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Talk matters Season3 9th meeting 2020 12 03 Agenda

Hoseock Choi edited this page Dec 3, 2020 · 4 revisions

Host - Hoseock


2020 is the year that I may remember for the rest of my life because there have been so much changes during this 1 year. For example, my view on South Korea and Japan relationship has changed, and while the all other world has stopped with corona virus, I thought I should run to have better position when everything get back to norm again.

And interestingly, we have news related to the relationship between south korea and japan today, I look forward to see what's it about

Hello everyone, welcome to the Talks matter, and I'm your host Hoseock.

News Briefing, Domestic issue - BigEye (16 min)

World News - Sunny (16 min)

Featured Topic - Brian (23 min)

  • Why are apartment prices soaring?

Evaluation Session - KT (5 min)


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