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VD Language Study 7th 2020 11 25 Agenda

Hoseock Choi edited this page Nov 25, 2020 · 2 revisions
  • Host: Hoseock
  • News: Coronavirus: Retail workers 'scared' as cases surge
  • Questions
    • How is the covid19 situation in USA or other countries?
    • When do you think we will have treatment or vaccine?
    • there is growing number of people who deny to get jap of vaccine, how do you think?
    • Is there any country you want to visit after covid 19 pandemic is over?
    • What are the biggest worry of the employee who is working during this pandemic?
    • Why do you think it's difficult to prevent this kind of worry?
    • If you are the president or chair person to do some measure to prevent covid 19, what do you want to do first?
    • Why is it so difficult to prevent spreading of virus?
    • How retail company can increase the their profit even during this kind of pandemic?
    • What could be the things that the company can do for their employee?
    • What could be changed permanently and what could be return backed to pre covid after this pandemic is over?
    • Where is the country that you want to visit the first after covid19 is over and why?
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