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Client Testing using Toolkit

Sunil Bhaskarla edited this page Nov 7, 2018 · 3 revisions

This page describes validation of client testing with Toolkit.


Historically, the XDS Public Registry service was used to support client-initiated testing for actors such as a Document Administrator (DocAdmin). The newer version of Toolkit is a direct replacement for the old XDS Public Registry.

See this page for the announcement on End-of-Life for the Public Registry.


This page describes Client Testing using Toolkit: How to Setup the Testing Environment, Receive messages, and Validate those messages.

At the moment, there are three applicable XDS actors to which this article applies. As an example for this article, the Document Administrator actor will be used. Each actor has a specific Test Environment setup instructions. You should read instructions on its Conformance Test Tool page. The Validation steps described in this page are common to all actors in the sense that the click-to-validate approach is the same. Validation runs a set of assertion plugins on each message of interest. Viewing the Testplan XML will display the set of plugins in use for the Test. If any one of the plugin fails, the test is marked as Failed, and the error messages will be displayed in the appropriate Test Section Detail table. The Troubleshooting section has some hints on how to identify the issue.

Using Toolkit

Creating a Test Session

A Test Session is required isolate your test messages from other test activity.

To create a new Test Session in Multiuser Toolkit mode, see this page.

  • See this page for general information on Test Session in Multiuser mode.

To create a new Test Session in Single user Toolkit mode follow the instructions below.

  1. On the top area of Toolkit, you will find a text box labelled "Test Session:." Enter a name for Test Session in the text box.

  2. Click Add.

Selecting an Actor/Profile/Option from the Conformance Overview page

Supported Actors

XDS Profile
  • Document Administrator

  • Document Source

  • Integrated Source/Repository

About the Document Administrator Test

The test contains three sections:
  • Init: In the role of an Integrated Source Repository, Toolkit initializes the supporting simulator with a Document Entry. The 'confidentialityCode' is initially set to 'U' (Unrestricted).

  • MetadataUpdate: The Document Administrator SUT performs an ITI-57 Update document Set, against the Document Entry submitted in the Init section, to update confidentialityCode to 'R' (Restricted).

  • Query: In the role of a Document Consumer, Toolkit queries the Registry to validate confidentialityCode was updated successfully.

Setting up the Test Environment

  1. Use the Conformance Tests link on the left-hand side Toolkit Menu to open the Conformance Test Tool page. (Clicking on the link takes you to an Overview page.)

    1. If you are not familiar with the Conformance Test Tool page, please take a moment to review the components of the Conformance Test Tool.

  2. Click the Document Administrator actor label to open the Document Administrator Actor Conformance Test Tool.

    1. You will notice an XDS Document Registry supporting simulator is automatically created for you. This will serve the purpose to receive messages from your system under test.

    2. If the Supporting Environment Configuration area’s Test 15817 is not displayed in green color code, re-initialize the Testing Environment by the following steps:

      1. Check the Reset checkbox.

      2. Click the Initialize Testing Environment button.

  3. Click on Test XdsDocAdminTest-1111 to open its Test Sections.

  4. Click the Run button on Section: Init.

    1. This action will deposit a test Document Entry that is the target for your system to perform a ITI-57 Metadata update.

    2. The Section should be green when it is completed successfully.

  5. Click the Init Section bar to open/view the Section details.

    1. Note important details such as the Patient Id, and the Document Entry’s "LID", and "Document01_uuid."

  6. The Test Environment is now ready for your system to send an ITI-57 for the Document Entry submitted in the Init section.

Configuring your system to send requests to a Toolkit simulator

  1. Configure your system to send the Metadata update to the "Update" endpoint as listed in the XDS Document Registry simulator endpoint table.

  2. Send an ITI-57 that updates the Init Section’s Document Entry’s confidentialityCode to 'R' (Restricted).

Validating a Test

  1. Click the Magnifying-glass-with-a-Checkmark icon to Validate your message.

  2. Click the Run button on the Section: Query section.

    1. When the entire Test is marked in green, your test passed.


Viewing Logs

  • You can view the Request/Response messages from a transaction using the Simulator Log link under the XDS Document Registry heading.

  • The MetadataUpdate Section will display a list of failed assertions in the Non-Validating Messages Failed Validations Table. The first column is link to the request/response message that failed the validation. Use the error messages in the log to help identify the cause of the problem.

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