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moggieuk edited this page Aug 5, 2024 · 14 revisions

Scratch pad TODO list

  1. DONE - Rewrite automated bowden calibration
  2. DONE - Finish homing measurement for non-homing extruder
  3. DONE - Pass params to RESUME
  4. Compression pin homing feedback for extruder (same as collision)
  5. DONE - Record the gate homing point with calibration so dead space can be added/subtracted for quick change
  6. DONE - Check that entry_to_extruder amount is added / subtracted too
  7. Virtual selector
  8. Switching drive gear
  9. Virtual servo (force sync KMS case)
  10. Prusa_servo mock class .. maybe make servo a separate class for this and #9
  11. Inattention time instead of retry on fail. Remove ‘retry_change_on_error’
  12. force_form_tip_standalone —> allow_slicer_form_tip or tip forming strategy form|slicer|cut
  13. MMU_STEP_FORM_TIP as separate step command -- currently bundled in MMU_STEP_UNLOAD_EXTRUDER
  14. Externalize ‘boot up tasks’ so users could add things like “check_gates”
  15. DONE - Remove sd_card pause..
  16. DONE - Disable gate runout during tool change -- maybe code encoder to disable that way too..?
  17. DONE - Ensure z_hop is correct if gcode offset is specified. E.g.
     {% set z_min = params.Z_MIN|default(0)|float %}
     {% set z_park = [[(act.z + park_dz), z_min]|max, (max.z - origin.z)]|min %}
  1. Add 'filament_temp' to gate_map. Also, pull from spoolman. Edit mmu_gate_map command
  2. DONE Centralize macro variables .. need to update for MMU_TEST_FORM_TIP
  3. DONE Deprecate printer.mmu.material .. Replaced with active_gate.material, active_gate.color, ...
  4. TODO For advanced calculated purge volumes
Not sure where I'm going with this.  It could be a calculated matrix based on all the referenced tools
assuming they have a pigment percentage (defaulting to 50%). Need to add a PIGMENT=[0-100] param. Or this
could be an orthogonal purge matrix available for filaments on mmu_gate_map. Need to add pigment. Hmmm.
Every update of pigment to gate map would recalc matrix and present as printer variable
        nozzle_volume = gcmd.get_int('NOZZLE_VOLUME', -1, above=0)
        multiplier = gcmd.get_int('MULTIPLIER', 100, above=0)
        algorithm = gcmd.get('ALGORITHM', 'linear')
        algorithms = ['linear', 'quadratic', 'hyperbolic']
        if algorithm not in algorithms:
            raise gcmd.error("ALGORITHM is invalid. Options are: %s" % algorithms]
  1. DONE - If EndlessSpool enabled and initial tool is empty, auto map to next gate
  2. DONE - Check comments on tool_tip_macro. Example:
variable_cooling_tube_position should have the comment: Measured from Nozzle to Top of Heater Block
variable_cooling_tube_length should have the comment: Measured from Top of Heater Block to Top of Heatsink
  1. DONE - Ensure that start/end g-code macros are no-op if mmu is disabled. Others should probably be too..
  2. DONE Double check EndlessSpool is still working - claim of hang on _M400...
  3. DONE Merge retract branch .. after completing. Note the change to "Cosmetic Options" in parameters .. need to update Wiki
  4. Update "Installation/Upgrade" wiki to include moonraker update manager example and screenshot
  5. DONE - Issue #292: don't wait for temp if in print and a new temp was set by slicer... (careful of corner cases and restart after cooled extruder..)
  6. DONE: now have min height floor in v270. Reported: Initial toolchange often occurs very close to bed. Would be 0mm if (z_hop=0, I think?). Is this true? Should there be a min for x/y movement? Then x/y would always be at minimum height...?
  7. DONE Spaghetti Noodle problem... after load when printing without sync, there can be a lot of slack in filament that can cause clog detection issue. Perhaps tighten the filament using gear motor once loaded...?
  8. DONE Maybe implement MMU_CALIBRATE_TOOLHEAD with no toolhead sensor idea...?
 # IF NO TS (currently not supported, but some ideas here)
    # IF "extruder" sensor:
        # Reverse home to "extruder" sensor with synced movement
        # --> Movement is `toolhead_entry_to_extruder` + `toolhead_extruder_to_nozzle`
        # Remember this
        # Home to extruder entrance using collision (not important to be accurate)
        # [Filament is now tight against extruder and under compression]
        # Reverse home to extruder sensor
        # Distance moved is approximately `toolhead_entry_to_extruder`
        # --> `toolhead_extruder_to_nozzle` = Early recorded movement - ``toolhead_entry_to_extruder`
        # NOTE: the above is flawed because filament cannot be retracted evenly -- it tends to spring and jerk
        #       But it could be compared with calibrated length - "a homing move to the extruder sensor"
    # Else: # NO "extruder" sensor (or TS):
        # Ideas:
        # 1. to use gate as homing point .. almost certainly too far away to be accurate
        # 2. Use stallguard on extruder stepper to sense the nozzle .. will work IF stallguard set well
        #    Move 5-10mm synced to ensure clean transition into extruder
        #    Move 100mm extruder only, "touch" homing move
        #    Measured distance is `toolhead_entry_to_extruder`
  1. DONE: Add gate_autoload param 0/1 to enable disable autoload feature. Default to 1.
  2. DONE Add endless_spool_waste_gate param. -1 = current gate (default), 0-n = designated gate. If a designated gate then pre-gate sensors are automatically excluded. Implement the special waste gate unloading...
  3. DONE Implement z_hop_ramp parameter and action
  4. DONE: Implement MMU_CHECK_GATE ALL=1 semantic change
  5. DONE: Ensure mmu_server works with "push" and old database
  6. Add HH install to Kiauh
  7. Make BTT MMB v2 live
  8. Bleeding edge branch of Danger Klipper fails .. extruder stepper change related
  9. DONE: Review encoder measure loading and unloading distances -- seem to have deviated from the real gear movement
  10. DONE: Related to #40 .. Issue #348 ... not adding encoder to gate sensor adjustment to encoder reading
  11. Determine the single step movement difference that causes "step compress" errors and point out on startup (could also dynamically adjust). Explore the possibility of NOT send empty movements if that is the true source of the error.

Reference Markdown so I don't forget


Highlights information that users should take into account, even when skimming.


Optional information to help a user be more successful.


Crucial information necessary for users to succeed.


Critical content demanding immediate user attention due to potential risks.


Negative potential consequences of an action.

    initialized --> started: <i>(print_start)</i>
    note left of initialized: reset
    standby --> started: <i>(print_start)</i>
    note left of standby: idle_timeout
    ready --> started: <i>(print_start)</i>
    started --> printing
    printing --> complete: (print_complete))
    printing --> error: (print_error)
    printing --> cancelled: CANCEL_PRINT
    printing --> PAUSE: <center><i>mmu error</i><br>or MMU_PAUSE</center>
    state PAUSE {
        direction LR
        pause_locked --> paused: (MMU_UNLOCK)
    PAUSE --> printing: RESUME
    participant Alice
    participant John
    links Alice: {"Dashboard": "", "Wiki": ""}
    links John: {"Dashboard": "", "Wiki": ""}
    Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you?
    John-->>Alice: Great!
    Alice-)John: See you later!
  flowchart LR;
      A[CI MULTI CHAPTCHA]-->B{Select captcha service by developer?};
      classDef green color:#022e1f,fill:#00f500;
      classDef red color:#022e1f,fill:#f11111;
      classDef white color:#022e1f,fill:#fff;
      classDef black color:#fff,fill:#000;
      B--YES-->C[How to use?]:::green;
      C-->U[I choose recaptcha.]:::green;
      U--Views-->Q["echo CIMC_JS('recaptcha');\n echo CIMC_HTML(['captcha_name'=>'recaptcha']);"]:::green;
      C-->I[I choose arcaptcha.]:::white;
      I--Views-->O["echo CIMC_JS('arcaptcha');\n echo CIMC_HTML(['captcha_name'=>'arcaptcha']);"]:::white;
      C-->X[I choose bibot.]:::red;
      X--Views-->V["echo CIMC_JS('bibot');\n echo CIMC_HTML(['captcha_name'=>'bibot']);"]:::red;
      B--NO-->D[How to use?]:::black;
      D---Views:::black-->F["echo CIMC_JS('randomcaptcha');\n echo CIMC_HTML(['captcha_name'=>'randomcaptcha']);"]:::black; 
 1. Introduction
 2. Installation
 3. Essential Configuration
 4. Calibration
 5. Operation


 6. Slicer-MMU Setup


 7. Tuning
 8. Optional Feature Setup
 9. Advanced Configuration
 10. Advanced Concepts
11. Quick References

12. Troubleshooting
13. FAQ
14. MCU Board Reference 🆕
15. Change Log

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