replace Broken Copy-to Plugin Functionality by @art0007i in #155

    • Description: @art0007i's contribution fixes the previously broken Copy-to Plugin functionality. This improvement involves a build script for Visual Studio that copies the DLL to the Neos plugin file path, ensuring it works as intended.
  • Fixed CI Configuration by @Xlinka in a58e6fb

    • Description: @Xlinka fixed the CI configuration (.github/workflows/ci.yml) to ensure that the workflow correctly downloads Neos to the right path for NeosPlus to build from on GitHub. This change ensures a smooth and proper workflow execution.

GitHub Changes

  • Create by @Xlinka in #158

    • Description: @Xlinka added a Feature Request template in PR #158 to streamline the process of submitting feature requests.
  • More Issue Templates by @Xlinka in #159

    • Description: @Xlinka contributed more Issue Templates in PR #159, making it easier for contributors to report issues effectively.
    • Additional Issue Templates:
      • Logix Node Request
      • Shader Request
      • Component Request
      • Feature Request
      • Bug Report
  • by @Xlinka in #161

    • Description: @Xlinka added a Pull Request template in PR #161, helping contributors create well-structured pull requests.
  • Security Vulnerability Readme by @Xlinka in #160

    • Description: @Xlinka contributed a Security Vulnerability Readme in PR #160 to address and mitigate potential security vulnerabilities.


26 Jul 20:17
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Neos+ Release Notes - Version v2023.07.26

New Logix Nodes:

LogiX/Slots/Get Children With Tag:

  • Description: This node takes a Slot input and returns the first child object with a specific tag. It is useful for finding specific objects with tags within a parent object.
  • Input:
    • Instance: The parent Slot from which children will be retrieved.
    • Tag: The tag to search for in the child Slots.
  • Output:
    • FoundChildren: A List of Slots that match the specified tag.


  • Description: This node extracts channel data from incoming ART-NET messages. ART-NET is a protocol used to control DMX lighting and other devices, so this node likely helps extract specific data from those messages.


  • Description: This node is used to establish a connection with an ART-NET receiver. It likely sets up the communication for receiving ART-NET data.


  • Description: This node receives data for a specific universe from an ART-NET source. In the context of ART-NET, a universe represents a separate group of DMX channels.

LogiX/Interaction/Grabbable/Find Grabbable:

  • Description: Takes a Slot input and returns the first Grabbable component from its parent objects. Useful for checking if an object can be grabbed. Grabbable components likely have properties related to interaction and grabbing behavior.
  • Input:
    • Instance: The Slot to check for grabbable components in.
  • Output:
    • Grabbable: The first Grabbable component found in the parent Slots (as an IGrabbable), or null if not found.


  • Description: This node is an operator that retrieves the value of a specified type T. It's a versatile node that can likely be used to extract various data types from inputs.
  • Input:
    • InputValue: The input value to be evaluated.
  • Output:
    • Value: The evaluated value of the input.

LogiX/References/Extract IDs:

  • Description: This node is used to extract IDs from references. It might be helpful for handling references and obtaining their unique identifiers.
  • Input:
    • Reference: The reference to extract the ID from.
  • Output:
    • ID: The extracted ID from the reference.

New Components:


  • Description: This component tracks when users enter or exit a slot's bounding box. It appears to be an improvement over ColliderUserTracker, as it doesn't require setting up a collider. Useful for tracking user interactions in specific areas.


  • Description: This component is a UDP client that receives ART-NET and DMX-512 data. It allows communication with devices that use the ART-NET protocol for lighting and other control purposes.
  • Usage: Use artnet://<ip>:6454 as the connection URL to receive ART-NET and DMX-512 data. Please ensure you have the required IP address specified in the URL.

Recommended Neos+ Launcher:

Neos Plus Launcher:

  • Description: We highly recommend using the Neos+ launcher for a seamless experience. The launcher now features a new UI and will download zips directly from GitHub, allowing the use of third-party libraries.
  • Repository: The Neos+ launcher can be found at When using the launcher, it will automatically download and install the latest release from the following URL: Link to the latest release

How to Support Us:

As always, we appreciate your support and welcome any feedback or suggestions for further improvements.


18 Jun 16:55
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We have some exciting new additions and updates to Neos+! Here are the details:

New Nodes:

LogiX/Input Devices:

  • ViveTrackerByBodyNode: This node retrieves the Vive tracker by body node, showing the charging status and battery percentage. Credit goes to @art0007i for the rework of these nodes.
  • ViveTrackerByIndex: This node allows you to get the Vive tracker by index, displaying the battery status and charging information. Again, credit goes to @art0007i for the rework.
  • ViveTrackerCount: Use this node to get the number of Vive trackers allocated to the user.


  • Random Euler Angles: Generate random Euler angles using this node.


  • Get Stock Price: Use the Yahoo Finance API to retrieve the stock price based on a tag, such as TSLA or APPL.
  • RSS Feed: Fetch RSS feed items using this node.


  • HMAC: Perform HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code) using this node. It supports the following algorithms:
    • MD5
    • SHA1
    • SHA256
    • SHA384
    • SHA512


  • IsUserEyeTracking: Check if a user has eye tracking enabled. The output will be either true or false.


  • Write to Log: Users can write to a log file on their system using this node.


  • Search YouTube Videos: Search for YouTube videos using this node. The output is a JArray for all items. You will need a YouTube API key, which can be easily obtained from Google. You can also set the search string and the maximum number of results to be searched. This node is designed to make it easy to implement players.


  • LightSourcesWizardPlus: This is an improved version of the old light wizard. Here are the enhancements:
    • Every action is undoable.
    • Distinction between multiplying and setting.
    • No limit to the float value input (previously limited from 0 to 8, now from 0 to Infinity).
    • Added the ability to filter by tag or color within the provided variance.

We would like to give credit to @art0007i for the rework of the Vive tracker nodes. We appreciate their contributions to improving the Neos+ experience!

Additionally, we want to acknowledge the work of @ProbablePrime for updating the Neos+ launcher to the MVVM standard. The launcher now features a new UI and will download zips directly from GitHub, allowing the use of third-party libraries.

We now encourage the use and community updates to the launcher to ensure that users can easily keep up to date with the latest releases, including hotfixes. This will provide a seamless experience and ensure that everyone benefits from the most recent improvements and bug fixes.

The Neos+ launcher can be found at When using the launcher, it will automatically download and install the latest release from the following URL: Link to the latest release.


As always, we appreciate your support and welcome any feedback or suggestions for further improvements.

Patreon -
Latest Dll - Link to the latest release

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out!


12 Apr 20:57
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What's new


  • CoinGecko Node: A new node has been added to access current gas prices and market token prices.
  • Current gas price node: This node allows you to access the current gas price of a transaction on the Ethereum network.
  • Market token price node: This node allows you to access the current market price of a specified cryptocurrency.
  • More Encode and Decode Nodes have been added, including:
    • DecodeMorse: This node allows you to decode Morse code.
    • EncodeMorse: This node allows you to encode text into Morse code.


  • Mobius strip component: This component allows you to create procedural meshes in the shape of a Mobius strip.
  • Menger sponge component: This component allows you to create fractal meshes in the shape of a Menger sponge.


  • NeosPlusGrid world template: A new world template has been added that uses a GridMesh for the ground instead of a Quad Mesh to avoid floating point issues at scale 1000 and a Neon Pastel Gridspace floor opposed to the light one originally, The Skybox is also a Projection360Material not a Procedural Sky Material the floor also comes default as Parallax and not PBS.


  • Unlit Displacement shader: This new shader has been added to enhance the visual experience. It was added on the request of Neos-Metaverse/NeosPublic#1338.
  • Crystal shader: Useful for glass or glasses from -
  • Flame Shader: Flame Shader there is some cool stuff you can make with this examples in #development spawning the material will come with default textures.


  • Hardware injector: This new feature allows you to call classes before Neos loads, which will hopefully allow for custom hardware to be loaded and expand the plugin's capabilities in the future for adding our own hardware support.

Other updates

  • Formatting and a link to the installer have been updated by @sirkitree in #123.
  • Morse encode / decode nodes have been added by @Frozenreflex in #122.
  • NeosPlus launcher: A new launcher has been created at This will automatically download a new release and launch it when the install button is pressed. This needs further bug testing and support, so please submit issue requests.

We hope you find these new updates and improvements exciting! As always, we welcome your feedback and suggestions for future features and improvements.

Thank you for your continued support of NeosPlus.

Patreon -


20 Oct 08:22
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What's Changed

  • Archive of old Hologram Shader And updated by @LeCloutPanda in #114

  • Updated by @LeCloutPanda in #117

    • fixed shaders to use sliders instead of value boxes to reflect the shader code in a more accurate manner
  • Move to modern csproj format, cleanup by @Frozenreflex in

##What's new

*Shader Source code in .shader unity format is now provided if people would like to provide updates to the shaders.


04 Oct 21:54
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Announcement for 04/10/22

What's Changed

##What's new
*’ Collections’ by @Frozenreflex in #76
‘New Logix Nodes’

Collections/All Users

‘New Components’



27 Sep 16:06
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What's new

Custom Shaders from Pull requests will be reviewed in. shader format we will not be providing the tools to compile them to .neoshader any shader must not replicate an already existing material or provide a means to crash users.

  • Added ‘Shader Support’, by @LeCloutPanda & @art0007i in
    Hologram Shader
    Uses Global position in world to have a vertical scrolling gradient that is Black to white (Black Transparent, White Opaque) This is ‘Ramp Texture’.
    The following are the Options Within the Hologram Shader.
  • Scale - Changes Scale of Ramp Texture.
  • Scroll Speed - How fast the Ramp Texture Scrolls
  • Fresnel Color - Base Color of Fresnel
  • Fresnel Strength - Intensity of the Color
  • Fresnel Power - Fresnel Exponent
    Colored Ramp Textures do work, they are averaged out to grayscale.

Test Shader
Changes Color Based on relative view direction to the user viewing the shader this is used to test if the shaders are currently present and working.

  • ‘HTTP Request Node with Headers’ by @Lexevolution in
    Supported request types:

Request Headers Support:
Allows newline separated request headers
No default headers are included, so necessary headers need to be added manually

Formatting example:

Content-Type: application/Json
Content-Length   : 134569
Authorization: bearer token

Request Body:

Same format as the POST String node. Optional for some request types, not necessary for other request types. If included, requires the Content-Type header.
Will output pulses for Sent, Response and Error. Errors will spit out a response body. All outputs only last the duration of the pulse.

I would like to take this opportunity to now announce we have a patreon this is optional in supporting development of this plugin,
The funds from this patreon will be used as a community fund for hardware or bounties for code implementation. Pre-release copies of Neosplus in future might be handed out through the patreon before Tuesday releases for experimentation or bug testing.


20 Sep 21:35
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Announcement for 20/09/22

What's new


  • .gitattributes and .git-blame-ignore-revs by @Zandario in #94

  • .editorconfig by @Zandario in #95

  • Actions: Conflict Tag Manager by @Zandario in #97

  • Ci, Automatic Build Releases with Tag. by @ty802 in #98

  • Automatic PostX after build by @ty802 in

  • added Sierpinski Pyramid Mesh by @dfgHiatus in #103
    under assets -> Procedural meshes -> Sierpinski Pyramid

  • Custom Materials (Not currently Useable) by @LeCloutPanda in #104
    Due to how Neo Shaders are currently processed this is in a unusable state for now.

  • Added LOD wizard, general purpose map wizard by @dfgHiatus in #107

  • Map Wizards
    Extended Light Wizard
    Batch setting up and modifying lights in worlds
    This will allow users to set light intensity directly, set range of lights en masse, enhanced sort (IE by color, etc.), and more
    LOD Wizard
    Batch setting up and modifying LOD groups in worlds
    This will be based off of Unity LOD standard

Foremost i would like to apologize for skipping a release day due to i was away on holiday during the time.


06 Sep 19:40
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What's new

  • Added Dynamic mesh(es) by @jeanahelver in #88
    Dynamic meshes add several new Logix nodes under the Mesh category
    You can directly manipulate vertices and triangles. To visual changes call Refresh Mesh, this is done as an optimization.
  • Added cloth autopinning, custom slot candidate scanning by @dfgHiatus in #75 to the Cloth component requested by @Sox-NeosVR
  • Added ParseEnum node by @dfgHiatus in #84
    Related issue: Neos-Metaverse/NeosPublic#3545
  • Added AvatarRootSlot by @DoubleStyx in #86
  • Added ValueInequalityDriver by @dfgHiatus in #85
    Related issue: Neos-Metaverse/NeosPublic#3558
    Logical opposite of the ValueEqualityDriver
  • Added isPrimeNumber node by @rassi0429 in #81
  • Added IsUserScaling/SetUserScaling logix nodes
  • Added Epsilon constant node by @dfgHiatus in #83

What's Changed

  • Upgrade C# language version (7.3 => 10.0) by @art0007i in #87
  • Removed NearestUser as a duplicate Logix node.

What's Planned

  • Map Wizards
    Extended Light Wizard
    Batch setting up and modifying lights in worlds
    This will allow users to set light intensity directly, set range of lights en masse, enhanced sort (IE by color, etc.), and more

LOD Wizard
Batch setting up and modifying LOD groups in worlds
This will be based off of Unity’s LOD standard


30 Aug 22:01
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Announcement for 30/08/2022

  • Cloth sim for meshes by @dfgHiatus in
  • #64
    This component is an implementation of Unity’s built-in cloth simulation. The process is hardware accelerated, you can expect a good amount of cloth to be simmed!
    For static meshes, you need to tick “Readable” in the mesh settings for this to work.
  • check discord for how to do this. in #development
    Added cloth sphere and capsule colliders
    Added logic to add colliders to cloth components when they are present in the world
    You can find this on the inspector and on the interface card