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Github Repository : openSUSE/libgnomesu
Translation Project Page : https://l10n.opensuse.org/projects/libgnomesu/
Bug Description : Different Capitalization, Punctuation and Quotation Marks
Command : pofilter --excludefilter=untranslated --excludefilter=isfuzzy glossary-libgnomesu-lt.po
Output :
# (pofilter) doublequoting: Different quotation marks
# (pofilter) startpunc: Different punctuation at the start
msgid "Basic"
msgstr "„Basic“ kalba, beisiko kalba"
# (pofilter) startpunc: Different punctuation at the start
# (pofilter) brackets: Added '[', ']'
msgid "boot memory"
msgstr "[operacines sistemos] ikelimo atmintis"
# (pofilter) startpunc: Different punctuation at the start
# (pofilter) brackets: Added '[', ']'
msgid "boot record"
msgstr "[operacines sistemos] paleidimo irašas"
# (pofilter) brackets: Added '(', ')'
msgid "cell"
msgstr "narvelis (atminties)"
# (pofilter) doublequoting: Different quotation marks
# (pofilter) startpunc: Different punctuation at the start
msgid "ECMAScript"
msgstr "„ECMAScript“ kalba"
# (pofilter) doublequoting: Different quotation marks
# (pofilter) startpunc: Different punctuation at the start
msgid "Gopher"
msgstr "„Gopher“ sistema"
# (pofilter) startcaps: Different capitalization at the start
# (pofilter) simplecaps: Different capitalization
# (pofilter) long: The translation is much longer than the original
# (pofilter) acronyms: Consider not translating acronyms: IT
msgid "IT"
msgstr "informacines technologijos"
# (pofilter) doublequoting: Different quotation marks
# (pofilter) startpunc: Different punctuation at the start
msgid "Java"
msgstr "„Java“ kalba, javos kalba"
# (pofilter) doublequoting: Different quotation marks
# (pofilter) startpunc: Different punctuation at the start
msgid "JavaScript"
msgstr "„JavaScript“ kalba, javaskripto kalba"
# (pofilter) doublequoting: Different quotation marks
# (pofilter) startpunc: Different punctuation at the start
msgid "JScript"
msgstr "„JScript“ kalba"
# (pofilter) doublequoting: Different quotation marks
# (pofilter) startpunc: Different punctuation at the start
msgid "Lisp"
msgstr "„Lisp“ kalba, lispo kalba"
# (pofilter) simplecaps: Different capitalization
# (pofilter) doublequoting: Different quotation marks
# (pofilter) startcaps: Different capitalization at the start
# (pofilter) startpunc: Different punctuation at the start
msgid "mathematics markup language"
msgstr "„MathML“ kalba"
# (pofilter) simplecaps: Different capitalization
# (pofilter) doublequoting: Different quotation marks
msgid "Mozilla public license"
msgstr "MPL licencija, „Mozillos“ viešoji licencija"
# (pofilter) doublequoting: Different quotation marks
# (pofilter) startpunc: Different punctuation at the start
msgid "Pascal"
msgstr "„Pascal“ kalba, paskalio kalba"
# (pofilter) doublequoting: Different quotation marks
# (pofilter) startpunc: Different punctuation at the start
msgid "Perl"
msgstr "„Perl“ kalba"
# (pofilter) doublequoting: Different quotation marks
# (pofilter) startpunc: Different punctuation at the start
msgid "Prolog"
msgstr "„Prolog“ kalba, prologo kalba"
# (pofilter) brackets: Added '(', ')'
msgid "sampling"
msgstr "meginiu emimas (atranka)"
# (pofilter) doublequoting: Different quotation marks
msgid "yes-no decision"
msgstr "atsakymas „taip-ne“"
# (pofilter) startpunc: Different punctuation at the start
# (pofilter) brackets: Added '[', ']'
msgid "application software"
msgstr "[taikomoji] programine iranga"
# (pofilter) brackets: Added '(', ')'
msgid "dashed horizontal"
msgstr "gulscioji (horizontalioji) brukšniuote"
# (pofilter) brackets: Added '(', ')'
msgid "dashed vertical"
msgstr "stacioji (vertikalioji) brukšniuote"
# (pofilter) brackets: Added '(', ')'
msgid "annotate"
msgstr "rašyti (daryti) pastaba(-as)"
Other Information : Using languagetool.org Public API
Github Repository : fr3ts0n/AndrOBD/wiki
Translation Project Page : https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/androbd/
Bug Description : Different Capitalization
Command : pofilter --excludefilter=untranslated --excludefilter=isfuzzy glossary-androbd-en.po
Output :
# (pofilter) simplecaps: Different capitalization
# (pofilter) acronyms: Consider not translating acronyms: NRC
msgid "NRC"
msgstr "Negative result code"
# (pofilter) simplecaps: Different capitalization
# (pofilter) acronyms: Consider not translating acronyms: VIN
msgid "VIN"
msgstr "Vehicle identification number"
Other Information : Using languagetool.org Public API
Github Repository : osmandapp/Osmand
Translation Project Page : https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/osmand/
Bug Description : Different Capitalization, Punctuation and Quotation
Command : pofilter --excludefilter=untranslated --excludefilter=isfuzzy glossary-osmand-hu.po
Output :
# (pofilter) singlequoting: Different quotation marks
# (pofilter) startpunc: Different punctuation at the start
# (pofilter) startcaps: Different capitalization at the start
msgid "Bathroom Furnishing Store"
msgstr "' Fürdőszoba-felszerelés és -fürdőszobabútor bolt'"
# (pofilter) singlequoting: Different quotation marks
# (pofilter) startpunc: Different punctuation at the start
msgid "Copy Store"
msgstr "'Fénymásoló '"
# (pofilter) filepaths: Different file paths
msgid "Dojo / Martial Arts Academy"
msgstr "Harcművészeti edzőterem - dojo"
# (pofilter) singlequoting: Different quotation marks
# (pofilter) startpunc: Different punctuation at the start
# (pofilter) startcaps: Different capitalization at the start
msgid "Food Bank"
msgstr "' Élelmiszerbank '"
Other Information : Using languagetool.org Public API