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"Talk matter" Guide book of the Role for The Featured Topic Master

Hoseock Choi edited this page Sep 16, 2020 · 5 revisions

Unlike News session, Featured Topic session is where Guests and Participants can actively share their opinion(even interrupt while you present).

As the session leader, you are recommended to prepare the topic that can be either informative(people can ask question more and interact to share the knowledge) or discussable and if you decided to have discussion, please be active discussion facilitator.

Before the session begin, you are expected to share what type of session it will be(either information sharing or discussion oriented), and what's the expected action from all the participants.

In this session, people tend to talk more freely than other session so if you are making presentation or conduct the debate session, please give more chance to the people to voice up as long as it's related to the topic.


  • Prepare the participants centered topic for the discussion, education, workshop etc
  • Prepare some questions for the Guests.
  • Conduct the session with host.

Before the show

  • Set the purpose of your Featured topic session and send the the materials to the host 1 day before the meeting.
  • Explains "what you will do" and "what you expect the host to do" to your host so that he can support you during the featured topic session
  • Make sure to be familiar to the tools that you need to use (like how to present in zoom, online tool for the meeting)

During the show

  • Have ice breaking time with host to explain what's the type of the session will be
  • Let the audience knows about what they can do and what they shouldn't do during the session
  • Conduct the session and mediate the interruption to move forward
  • Try to be positive, creative, encourage the people to join during the session

What's important?

Featured Topic Master can choose any topic from the scratch, you can share the information, lead education session, workshop, discussion. It's important to let audience knows what's expected to do. So make clear guide message before starting the session.

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